Loken + Fanottem is just Hilarious (Control Warlock)

Submitted 1 year, 4 months ago by

Hello guys. I was just experimenting with new cards and I was able to hit my best setup for this deck. Here what it is;



The setup was; Playing Lor'themar Theron and then playing Loken, Jailer of Yogg-Saron to discover a 30/30 Fanottem, Lord of the Opera to summon a 30/30 Tentacle with Taunt and summon a 30/30 Giant with Forge of Wills. I can't be so happy after I did this.

Here is the deck I was using;


If you want to give it a try, you can add Symphony of Sins to the deck, it is a good tool but I don't have one unfortunately. I would replace Elite Tauren Champion if i had one.

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1000 1509 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 1 year, 4 months ago

    Hello guys. I was just experimenting with new cards and I was able to hit my best setup for this deck. Here what it is;



    The setup was; Playing Lor'themar Theron and then playing Loken, Jailer of Yogg-Saron to discover a 30/30 Fanottem, Lord of the Opera to summon a 30/30 Tentacle with Taunt and summon a 30/30 Giant with Forge of Wills. I can't be so happy after I did this.

    Here is the deck I was using;


    If you want to give it a try, you can add Symphony of Sins to the deck, it is a good tool but I don't have one unfortunately. I would replace Elite Tauren Champion if i had one.

    Unpopular Opinion Incarnate

  • StormKnightSera's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1720 2915 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 1 year, 4 months ago

    It's cool that you pulled it off, but surely you're running too many minions to pull it off consistently, no? It's very possible that Fanottem is not a Discover option because Watcher of the Sun, Suspicious Peddler, etc. are diluting the pool.

    It seems, if anything, that you were lucky to manage the combo this early at all :P

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1000 1509 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 1 year, 4 months ago
    Quote From linkblade91

    It's cool that you pulled it off, but surely you're running too many minions to pull it off consistently, no? It's very possible that Fanottem is not a Discover option because Watcher of the Sun, Suspicious Peddler, etc. are diluting the pool.

    It seems, if anything, that you were lucky to manage the combo this early at all :P

    Yeah probably luckier than you thought :) but Fanottem is not the only target, actually, I would be happier if i can discover Sargeras, the Destroyer. Fanottem is here just for fun but I saw that it is actually good. Even a 5/5 with Loken, Jailer of Yogg-Saron helps. I have 18/20 with this deck right now but well I am giving this to being at first day, people are experimenting or playing with older decks right now.

    I am looking at 30/30 Tentacle as a bonus instead of the aim of the deck actually. The deck is minion heavy because of consistency of Disciple of Sargeras and Soul Barrage and all minions help one way or another. Most helpful one is Ignis, the Eternal Flame. If you can craft a 5 mana 3/4 weapon with Lifesteal and 4 Armor with every hit, it completely saves warlock from low healths.

    Also I was not expecting to Kologarn to be as effective as others but he surprised me a lot.

    And for all other little minions, mulligan helps a lot really.

    Unpopular Opinion Incarnate

  • DragonDraena's Avatar
    640 449 Posts Joined 08/10/2021
    Posted 1 year, 4 months ago

    I just played against a similar deck, and I used a fully infused Sylvanas to steal Sargeras. 

    When I used one of his available abilities, the pair of 6/6 minions appeared on my opponent's board - yikes! 

    Is that how all stolen Titans work, or just Sargeras because of the portal? 

  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5610 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 1 year, 4 months ago

    That is a lot of legendary cards in that deck...

    But I feel your deck has too many win cons in it. 90% of the time your end game can be simply just sargeras alone, so you dont really need to greed out so much.

    Currently, the most effective deck with that loken+fanottem synergy uses the chad deck core, maybe you can try that.

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1000 1509 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 1 year, 4 months ago
    Quote From DragonDraena

    I just played against a similar deck, and I used a fully infused Sylvanas to steal Sargeras. 

    When I used one of his available abilities, the pair of 6/6 minions appeared on my opponent's board - yikes! 

    Is that how all stolen Titans work, or just Sargeras because of the portal? 

    It may be wrong but I remember like my opponent couldn't send minions to Twisting Nether after Voidcaller summoned Sargeras, the Destroyer. I didn't experience Sylvanas scenario but that maybe how card just works.

    Though, I experienced that a Thief Priest was able to summon 2x Sargeras, the Destroyer stolen from me, I could destroy the first before my opponent uses other 2 abilities and he/she could use all abilites of the 2nd and although One portal was summoning 3/4 Imps with Taunt, the other was summoning 3/2 Imps so Abilites of Sargeras, the Destroyer won't stack. It only buffs Imps of the respected portal and they don't become 3/6 with Taunt.

    Unpopular Opinion Incarnate

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1000 1509 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 1 year, 4 months ago
    Quote From dapperdog

    That is a lot of legendary cards in that deck...

    But I feel your deck has too many win cons in it. 90% of the time your end game can be simply just sargeras alone, so you dont really need to greed out so much.

    Currently, the most effective deck with that loken+fanottem synergy uses the chad deck core, maybe you can try that.

    That's also a way to use the deck surely but I just don't like the Chad deck. I am not a really fan of mana cheating.

    But I am trying different varieties. One is using summon/discover spells with imps to keep Loken, Jailer of Yogg-Saron summons, this one;


    And one with more control tools with more taunt walls instead of those little minions again to keep Loken, Jailer of Yogg-Saron more consistent with discoveries. I found Imposing Anubisath quite well with Forge of Wills. It has great tempo if you can hit 3 mana - 4 mana Tempo.


    All of these decks are good and bad against some matchups but I am confident to say that the Wall-Lock feels more controlish than the others.

    Imp Forgelock feels like a mid-range/aggro deck most of times and sometimes you just win with imps before you hit 7-mana.

    The first one; Forgelock feels like a meme deck right now after I tried the other varieties because it doesn't have the consistency the deck is looking for like linkblade91 said. I need to say thanks to him. I already wanted to try other varieties but he directed me to the right point with his comment.

    Like you said, Chad-lock style suits great with a deck like this. People might try and succeed but its just not for me. I also don't like the idea to bring Sargeras, the Destroyer to the board with Voidcaller. When you use just discard Thaddius, Monstrosity and hit The Jailer to the board even without Voidcaller, it is just the same win condition and the deck doesn't feel any different even you include Sargeras, the Destroyer and some new cards. It might be a good deck but I don't feel its style to play. Thanks for the suggestion tho.


    Also, It seems like Fanottem, Lord of the Opera + Lor'themar Theron is my obsession. I am pretty sure win rate of Wall-lock would increase if you replace them with 2 more useful cards. I just can't bare that Fanottem, Lord of the Opera sits in my collection and stay useless eternally so I just wanted to use it. :)

    Symphony of Sins might be great addition maybe with Sire Denathrius or some other good value card instead of those two. I just don't want to craft Symphony of Sins right now with a lot of cards(Titans) I want to craft around. :)

    Unpopular Opinion Incarnate

  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5610 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 1 year, 4 months ago
    Quote From DragonDraena

    I just played against a similar deck, and I used a fully infused Sylvanas to steal Sargeras. 

    When I used one of his available abilities, the pair of 6/6 minions appeared on my opponent's board - yikes! 

    Is that how all stolen Titans work, or just Sargeras because of the portal? 

    Yes, without portal you cant do anything with sargeras, quite literally since he cant attack until he exhaust all his abilities.

    Its funny, because if your opponent plays sargeras and spawns a portal, and you steal it, all abilities used by the stolen sargeras goes directly to your opponent's portal. Meaning, its actually detrimental to steal sargeras unless you want a board clear.

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