With nine new Quests, it seems that we now have a conundrum- which classes (in Wild) have the best results by combining their quests into a single deck?
Here are my thoughts, ranked from worst to best! Please note that a 5/5 is just okay (maybe Tier 4/3) because these are definitely memes.
Warrior- The only pair of quests with a distinct anti-synergy! Boo, hiss, 1/5
Warlock- While not anti-synergetic by effect, the Warlock quests have exactly opposite goals. I doubt there’s enough shuffle in the game to salvage a rapid-draw discardlock. Maybe I’m wrong, but a better endgame HP change would be Jaraxxus or Bloodreaver. 2/5
Rogue- Somewhat anti-synergetic by effect- you’ll end up with 4/4 legendaries with unchanged costs. Wise deck building could probably offset that, but either way the quests are cannibalizing each other. 2/5
Druid- There aren’t enough big minions with Choose One to make the intersection of these quests’ target cards very big. 3/5 (unless Blizzard changes the rules and lets us have 2 quests, in which case 5/5 because they profit off each other’s weaknesses well if they’re together)
Paladin- These quests don’t NOT work together, and since we’re in wild anyway, there are some decent non-stat buffs that you can apply and copy with the hero power. That said, both quests are a little bit “meh” on their own, and I don’t see that changing when combined. 4/5
Shaman- Not bad, but not great- a lot of murlocs have battlecry, and doubling their effects can do a lot- Corrupted Seer becomes Flamestrike, Coldligjt Oracle becomes Sprint, and in general murlocs turn into 7-cost basic spells on a stick ;^) But having to ration murlocs is never a good strategy. 4/5
Priest- This one is on the edge, but I think it’s doable. Play an aggro deathrattle deck, stabilize, and drop your second quest with hopes to finish it by offsetting late-game damage. It’s a control deck that’s really just three aggro decks in a trenchcoat, but it can still get into an R-rated movie. 5/5
Hunter- The first one that really excites me- I have had some success with Quest Hunter in the past and getting an endgame power by just chaining Raptors (and with Augmented Elekk/Feral Rage shenanigans, that can be 60+ raptors) is exciting. 5/5
Mage- The only one I expect to actually see. These quests were MADE to be chained together, both will see play (mark my words), and they WILL see play together. The new Hero Power feeds perfectly into warping time. 5/5
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With nine new Quests, it seems that we now have a conundrum- which classes (in Wild) have the best results by combining their quests into a single deck?
Here are my thoughts, ranked from worst to best! Please note that a 5/5 is just okay (maybe Tier 4/3) because these are definitely memes.
Warrior- The only pair of quests with a distinct anti-synergy! Boo, hiss, 1/5
Warlock- While not anti-synergetic by effect, the Warlock quests have exactly opposite goals. I doubt there’s enough shuffle in the game to salvage a rapid-draw discardlock. Maybe I’m wrong, but a better endgame HP change would be Jaraxxus or Bloodreaver. 2/5
Rogue- Somewhat anti-synergetic by effect- you’ll end up with 4/4 legendaries with unchanged costs. Wise deck building could probably offset that, but either way the quests are cannibalizing each other. 2/5
Druid- There aren’t enough big minions with Choose One to make the intersection of these quests’ target cards very big. 3/5 (unless Blizzard changes the rules and lets us have 2 quests, in which case 5/5 because they profit off each other’s weaknesses well if they’re together)
Paladin- These quests don’t NOT work together, and since we’re in wild anyway, there are some decent non-stat buffs that you can apply and copy with the hero power. That said, both quests are a little bit “meh” on their own, and I don’t see that changing when combined. 4/5
Shaman- Not bad, but not great- a lot of murlocs have battlecry, and doubling their effects can do a lot- Corrupted Seer becomes Flamestrike, Coldligjt Oracle becomes Sprint, and in general murlocs turn into 7-cost basic spells on a stick ;^) But having to ration murlocs is never a good strategy. 4/5
Priest- This one is on the edge, but I think it’s doable. Play an aggro deathrattle deck, stabilize, and drop your second quest with hopes to finish it by offsetting late-game damage. It’s a control deck that’s really just three aggro decks in a trenchcoat, but it can still get into an R-rated movie. 5/5
Hunter- The first one that really excites me- I have had some success with Quest Hunter in the past and getting an endgame power by just chaining Raptors (and with Augmented Elekk/Feral Rage shenanigans, that can be 60+ raptors) is exciting. 5/5
Mage- The only one I expect to actually see. These quests were MADE to be chained together, both will see play (mark my words), and they WILL see play together. The new Hero Power feeds perfectly into warping time. 5/5
But ... why though? You can only have one quest active at once
It is interesting to think about but realistically i don't think it will ever work. If you keep both at the start of the game you kind of screw your opening hand up. If you mulligan one who knows if/when you draw it again, if you can even use it at the point, and also use a deck slot for something that will likely have no value in your hand. I also don't believe games would even last long enough to complete 2 quests. Prove me wrong though, i want to see it work.
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I mean, most of them would be solid memes. The Mage one (which is still borderline meme for sure) you would always mulligan the old quest, finish the new quest and then whenever you draw the old quest your new hero power has set you up to smash it out pretty fast. Of course, if you're wanting to utilise the Time Warp effectively then having to wait for it, hold your combo pieces in your hand along with all of your created random spells..... yeah ok, not great times. But maybe you can ditch some of the random generators in favour of more solid survival and/or aggressive cards with the old quest as a backup strategy? I don't know. I don't think it will become good, but I reckon people will try and create some crazy moments.