Found another "Blingy" Interaction

Submitted 10 months ago by

So... It seems like "Created By" cards have memory of what they should be, even if they do not show like that. For example, here, Diamond Zephrys created a Golden Brightwing who also created a Signature The One-Amalgam Band. This also tells that Diamond is equal or higher in rarity acording to the game to Signature Legendary cards. Might be already known, but It is the first time I experienced this in game and did not know about this before, just knew that signature cards could create other signature cards.

Zephrys Brightwing

Brightwing Amalgam

  • Lemushki's Avatar
    Squirtle 1110 1049 Posts Joined 03/22/2019
    Posted 10 months ago

    So... It seems like "Created By" cards have memory of what they should be, even if they do not show like that. For example, here, Diamond Zephrys created a Golden Brightwing who also created a Signature The One-Amalgam Band. This also tells that Diamond is equal or higher in rarity acording to the game to Signature Legendary cards. Might be already known, but It is the first time I experienced this in game and did not know about this before, just knew that signature cards could create other signature cards.

    Zephrys Brightwing

    Brightwing Amalgam

    Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.

  • Live4vrRdieTryn's Avatar
    500 931 Posts Joined 07/14/2019
    Posted 9 months, 1 week ago

    How cool. I havent noticed that but will check back if my diamond Velarok ever does the same

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