Desert Obelisk Rogue
I got 2 Desert Obelisk and 2 Shadow of Death yesterday from my packs, was a little bummed about that, not going to lie. But today, I thought, why not try Cave Johnson's advise. Take those lemons and try to burn the house down with them.
So I made Obelisk Rogue. It is about as bad as you think, but I did get it to work a couple of times in the 6 games that I played. I mostly lost the games where I didn't draw Obelisk, either because the opponent was a fast zoolock or quest shaman, or because the Obelisks were in the bottom 3 cards of my deck. Both of them!
I'm sure this isn't going to work once people know what they're doing, but until then it's fun to sometimes eke out a win with this 1 star card.
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I got 2 Desert Obelisk and 2 Shadow of Death yesterday from my packs, was a little bummed about that, not going to lie. But today, I thought, why not try Cave Johnson's advise. Take those lemons and try to burn the house down with them.
So I made Obelisk Rogue. It is about as bad as you think, but I did get it to work a couple of times in the 6 games that I played. I mostly lost the games where I didn't draw Obelisk, either because the opponent was a fast zoolock or quest shaman, or because the Obelisks were in the bottom 3 cards of my deck. Both of them!
I'm sure this isn't going to work once people know what they're doing, but until then it's fun to sometimes eke out a win with this 1 star card.
I think this deck sounds funny. have you though about adding Myra( and perhaps toggwaggle Scheme)? if you at the following turn after myra uses a desert obelisk(5 mana) and a shadow of death(4 mana) with a Prep(0 mana) and fan of knives(3-2=1 mana) you would have 4 desert obelisk on board dealing 20 damage for 10 mana, and giving your opponent a bord of 0-5 to think a about..
and perhaps Nomi to have a second win condition? if you meet a board clear or are unlucky with the draw.
Unfortunately its properly too expensive for me to try out. due to the lack of several cards.
I think I do have Myra's, the problem is that the shadows work much like other cast on draw cards. If your hand is full, they don't work and simply get discarded. I played one game with Toggwaggle's scheme, but the problem there is that you have to draw and then play those Obelisks for the full 5 mana cost. So I cut it to focus more on staying alive long enough to get the Obelisk/Shadow of Death combo to work.
If only Conceal was not HoFed... As if it was played at all in Wild rn...
This I think is the tension of Obelisk Rogue or Mogu Cultist Rogue. While Rogue is the only class with enough tools to credibly pull off the necessary combos, you have to actually build a deck around all those tools, and you can't use them on other targets at any other point in the game. So "Shadow of Death" serves as a dead card in your hand until the moment is right, "Togwaggle's Scheme" would sit in your hand until the moment is right, etc.
But to the comment above, if this is the direction you're going, I think you're still better off running "Togwaggle's Scheme" over Augmented Elek. You only have the one shuffle card, "Shadow," and you'd have to split the mana cost of 1 Obelisk + Elek + Shadow over 2 separate turns. If the Elek is just going to sit in your hand, you'd get as much value from an upgraded "Togwaggle's Scheme" and then be able to pull off one whole set of actions for 10 mana.
Elekk may be greedy, but I'd pick it over scheme which is even slower than Elekk. You do have to be willing to just throw Elekk out there if that's all you have, or shuffle obelisks into your deck without Elekk.
I saw this as a druid deck rather than a rouge one.
Dreampetal florist to make them free and then gloopspreader to copy them and then faceless manipulator to copy more, or Zola maybe.
Either way it's meme as fuck but druid could be slow enough to make it work.
Yeah, that could work. Overflow would give you health and card draw to get that combo assembled.
Could probably make it a random win condition in a quest deck to give more flexibility as well.
So I've tried to get it to work in Druid and can only conclude that it is too clunky there. Overflow is actually a problem as your hand is usually not empty enough, but you need Dreampetal Florist to hit the right cards and even when you do, you only get the one board and if they manage to deal with it, that's it.
With my rogue deck, you can reload the board with obelisks if they manage to deal with it.
I might try it some more later on, with Obelisk purely as an alternate win con if nothing else works.
I have pulled it off once with Druid but it took ages and was very clunky to pull off.
Shame, I really wanted that to work
If they made it so that each obelisk deals X damage (< 5) to the whole enemy side, it could have become a fancy tool for both Druid and Rogue to develop a Midrange/Control archetype, based on the generation of extra copies, an ability that only those two classes excel at.
Basically a mix between Highkeeper Ra and Desert Obelisk could have been a very intriguing design imo, with no risk to become broken, as long as the damage output was properly tuned down.
As it is, both are basically suicidal memes, hard to see even in Casual.
Actually, RavenSun, Obelisk Rogue isn't that bad. It works, and I think it would be overpowered if it worked as you described. As is, having 3 or 4 obelisks means you are doing 15 or 20 damage. It's like having 2 Ragnarosi on the board, nothing to sneeze at and can easily kill an opponent if they're damaged already.
What you shouldn't try is going for 6 obelisks all at once. Better to have 3, a significant threat the opponent has to deal with and then you still have several shadows in the deck that can repopulate the board and finish them off.
Posting in this thread because I managed to secure most of the cards for this expansion but haven't had too much time to actually build decks and experiment! This looks like a ton of fun Janusi!