Rogue Prediction
Submitted 9 months, 2 weeks ago by
This is the rogue day today. Couldn't find anywhere to write so I opened this thread.
I'm waiting for this day, I am expecting to see some thief rogue cards and maybe some heropower changers but probably won't get what i want and it will end up Pirate Rogue for this expansion.
There is only 2 of them tho. It will be Pirate Rogue or Thief Rogue or both at the same time with Kobolds. King Togwaggle as Thief rogue legendary and another Pirate one I guess.
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I didn't meant King Togwaggle's effect btw. I just said Togwaggle as characther.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
I'm here for Pirate Rogue stuff. The Wild list has lost the top spot among board based aggro decks to Shadow Priest (not to mention Even Shaman is very hard to beat), we have to take it back! How about a Pirate Giant that gets discounted for every Pirate you've played this game or a Weapon that gains attack with every Pirate played lol?
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres,
Well, the first batch has Thistle Tea Set, and the second batch from Alliestraza looks to have Pirates. So, congratulations, you're a prophet. Not Togg, though.
I don't like the idea of pirate rogue tbh. Pirate theme doesn't suit Rogue well in my head. Pirates suits warrior more in every manner. Even it can suit hunter more if you give them some pistol etc.
I always wanted Aggro Rogue is supported via cards like Defias Ringleader but Blizzard couldn't print good cards for that, i mean an Aggro Rogue that uses Combo cards. Instead they use 4/4's always. 4/4's might be hard to remove on Classic Hearthstone but not anymore. Even Flamestrike priests can deal with that now.
Aggro Rogue needs something unique. For me at least.
I need to open a new thread for this but i don't like the hero power anymore. I mean, Rogue needs a rework around poisons for its hero power and low attack high durability weapons as cards. like a 1/4 dagger etc. Quick Pick and Bloodrock Co. Shovel are great examples. Maybe that's why i can't relate pirates with rogues. Pirates wants big weapons, Rogue has little ones and should have little ones. Ok she can buff them but when you use a lot buff spells on an aggro deck, you generally left out of minions most of the time.
Anyway, my prediction has gone wrong i guess, I would have guessed Sonya Shadowdancer could appear with Minis, it makes %100 sense. I have failed. :D The Crystal Cove makes perfect sense as well, i have done it before on Wild with using Crystal Core with Lackeys. It's a shame that i couldn't guess. :D
There are a lot of 1/1s this expansion, what I was expecting.. It is already Rogue's mechanic...
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
well, actually I don't think they will do that mistake for standard but hey ! Who knows !
Edit: Ah, and pirate prediction is even easier with Southsea Deckhand, Raiding Party and Leeroy Jenkins returning back.
I would have known 4/4's with minis because of Fal'dorei Strider tho. Instead, I wanted to go with Flik Skyshiv and Kobolds since Togwagle is part of E.V.I.L. and all of them made appearance. I couldn't be more wrong. :D
Edit: I checked Alliestrasza's yt. Shoplifter guy seems like a thief rogue pirate too. He is a Shoplifter after all
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