New Hunter Minion - Toyrannosaurus ( External Link )

A new Common Hunter Minion, Toyrannosaurus, has been revealed!
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A great card overall, and very nice to get a copy of through Mystery Egg. Also, Yelling Yodeler will be in Standard for another year.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Comparable to Darkmoon Tonk, except faster and less deathrattle damage. Seems like a generally good card for big hunter.
I am starting to notice the pattern here. I share lots of thoughts with Suchti0352. I really enjoyed Darkmoon Tonk and I would love to try this.
The thing is... i am not sure about this one as it is 5 damage at a single target. This is still great with rush and getting some extra damage but might suffer against more wide boards,
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
Fantastic name, OK effect. You're basically looking for ways to cheat this out, although 7 Mana isn't as slow as it might once have been, especially since this is capable of cleaning up two midsized minions or chunking a solid amount of damage upstairs. We'll see what we can do with this one.
I don't want to cure cancer; I want to turn people into dinosaurs.
I like it! Maybe it's time to whip out Flark's Boom-Zooka again and blow stuff up. The Rush comes in very handy if you res this guy with Jewel of N'Zoth or Stranglethorn Heart.
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres,
Really great for the Big Beast deck since there's so many things to combo it with and it can be a great source of face damage.
Will that be a thing in Standard? I'm doubtful, but there's always Wild or Twist once the "nostalgia" format ends, and there's also always the next 2 sets of the year. Even if it doesn't end up being good this time around, it's definitely worth keeping an eye on later in the year.
Great target for ressurection and deathrattle. Might see play in those decks
Seems a bit expensive for the underwhelming Deathrattle, but nice big beast synergy.
Rush is a game changer, will most likely see play unlike Humongous Owl
Not a good answer to Dr. Boom.
Proof that Doctor 7 remains the best tempo play for aggro decks.
I guess you can run 2 of these, but the boom bots are great mitigaters.
Not the best, but a decent card nonetheless. Might see play in a deck than can either discout it or trigger its Deathrattle multiple times.
I'm not sure how many minions will have 7 or less Health, and also 6 or more Attack, but having both die in the trade to trigger the deathrattle to possibly kill something else would be optimal. Especially if that something else is the enemy hero. I suppose it wouldn't take much to soften the target up if neccessary.
I think this is worse than Darkmoon Tonk, this either needs to deal more damage or hit more than one target.
Hey, you heard about that Mario guy?