New Neutral Minion - Li'Na, Shop Manager ( External Link )

A new Legendary Neutral Minion, Li'Na, Shop Manager, has been revealed!
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This is just bad. You'll never trigger this effect more than once, and when you do, it's going to at most a 4 mana spell, so not even that big. Once you get your board, you can't summon more minions unless some have Rush and can trade and die. If you could cheat this out and then cast an 8-10 mana spell, it could be worth it.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
I don't think this is bad. It might be good with Evolve Shaman even you can trigger it just once.
Shaman will probably get some Evolve synergy in a year at least. I can say that because Muck Pools enters the core set. So this might see play in an evolve deck.
Primordial Wave and Convincing Disguise would be great with it but they are leaving standard but if shaman gets a spell like these two, this card might have its place in that deck.
Also, we all see that Shu'ma saw play in Druid decks. It doesn't so hard for Druid to use this kind of a card. Li'Na, Shop Manager probably can summon better minions than Shu'ma for (6+1-cost spell)7 mana. Token decks uses a lot of spells and usually uses low cost cards. This might be some fuel for mid-late game for Token druid decks.
So, we will probably see some experiments with this card if not a real competitive deck.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
OK, here's a weird idea: Totem Shaman. You've hopefully already cast Stonewright, so you play this then a Coin (or some other 0 Cost spell) and you get a board full of 2 Attack Ancient Totem.
That's it. That's all I can come up with. This card is probably not very good.
I don't want to cure cancer; I want to turn people into dinosaurs.
It is a good card if cheated out early, but I think this would be too slow for later turns.
What Almaniarra noted about evolving really caught my eye though. If I open it I will have to try it!
Edit: Maybe this could work in Deathknight as a new way of getting corpses after playing their hero card?
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
Kinda reminds me of the original boomsday legendary spell "Mass teleportation", which was supposed to fill the board with random minions. Turned out the effect wasn't all that powerfull and this one having a condition doesn't make it particuallary better.
There is way to much Board clear in HS for this to be good.
I don't think it'll be that great. It's hard to get really good value of it, and then there's always board clears. Best use of it is probably Evolve, but even then it seems a bit awkward to set up there.
Cost is too high and 9 times out of 10 it'll just get removed by your next turn
I'm sure people will find a way to cheat this out or discount it somehow and start popping off like King Phaoris
Board refiller, might see play in combo deck or in rogue in general
Nope, not for me. Too much RNG involved, too hard to make use of. I'm 90% sure this will be the signature legendary that will come with my bundle. Yikes.
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres,
Free legendary at the beginning of the rewards track.
I know this will be good with Inner Bloom or Frost DK
But...what I really want to see, is her wears 😏
May be extremely OP! But probably will be trash...
Cool effect, but too unreliable and slow to be useful.
This card looks strong at first glance, but given its cost it may just end up being a meme card.
Most you'll likely get out of this is a board full of random 4-Cost minions, then it dies next turn because it only has 3 Health. Maybe your board doesn't get wiped along with it, and you can buff it for a win the next turn.
Not entirely sure if the she'll be worthwhile, but getting a board that's immediately buffed by a 0-mana Cultivation is pretty nutty. Does Druid have enough Trent tokens to do so... unlikely.
Hey, you heard about that Mario guy?