New Demon Hunter Minion - Ci'Cigi ( External Link )

A new Legendary Demon Hunter Minion, Ci'Cigi, has been revealed!
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Love the flavor of this card! I also think it's going to be really good! The pool is limited (if I read the post right), so you're more than likely to get something you really want, and they're pre-nerf!
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
I love this card; both the flavor and the effect (and I hope this means that Harth's Demon Hunter "iconic" hand gets back the cards as they were rather than a handful of "Hey, remember when these cards were playable?"). Because of the randomness, it might be a little weak for a top tier deck, but I for one would love to give it a try.
I don't want to cure cancer; I want to turn people into dinosaurs.
I really love the flavour this card gets, but even if you were able to discover the cards you get. I think this is getting overhyped. Demon Hunter was broken on release. But I think powercreep has catched up to it, so this effect will give you just "Playable" cards and random.
Other than that... I love the flavour.
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
Very good value card but I just don't think dh will have a good control deck. In midrange it seems slow. Also the cards are random so you might get something that doesn't suit your deck at all. 2 stars
It will probably turn out similar to hearth stonebrew. Cool callback, but usually not synergistic enough with your main deck to consider playing it in a competetive deck.
Nice flavour, seems okay.
4 mana 4/3 that gets you 3 really good cards (generally). Will definitely be tried out at least.
And the flavor is of course, fucking phenomenal.
Seems decent in Constructed, strong in Arena
Launch day PTSD for sure
Refill tool for DH. Maybe in some aggro deck will see play
One of the biggest disappointments of the set for me. I was really hoping for the flashy win condition legendary that DH so urgently needs only to be greeted by... this? It's a nice call back but the card is not competitive at all imo. The Deathrattle slows it down and more often than not, your opponent will decide when those cards get added to your hand so good luck getting those Outcast effects online. Don't get me wrong, it provides some solid value, but just like Snake Eyes, it won't win you games.
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres,
I'm guessing this is another card of the set themed in "nostalgia"
Gonna be funny seeing the short term memory lapses upon discovery.
Fun way to re-educate your player base on older staples.
Honestly, I'd play this card even it was bad (which it isn't). The art is just too damn adorable!
Very fun card, but its too slow and the OG DH cards just aren't that strong anymore
I guess with three random cards, at least one or two will be helpful most of the time.
3 random Pre-nerf Launch DH cards!... That were all almost much better on curve than in the midgame...
Hey, you heard about that Mario guy?