New Shaman Location - Fairy Tale Forest ( External Link )

A new Rare Shaman Location, Fairy Tale Forest, has been revealed!
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They've really just gone all in on Battlecries for Shaman this expansion. This Location is a solid card, decent cost for a good tutor effect, plus the mana discount.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Really solid, good cost, manacheat... I am glad it only has 2 uses. If it needs a buff I would go for the cost, but lets not touch the number of uses.
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
Sounds like a consistently good card to me. Battlecry is probably the most commong keyword in the game and shaman in particular never lacked targets for this. Plus cost reduction is always nice. Being a location makes it a bit slow, but all in all it's a really solid card.
Powerful location for Battlecry Shaman. I'd be interested in trying to use this to tutor specifically Shudder or Hagatha, and run otherwise only spells or minions that don't have Battlecries but that probably is getting a little too cute with a card that's just good.
I don't want to cure cancer; I want to turn people into dinosaurs.
It's delayed compared to Arcane Intellect, but drawing specifically Battlecries can be absurdly powerful with the right setup. Good for Battlecry decks and there's probably some combo deck that can use this too.
Sounds very good in deck with good battlecries for tutor
This is a location I could hangout in all day. The atmosphere of eerie and juvenile reminds me of a fantasy adventure refuge.
One of the best locations EVER!
Very cozy art, decent effect at the mana discount is just the cherry on top
Combo enabler
This already makes me afraid of what people will do with it in Wild. The tutor for Muckmorpher in Big Shaman is something scary for example. I hope it gets nerfed to 4.
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres,
Seems strong. Wouldn't say it's the best card ever, but draw and discount are both good.
3 Mana to eventually draw two Battlecry minions and discount them? Sign me right up.
Somewhat slow cycling, but getting a discount on powerful Battlecries makes up for it.
Hey, you heard about that Mario guy?
I love Locations, and I especially love Locations that draw cards. Now we have one that can tutor?! This is an absolute game-changer.