New Warrior Minion - Lab Patron ( External Link )
A new Rare Warrior Minion, Lab Patron, has been revealed!
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I think it will be hard to get good value from this due to the limit of once per turn. Here's the only scenario that might work: it's turn 3, you have no armor, so you coin this out, then play Safety Goggles. If your opponent can't kill them both, then maybe you get somewhere.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
The first time condition does indeed make it quite a lot harder to develop a board with this guy. At least in standard you also can't do much with the Patrons beyond using them as a 3/3, which doesn't make them more appealing. Cool callback, but probably not more than that.
This will not be a real metaplayer, but you deffinitelly should not leave this alive. 2 will quickly become 4 and that is a lot for just 2 mana is just using hero power.
I love the call back. Even more after playing the blackrock twist miniseason not too long ago.
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
You're not going to set up an OTK like the former Patron combo, so this card is... eh. It doesn't even summon a copy, so buff decks are out of the question. Maybe if you're scrounging for playables in a deck, but I'm seriously thinking if this is one of the 30 best cards Warrior can put in a deck then Warrior just won't be very good.
I don't want to cure cancer; I want to turn people into dinosaurs.
Probably the most playable Patron callback we've seen... which isn't saying much because this still isn't very great. The limitation makes it impossible to build a really huge board with it.
Could have been 3 mana.
I don't know, sounds very slow and it's just 3/3's
wont sure about it
Bit expensive and 'first time each turn' kind of guts this card
Feel like it's just more of a throwback card than anything playable really lol
too expensive
Disappointing call back card. The cost is off and it doesn't multiply like the old Patrons do. Weak card, not fun either. Meh.
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres,
Seems easier to multiply than previous patrons,
especially since its effect can be triggered each turn.
Everyone, get in the lab!
I guess this means you better play this before doing anything that causes you to gain armor. I wonder how often at least one of them will live until you next turn, allowing you to spawn another one. Though I suppose in those cases you were already winning.
The problem with Patrons is that they exist in a world without a Warsong Commander to really push them and Frothing Beserker back into relevancy. Sure the extra tempo is tempting for Odyn decks, but probably loses out to more control oriented builds.
Hey, you heard about that Mario guy?