New Demon Hunter Spell - Lesser Opal Spellstone ( External Link )

A new Rare Demon Hunter Spell, Lesser Opal Spellstone, has been revealed!
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Solid card. You'll get this upgraded in no time at all. Demon Hunter does have an awful lot of dram options, though.
If you are holding this when you play Going Down Swinging, will that just fully upgrade it?
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
The main problem is that you need this in hand to start upgrading. Demon Hunter has access to a lot of alternative card draw options, so you'd need to be able to regularly upgrade this fully while contending with a dead card in hand for it to outshine those other cards; which means you'd need more than just Going Down Swinging as a way to get your Hero to attack multiple times in a turn.
I don't want to cure cancer; I want to turn people into dinosaurs.
Solid card draw but I am not too sure Demon Hunter needs it right now. Also it might be too slow for me... But time will tell if I am mistaken.
If this counts each attack and not card activation (for example, if I play the legendary that lets me attack everyone and this evolves into the final form) this could be really strong.
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
Crazy good if you ask me. Attacking is half of Demonhunters whole thing and 2 mana draw 2 is already really good, not to mention 2 mana draw 3. I'm definetely sold on this one.
Pretty easy to activate for DH
It is pretty easy to get this up for DH since they can always Hero Power and the process can be expedited with something like Going Down Swinging.
The only drawback is that Demon Hunter already has a lot of draw, so it's a question of whether or not it really needs or wants this when it needs to be upgraded first.
Seems alright, DH can get it activated easily but is it worth the deck slot is the question, we'll see
Demon huner always get's a draw, but still doesn't have wincon besides [Hearthstone Card (Mindreader) Not Found]
wont sure about this
I don't like it. Sure, DH attacks a lot, but it seems quite clunky and there are better options available already. I'll pass.
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres,
Seems overpriced for draw this expansion.
This is especially considering how much you're paying to attack.
Both spellstones this expansion don't even fit the power level of 2024 ๐
Quite easy to upgrade naturally throughout the game, and it seems decent enough. Just have to see if it can beat all the other ways to draw that DH currently has.
Pretty slow without Multistrike, I don't think this gets played.
I forget, do these need to be in your hand to upgrade them? If not, it will be so easy to get this drawing three cards. If yes, holding on to this for four turns just to pay 2 Mana to draw three cards seems a bit crap.
Gonna feel really bad when you draw late, especially since DH is limited to, what, just Going Down Swinging for multi-attacks right now?
Hey, you heard about that Mario guy?