New Demon Hunter Minion - Ball Hog ( External Link )

A new Common Demon Hunter Minion, Ball Hog, has been revealed!
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Nice card! Stats are ok for the cost considering the Lifesteal: that's 3 damage and healing right away, 3 more upon death, and potentially 3 more if it actually gets to attack or soak up a trade.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
I didn't see a 4-cost card in this value for a long long time. This is just huge.
Even better than Thassarian and that guy has a restriction for deckbuilding.
Power level of this expansion is so high.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
That's quite a bit of health you can out of this guy. Much needed if big demon hunter is supposed to become a thing.
Not the best body, but the healing will be insane. Being that we are getting the "Warblades of Azinoth" back, this will probably help you keep going.
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
Maybe you'd run this as a gap filler in slow Demon Hunter decks, but there's better removal at or under this cost that's easier to control where the damage goes. I don't think this will be good enough.
I don't want to cure cancer; I want to turn people into dinosaurs.
This is pretty good. Basically Thassarian for Demon Hunter. Same damage output as Thassarrian and it also has Lifesteal and probably more reliably hits minions that you want it to hit since it's not fully random. Thassarian saw play in lots of Frost DK decks and was a Legendary, so surely this will see play too.
One of the strongest DH cards in the set. Will be played just for effect alone
Good for Highlander but 0 synergies.
Great sustain for DH and if Thassarian is anything to go by, this card will be in most DH decks
Another cool support card for DH that is great on its own but won't help the fact that the class lacks direction. The best part is surely the targeting aspect, very well designed!
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres,
Quilboar Demon Hunter looking darn heavy.
I remember Shaman needing to pay 7 mana for a card like this...
I guess it had taunt, but...this be fasta!
Cool card, just doesn't seem to synergize all that well with the rest of the set. Curious to see if it'll be played or not.
I think this is a pretty good stabilization card. Definitely sees play in slower DH decks.
Fantastic card, I can't imagine a Demon Hunter deck in the new year not running this. Very versatile effect, fitting into Aggro for the potential damage and board wrestle, and more combo/control oriented decks as a speed bump.
Hey, you heard about that Mario guy?
6 or more damage plus healing? Looks good to me. Obvious callback to Deathrattle DH with quilboar. Doesn't seem to be any quilboar synergy in Standard this time, but this might just be good enough without it.