New Death Knight Minion - Dr. Stitchensew ( External Link )

A new Legendary Death Knight Minion, Dr. Stitchensew, has been revealed!
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Love this card, flavor wise and for power level. It would be way better if all 3 minions were summoned on death, and make more sense too. Still a great, fun card.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
A fairly stick thread, kinda like a midrange Rattlegore. Though 6 mana might make it a bit too slow.
It's a really cool idea and I would like to point out that Death Growl and Yelling Yodeler will still be in Standard. Most 5-Drops is Standard right now are mainly stats, but good stats, and so this could be fun to mess around with.
I don't want to cure cancer; I want to turn people into dinosaurs.
Really fun concept and I would love this to work with other deathrattle cards to finally get a proper Deathrattle Death Knight.
Cage Head would really like more company.
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
Very sticky card but seems just too slow for the current dk decks. If midrange oriented undead decks become a thing, this card will take a lot of credit for it. Deathrattle synergy is very strong
Damn I Love this card. I hope it's good.
The wording here is a bit confusing. If you aren't aware of this yet, Stitchensew summons the 5-drop, then the 5-drop summons the 3-drops, then the 3-drop summons the 1-drop.
Basically in other words, it's really fucking sticky. It's a bit on the slow side, but the amount of value it has is really high which might make up for that.
DIY Rattlegore with potential to highroll
Strong in Arena for sure
[Hearthstone Card (Savanna Highmain) Not Found] with more stats. Not strong by any means, but fun
It looks cool af, but I'm not convinced this has some competitive value yet. Sure it's sticky, but 6 Mana do nothing is dangerous territory at best. Might be the 30th card in some lists, but there are a lot of candidates competing for that spot.
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres,
Would be hilarious to get the Scourge Rager off this
Reborn would give you a 5/4 + 5/1 plus the one drops.
And this card gives DK plenty of corpses!
Looks like a very strong powercard for DK, will craft this with the hero
I'm very curious as to how this card will work. Does stitching other minions to it give it their stats, or their Deathrattles and so on? Can't wait to try it out!
One of the coolest legendary effects in a while, but i worry he is still too slow.
Does this add the stats of the three minions to itself, then summon the 5-Cost when it dies? That seems extremely OP if so.
Opponent either needs to steal him with Sylvanas or wipe the board clean with a Reno, because this is the stickiest of minions since Rattlegore
Hey, you heard about that Mario guy?