New Death Knight Spell - Threads of Despair ( External Link )

A new Rare Death Knight Spell, Threads of Despair, has been revealed!
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Maybe the cheapest board clear ever. Notice it says ALL minions, so with at least a few targets, this will do massive repeat damage.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Basically a 1 mana Defile, but you have to make the first trigger yourself. You could even use it preemptively on turn 1 or 2, without triggering it, to discourage your opponent from playing any more minions. It might become a class stable.
Build your own Defile. This is exceptional for Control Death Knight - an early way to clear the board with a Hero Power ghoul (or whatever you may have lying around on the board). I think this card is bonkers good - we're going to be seeing a lot of it in the coming years.
I don't want to cure cancer; I want to turn people into dinosaurs.
Great for clearing boards. Also I imagined this with that one Festival of Legends card that copies deathrattles. Kinda uselless combination, but you can get 2 more damage out of it.
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
This is even better than defile because there are poisonous synergies to pull off a hard board clear. Auto include in any midrange/control oriented deck
Basically Defile for Death Knight. If you're any damage off, you always have your Hero Power to deal 1 extra damage. Or even summon the Ghoul and then give it this Deathrattle for 2 extra damage.
It might be weaker than Defile in some situations, but Defile is one of the strongest cards that has ever been printed, so that really isn't a knock against the card.
Defile with extra steps and brainpower, obviously need a body but 1 mana cheaper makes it flexible
Defile for DK sounds good, but BBB loose Mograine anyway, so maybe only rainbow will love this
I love it, this is super strong! DK usually has no problem getting that chain started and gaining corpses is one of their goals anyway. Strong removal against swarm decks as well. 5 stars!
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres,
This is someone nightmare fuel for some Bronies,
but they might be into this card, who knows how they think ๐
Great name and art. Death Knight's very own Explosive Sheep!
VERY strong board clear card, situationally better than Defile even.
A better Defile?
Even better than a Defile, as you don't have to string along a 1, a 2, a 3 etc heath minion to nuke everything, you can "skip" some breakpoints just by having enough minions dying from the resulting AoE waves. Pairs well with Crop Rotation for this reason. The only thing it might not do as consistently is dealing with minions that pop out after a deathrattle/reborn.
Hey, you heard about that Mario guy?