New Shaman Spell - Pop-Up Book ( External Link )

A new Common Shaman Spell, Pop-Up Book, has been revealed!
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Pretty middling card here. With some spell damage, it could be pretty good. Better than Mirror Image, right?
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Great in the early game, pretty trash latter
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
It's ok, I guess. I don't see any deck in particual this would go into, but it is a fairly good standalone card.
That's good stuff. Early removal combined with a pair of small Taunts to protect face/other minions for a turn; I'm a fan. I won't be surprised if this turns into an underground all-star.
I don't want to cure cancer; I want to turn people into dinosaurs.
I'm with sule here. This is a great early game card for decks that have to build up steam. I wouldn't be surprised if it found a home in Wild Big Shaman for example.
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres,
I think this is solid.
Cheap early-game removal and against classes that don't have the most convenient access to 1 damage, the Frogs can actually sometimes do quite a lot.
Fun and quirky card, love it already
Looks eh. These 0/1 are Just Not impactful at all.
Actually really decent card, early removal and stall if your hand is bad, even in late game it can make or break a match with those taunts lol
It's ok but not great
Arcane Shot attached to Mirror Entity?
Might as well have tacked some armor or lifesteal to it ๐
Very strong spell to stem aggro decks.
Strong early game card, and it'll work well with Spell Damage shenenigans, being a Nature spell.
Seems like a decent early game removal plus defensive card to me.
Good early defensive card, also shouldn't ignore how annoying 0/1 taunts can be in blocking board lethal.
Hey, you heard about that Mario guy?
Fantastic value when played just before Wish Upon a Star, but still quite good without it.