Standard Elise Highlander Druid
Submitted 5 years, 4 months ago by
This is my first selfmade Saviors deck. Most choices seem obvious because of the card limitation but I had good results with it so far. I'd like you to give it a try. :)
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This is my first selfmade Saviors deck. Most choices seem obvious because of the card limitation but I had good results with it so far. I'd like you to give it a try. :)
What have you been able to do with Elise
I know this is a question about an older card, but if you Floop after you Floop, does your second Floop Floop your first Floop, or does it Floop what your first Floop Flooped? I’m asking because I wonder whether Elise > Floop > Duplicated Floop would create an infinite Floop loop.
Yes, it does. Floop looks at the card Foop currently is to Floop. So if Elise was Flooped, then the next Floop would be a Flooped Elise.
This ain't no place for a hero
I saw a similar deck on ladder yesterday around rank 2. The combo was Elise on Floop and Nomi. This generates 4 Nomis in total. I still would have won if 2 of my 4 big board clears were not bottom 3 but in any case, it's a pretty neat combo. The King Phaoris is fitting the same role here but it costs 10 and you don't seem to have enough big spells to achieve the same effect
I'm not sure Phaoris has enough swing power here: even assuming you can save enough spells every game, most of them are pretty cheap.
And since your pressure is not very high until late, a turn-10 with basically a board of tokens sounds quite weak to me.
I bet a Mountain Giant would be more helpful overall.