Reborn and Frozen
Submitted 5 years, 6 months ago by
Anyone else noticed that the reborn shield (active) on a minion who has been frozen is confusing? I had two reborn minions next to each other, missed that’s one had been frozen and didn’t notice it until I tried to attack. Then I could see the animation was slightly different, but not clear like most animations.
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Anyone else noticed that the reborn shield (active) on a minion who has been frozen is confusing? I had two reborn minions next to each other, missed that’s one had been frozen and didn’t notice it until I tried to attack. Then I could see the animation was slightly different, but not clear like most animations.
I don't see how you can confuse a glowy light bubble and a blue spiky icicles
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
I think reborn and immune are more similar than frozen. But I can get how you didn't notice the record card was frozen.
Reborn bubble should be violet.
That's an unused color, and it would fit the theme of Undeath equally well, if not better.
Sure, early mistakes happen, but i don't like that water-green bubble there (for what is actually just a re-labelled Deathrattle).
The reborn bubble is ugly and makes the card hard to see. I don't see why they didn't just use a little icon at the bottom like poisonous.
Communism is just a red herring
My guess is that reborn minions will lose reborn and be resummoned. They wanted it to be extremely clear a minion will be reborn.
I do think it’s too flashy though. Maybe even toning down the brightness a bit would fix it
Agreed. It has to be something obvious like Divine Shield that then is gone post-trigger, leaving the plain card behind. Also agree that it's overly bright and toning it down a bit would help.
Now you kids are probably saying to yourselves, "Hey Matt, how can we get back on the right track?"
Totally agree here. Was playing with a friend who froze 5 minions 1 had reborn and the others didnt. Got confused and attacked the one with reborn, wich game me exact lethal
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
I play primarily on mobile, so it could be something that is more obvious on desktop. Which I haven’t played on since launch. But still I’m sure the number of people who play only mobile or play both, should be enough for them to fix this
I fully agree on this one. I wouldn't be surprised if they change or modify it in the future.
I just copied Murmy instead of Micro Mummy b/c they are tough to distinguish under the reborn glow. Playing over lunch so I have a window at the minimum size option of 1024 x 768, which doesn't help. That's still bigger than mobile screens, for the most part, though.
Now you kids are probably saying to yourselves, "Hey Matt, how can we get back on the right track?"