Gladiators of Brawl'Gar - Full 183-Card Custom Expansion + Mini-Set (COMPLETED!!!)

Submitted 3 months ago by

(special thanks to Chr2 for the logo)

Welcome to the Brawl'Gar Arena. People from all over Azeroth, Outland or wherever gather around to witness fearless combatants to put their mettle and their might in ruthless bloodshed to see who will survive in a battle to the death. But it's not only their lives at stake, it's also their glories. If you don't have the heart to put your life out there for killing, we're home to a large group of spectators and fans who come here for the thrill of the fight and death.

Everyone who fights is out there for blood! Blood is what fuels their fighting spirit and when it spills, the fight amps up. The fans are excited and the fighters become furious. But don't worry, not everyone in the arena dies. Sometimes they just get really big bruises. Bloodthirst is the first of two new keywords added to the set. The first time the enemy hero takes damage while you control a minion with Bloodthirst, you'll activate a special bonus. Sometimes these bonuses might scale based on the amount of damage you deal.

During the fight, some of our contenders may eventually start to lose their edge and this is where you go in for the final strike. Getting the first hit in is sometimes difficult but...

Overpower is the other new keyword in Gladiators of Brawl'Gar. When cards with Overpower deal more than enough damage to kill a minion, they deal the excess damage to the enemy hero. If the enemy's minions are going down, they're going down with them! This even works on your own minions! As long as the Overpower card deals excess damage, it doesn't matter how they dealt it, the rest goes to your opponent. If the face plays Taunt... me still go face!

We've seen a few cards with this effect over the course of Hearthstone's history which will be changed to have the keyword.

Some people like to fight fair. Others... they like to cheat. And good on them. It's tolerated at the arena as long as you don't get caught. Some Ethereals have started a black market around the arena to sell you some supplements or gear to help you win the fight or make some gold. Black Market cards encourage you to run as many different types of cards by giving you a payoff for each different type you run.

With cards that reward you for playing cards of each card type, there's going to be an inundation of locations and hero cards, right? Well, not necessarily, but we've got some cool cards of both types. Plus we've even got Neutrals of both types too. Upon launch of the set, you'll be able to choose between obtaining either Bizmo or Boss Bazzleflange for free right now, and then you'll get the other one for free later. They both use the same Hero Power. If you're feeling up to the challenge, you can try to design a deck that uses both! Or a deck that uses one plus one of the class hero cards!

Prior to the set launching, all players will also get Esme Sunshadow for free to experiment with in their decks, and if you pre-order the set, you'll get her in glorious diamond form!

Now who's ready to watch some blood get spilled!


Death Knight

Buff that hand!!! If you're a fan of holding your minions and watching them reach astronomically high Attack values, then this is the set for you. Watch as the minions in your hand get bigger and bigger until you push them all onto the field for the kill. Even better. You like your opponent's minion? Take it! Buff your Stitches and watch it hook your opponent's strongest minion into your own hand for you to turn on them. With a new hero, you can even cheat death and snatch victory when your opponent thought they had you!

Runic Cutter forms


Demon Hunter

TAUNT, TAUNT, TAUNT!!!! Even though the class is almost 5 years old (yes, it truly has been that long. I'm sorry if I made you feel old), it still feels very one-dimensional compared to the other classes. Let's give them a new archetype! But which one? They have a lot of Taunt minions. Let's make Taunt Demon Hunter!

If you're tired of constantly getting hit in the face by your opponent's pesky minions, then it's time to get those rough demon scales out and play defensively. But for Illidan, playing defensively is also playing offensively! Taunt Demon Hunter is a new spin on other Taunt archetypes by combining defense and aggression. Hide behind your Taunts while you keep pushing face! But what about spells you ask? Those aren't affected by Taunts, so they can just hit me anyway. OR THAT'S WHAT YOU THINK,  HAHAHA!

Other tokens



Anyone who plays card games likes to see BIG NUMBER, and Druid is all about big numbers in this set. Remember the 5-Attack synergy from Un'Goro? Let's bring this back here! In a set that likes to push face damage, seeing those big Attack values are where it's at! You can choose between a more aggressive style of 5-Attack deck that likes to put minions on the board quickly and deal lots of damage, or a slower variant that keeps putting bigger minions on the board until your opponent can't deal with them anymore. Since we're dealing with large Attack values, why don't we throw in some Overpower as well!




Do you want to cast a spell? I want to cast a spell!

In a set that loves face damage, you know that Hunter is going to be excited to hunt that hero! But doing it with minions is old school. Let's go for some Spell Damage! As a Hunter in this set, you'll employ some spells that you can use to burst some faces down and some Spell Damage to make them burn even more. You can even give the spells Overpower to hit face AND the minions at the same time! Who wouldn't want that?




Is it getting hot in here or is it just me?

If you like to play with Fire, then Mage's set this time around is once you'll have a blast with. In Mage, you'll have the tools to burn, and fry, and crisp your opponent into a charred-up carcass. We've got ways to give your spells more damage, and spells that deal damage that also give you more spells that deal damage. But not only can we destroy the face, but we can also destroy the WHOLE BOARD while we're at it! Isn't playing with fire so fun?*

*On that note, if you're a child of a parent who browses this website, then please do not actually play with fire. It's very dangerous. You might hurt someone or damage the house. Best to avoid taking chances.




Given that Paladins have been a weapon class since the very beginning of the game, it's very weird that we've never received weapon synergy for Paladin. Until today! Now is the time for Paladins to grab their hammers and rush into battle. In this set, Paladin gets some weapon synergy and some new design space to explore. Blizzard, if you're reading this, you know what to do. We've even got Secrets back again! Or at least one. Blizzard, if you're reading this, you know what to do.

Other tokens



People die in the gladiator arena. But that's not a problem because we can just bring them back to life! Hey, don't look at me like that. We've gotta get talent from somewhere and live talent is expensive. Here in Priest, you've got the ability to resurrect past dead champions and put them back into the ring again! People say that a legacy never dies, and in this case, we mean that literally. They will not rest because we keep bringing them back.


On-Site Hospital will also have dynamic card text to tell you exactly what minion it will resurrect. Example:



What if I told you that I already know who's going to win? A little bit of change goes a long way. Don't hate the player. Hate the game.

Rogues are running a gambling service in this set. Place your bets on who's going to win and hope that you can make some coins. But as you will come to see, not all games that Rogues are offering here are winnable. The organization is run by a sneaking group of pirates with a knack for trickery and bribery to ensure who's going to come out on top. You can mope around in your loses all day... or you can join in the fun and make some less-than-honest cash.



Every fighting organization's gotta have those flashy fighters that like to show off their style, and this colorful cast of characters provides exactly that.

In this set, Shaman is about mixing different spell schools together and benefitting off of casting multiple different types. The more you cast, the stronger they'll get! After all, matches would be pretty boring if you saw the competitors perform the same move over and over again. Shaman provides you with all the move variety you could ask for. Some will turn the heat of battle. Some will send an electrifying shock into the audience. Some will be left cold in disturbance as their conscious tries to render what they just watched.

Other tokens

Signatures and Diamond


What devilishy evil scheme has Warlock cooked up this time today? Warlock is running a typical minion-flood strategy that it loves, but it's a little bit different this time. This time, we give it a solid 1/1 giving it a perfect score! Warlock is all about synergies with 1/1 minions this go around. Put those little minions onto the board and watch as we prove that how you use it matters more than the... Wait, nope. Uhhh... Don't underestimate the little guy is what I'm saying. But how do those little guys do so well? You didn't hear this from me, but I've heard that Warlock has been passing around some... suspicious substances if you catch my drift.

Other tokens

Imp through Nathrezim will be summoned through Demonic Fighting League, as well as Malignant Manager if its Bloodthirst is triggered through its appropriate value. Anything higher than a 7 will result in Maligant Manager summoning a Nathrezim with that much Attack and Health.



Warriors can never seen to make up their mind on if they want to be mercilessly aggressive or patiently tanky. Well in this set, it's much closer to the former. Warrior in this set loves to be aggressive and overpowering. Overpowering? Yes, it's only one of the set's keywords after all. If you like to go face with Warrior, then your time is now my friend! We've got the most Overpower cards of any class with these blood-colored red cards, and you've got ways to deal some damage!

Other tokens

Signatures and Diamond

Neutral Commons

But no matter who you are or who your favorite fighter is, you always have a place to watch here in the Brawl'Gar Arena!



Other Neutrals

Signatures and Diamond

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2689 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 3 months ago


    What a thrilling first taste of combat! But everyone knows that the fight doesn't always end so early. Sometimes the fight keeps going. Ladies and gentleman, welcome to Round 2! You'll see 38 new cards in the mini-set and even a couple of new heroes to join the fray!

    The demon known as Hexos has come out to play and change the playing field. Quite literally. When the game starts, Hexos will split the battlefield into two sides, and anything on either side cannot attack anything on the other side. This is no normal fight and it's a pain in the ass to clean the battlefield every time we let him out, but the crowd loves it... or at least the ones that stay alive. Things will be broken and lives will be lost, and it's all in the name of glory!!!

    A card of this many game-breaking proportions comes with a lot of clarifications, and we've got you covered.

    Clarifications on how Hexos works
    • Hexos splits the battlefield vertically into two halves. Each side can hold 3 minions, and the middle space becomes a space where minions can "straddle" on the line. Minions on a side cannot attack minions on the other side, but a minion in the center-most spot may attack minions on either side and enemy minions on either side may attack a friendly minion if it's on the middle space.
      • When you play a minion from your hand, you may choose to play it on either side or the middle space. 
      • Effects that force minions to attack (such as Gnome Muncher or Mass Hysteria may still cause a minion on one side to attack a minion on the other side.
      • Similarly, minions with the "ogre" effect can still have their attack misdirected to attack a minion on the other side.
    • Taunt only effects the side that the Taunt minion is on. For example, a Taunt minion on the left side will block all enemy minions on the same side, but minions on the right side will not be affected by Taunt and may still attack your minions on that side or your hero.
      • If a Taunt minion is on the middle space, it will block all enemy minions on both sides and their hero from attacking your other minions or hero.
      • If a Taunt minion is on either side, your hero cannot attack minions on the other side or the enemy hero until that Taunt minion is dead. Otherwise, your hero may attack minions on either side.
    • Spells and Hero Powers may target any minion on either side.
    • Minions with targeted Battlecries may target any minion with its Battlecry regardless of what side the minion is played on.
      • Locations with targeted effects may similarly target any minion regardless of what side the location is on.
      • Effects with random targets may randomly choose any minion regardless of what side it's on.
    • You cannot play a minion on a side that already has 3 minions.
    • If a minion that summons tokens is on the left side, it will attempt to summon tokens on the left side. If it can't, it will summon it on the middle space instead. If the middle space is already full, it won't summon the token at all.
      • If the minion is on the right side, it will attempt to move the minion to the left on that side to summon the token on the right side of itself. It has no space to, it won't summon the minion.
      • If the minion is on the middle space, it will summon its tokens on the right side if there is space for it. Otherwise, it won't summon anything.
    • Hero Powers and weapons that summon minions will always summon the minion on the left side if there is space for it. If the left side is full, it will summon it on the middle space instead. If the middle space is also full, it will summon it on the right side instead.
    • If either player's maximum board size is increased to 8 through The Dark Summoner, both sides will now hold 4 minions and that player can no longer use the middle space.
      • Any minions already on the board when you play The Dark Summoner with Hexos's effect active will move to the left side until there is no space left on that side. Remaining minions will be put on the right side.
    • Magnetic minions may Magnetize themselves to any Mech on your field, even if the side is already full. If the side is full though, you can only play the minion on that side to Magnetize it to another Mech.

    Death Knight

    Demon Hunter


    Other tokens







    Other tokens





  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2689 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 3 months ago

    This has been a huge project that I started all the way back at the beginning of March and I'm finally finished with it. It does unfortunately mean that I had some overlapping designs with Perils in Paradise, but I feel like they're still different enough to warrant the printings. Nonetheless, here's my set. If you read the whole thing, I'll be impressed, but you are incredible.

    Mini-Set will be a thing soon. Not sure when, but it'll definitely happen.

    EDIT: Oh, and another thing you might've noticed is that I capitalized Bonus Effects on every card that uses them. This is intentional. In my world, this set would have the update that capitalizes this.

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2689 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 1 month, 1 week ago

    The mini-set is officially here!

    The mini-set for Gladiators of Brawl'Gar, titled "Round 2", is out. 38 new cards to test your skills out on the battlefield and shed some blood!

    Additionally, a couple cards from the main set were changed:

    • Backstage Table now costs 3 (up from 2).
    • Small Fireball (from Large Fireball) no longer split into two 1-damage Fireballs and now stop at the 2 damage stage.
    • Naaru's Champion now buffs the board by +1/+2 instead of +2/+1 to reduce its potential as burst damage.
    • Captain Blackmange's Hero Power now costs 2 (up from 1).
    • Demonic Fighting League now summons the largest Demons first and works its way done. Previously, it summoned the smallest Demons first and worked its way up, which was really bad if your board wasn't empty.
    • Deeprun Tram now has 2 Durability (down from 3).
    • Faulty Facsimile now has 4 Attack (down from 5).

    HAVE FUN!!!

  • shatterstar1998's Avatar
    Eevee 295 140 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 month, 1 week ago

    Awesome set! I saw this set on Hearthcards and I would like to congrats for finish such a huge project, and with relative balance to boot! 

    Overall thought: The change to keyword a mechanic that has been in the game for a while is very much appreciated since this is one of those things that should have been done in the beginning.  However, it would be very challenging to design Overpower without Rush or Charge since the mechanic is inherently very slow in HS and the game has an oodle of removal and clear to counteract the lack of interaction. The focus on card type is a very interesting idea in both the short term in Standard (as they can push the Location and Weapon printed to have more usage then they otherwise would have) and long term as they can open the door for these cards to have longevity in Wild as stronger Weapon and Locations being added and can tutor them out. The flavor of the set might be repetitive from Rashtakhan's Rumble, but that was a very underpowered set so another attempt at the excellent is always appreciated.

    Thought on inidividual sets, on a scale of 10 from both balance and design:

    • Death Knight: Design: Oh boy. More Rainbow DK support. These should be fun with Necrotic Climatic Explosion in Wild. Libbiara seems extremely annoying, with her Ice Block lite effect that not only can heal but slam the enemy board, which can end the game to aggro decks. Her Rune status is completely justified because she would be completely broken in 3 Blood DK. Balance: However, Sword Instructor seem extremely overpower and limiting to card design. Foam Render give this an easy 5 Ghouls that can slam into the enemy and create Corpses for the class. I think this card should either be 6 mana or has a much smaller body like a 3/2 or even 3/1, or a combination of both like being 5 mana and 3/1. Overall score: 8/10 on balance, 9/10 on design. Favorite card: Runic Cutter, a great fusion of the craft weapon mechanic, Rainbow power and the mechanic focus of each class.
    • Demon Hunter: Design: An attempt to give DH more late game oriented strategy is always appreciated. And these cards seem to be more practical than the extremely underpower big Demon DH package that we have been given in the past. Well Done! Claw Coach Aranna run into the problem with low cost hero card - if you draw her early she can completely taken over the game with the force attack, but if you draw her late she is completely useless. I think she should cost higher (like 6 mana) along with a more impactful Battlecry. Balance: Combatant Manager seems a little above the curve. We saw a 2 mana 2/2 that draw a card in DH before and it has to be nerfed to a 2/1. While this effect can go off only one time, the stats buff is way more to make up for it. And unlike the other card, this card get extremely better in the late game, with the potential to give way more than a +1/+1 buff. For that reason I think it should be down to either a 2/1 or a 1/2. Champion Bodybuilder has way too many stats for such a dangerous effect. 8 Attack is too much that if you ran this against a token deck you can pretty much OTK them if you can summon him out, something which is possible with large Demon cheating and discount the class has received in the past. I think he should be a 6/14 to reduce his lethality and increase his Taunt potential. Design: 9/10, Balance 7/10.  Favorite card: Bolderon the Unbreakable, what a powerful and unique effect befitting of a boss monster of a new archetype.
    • Druid: Design: Bringing back this theme is a stroke of genius. The Un'Goro set itself never did anything too interesting with it, however the actual design of some of the cards leave something to be designed. Brawl'gar Beastiary: I really don't like bleeding design space from another class like this. Discovering from another class is supposed to be Priest and Rogue thing, with maybe Mage in certain sets if the situation called for it. Quackenbush: Another potentially degenerate combo cards. This can do rediculous things with minions with strong effect and high cost, not only getting them out with less mana but also having more copies of them, something like Owlonius Druid would salivate for another chance to get their combo piece. Balance: Intimidating Stance seems to cost a little too little. With 2 mana you can snowball the early game really hard, especially if you get lucky with the token and get some strong effect like Rush or Poisonous. I would make it 3 mana with a +3/+3 buff. Design: 6/10, Balance: 8/10. Favorite card: Basins of Renewal, a powerful and interesting infusion of the set's mechanic with the Druid central mechanic.
    • Hunter: Now this is a great design space. This allow for a more spell oriented Hunter to shine, something of a personal favorite as well as a not very common idea in general. Design: Nothing to noted here. All of these are excellent! Balance: Archery Instructor is super overpower. Not only is it a tutor for a class without much card draw to begin with, it can deal A LOT of damage, especially if the board is empty because you didn't specify two of those targets have to be different, so if the board is empty it can deal 8-12 damage face easily. It also limit future design space for weapon. Johnny Awesome: The +2 Spell Damage on a decent body is nut! I know there used to be +2 Damage on much worse body on non-Legendary and it was used just for that, and the couple that with the Overpower bonus turned your removal to direct damage. I would give it a 1 mana nerf. Design: 10/10, Balance: 8/10. Favorite card: Grizzly Grapple: A solid defensive card desperately needed for the archetype and Hunter in general.
    • Mage: It is always dangerous to give Mage more damage, but their position as a class has been week until pretty recently, so more expansive lethality would push them into a more aggressive tempo focus direction, which is something I have always liked. Design: Nothing to note. Everything is excellent and fitting for the class. Balance: Memorabilia Fanatic seems a little too weak. Its effect isn't that strong given that you can't control what you get. I would lower it to 6 mana. Design: 10/10. Balance: 9.5/10 after the update. Favorite Card: Large Fireball. Interesting and unique spin on this kind of mechanic.
    • Paladin: Give Paladin more weapon is something I have always noted to be rare, so a set like this explore that is always very welcome. Design: Nothing to note here, standard midrange in flavor stuffs for Paladin, but Ahoo'ru might need a small text to explain to the user what does "Triple Divine Shield" means. Balance: Black Market Handler might give too many stat, with a total of +10/+10 in buff that you can access extremely rapidly, especially couple with the fact that it has a solid body and that you can have Divine Shield minions. I think give only +2/+1 or +1/+2 buff and maybe reducing the body to a 4 mana 4/5 would be suffice. Design: 10/10, Balance 9/10. Favorite card: Weighted Walloper: A hilarious and interesting card that allow you to balance between value and tempo.
    • Priest: What is this? A resurrect effect that is not completely overbearing? Well done. Allow for more tempo and midrange playstyle without being obnoxious is hard to do so I salute you for it. Design: Nothing to note here, excellent design. Balance: Dominika seems weak, especially for a Legendary. Her board can be blow away by a stiff breeze from any control deck, something which I imagine the deck that contain her would have trouble with if they ever fall behind. Maybe lower her cost to 7 mana? Design: 10/10, Balance: 9.5/10. Favorite card: On-site Hospital: Powerful card with effect that allow for great mind game and decision making.
    • Rogue:  MORE COINS, MORE COINS. I have always have a soft spot for coin generating in Rogue. So this set is especially dear to my heart. Design: Right-Hand Ruffian seems to be lopsided in the power distribution in the Discover effect since 90% of the time Coin will be the choice, which kind of defeat the purpose of the card. Maybe if you can give the discount to the card you Discover by (1) then the other options would be more attractive? Balance: Match fixing seem very overpower as a 1 mana kill any minion. The only class that has that kind of efficient removal is Priest with the Light It Burns, a class with much less proactive early game and even then it is still much more conditional than this card. I would increase its cost to 2 and increase the damage to 3. Design: 9/10, Balance; 9/10. Favorite card: Underground Gambling, allows for powerful turn but with a caveat of skipping the rest of your turn. An interesting balance between tempo and combo potential.
    • Shaman: The Shaman's quirk, some would say versatility and some would say lack of identity, is utilized very well here as a multi spell schools, rainbow class. Design: Nothing to critique here. Everything is well thought out and fit with the theme. Balance: Hydro Hammer is way overpower. Running this with the Nature damage spells package and you scale this to 10 or 16 extra damage pretty easily with some miniscule set up. I would lower the Spell Damage value of this to +1. Design 10/10. Balance 9/10. Favorite Card: Tidemistress Shellbreaker, a powerful value generator that actually reward instead of punish you for casting every single spell schools during the course of the game.
    • Warlock: A unique take on Zoolock. I can tell there is alot of effort to put into how you can benefit from flooding the board instead of just putting more stat onto the board. Design & Balance: Ferocious Fiend Club violate the design space of not giving Warlock many direct damage. Yeah you are encourage to use on minion but the fact that it is as base a Fireball is insane - A card that is so powerful in Mage that it was brought back to the core set without any buff. This should be nerfed to only be able to target minions. Design: 9/10 and Balance 9/10.  Favorite card: Fel Blazer, what a clever way to benefit from big board. This allow for direct damage but you have to build and sacrifice your board to it.
    • Warrior: Now this is what proper Arena brawl theme set should feel like. Top to bottom flavor is out of this world and on point. Good job.  Design: Nothing to say. Everything is solid and flavorful. Balance: Axe Instructors: Once again, like the other two Instructors, way overpower and limiting the design, especially in a class known for having big attack weapons. Buffing the board isn't never really in flavor for Warrior anyway, so I would recommend either remove the board buff or increase its cost to 5 with a weaker body. Black Market Smith also deal a little too much damage to ease of which to use. I would nerf the damage to 2, increase the cost to 6 or nerf the body to 3/2. Design: 10/10. Balance: 7/10. Favorite card: Brasscutted Bleeder. Putting this condition into a weapon immediately raise the skill cap needed. Do you play it now and overwrite your existing weapon for 4 damage? or do you prefer to play it at the end so you can get the full value.
    • Neutral: All of the Neutral are on theme and offered interesting niche and design space. Well done! Favorite card: Fitness Room. Simple. flavorful and oozing with potential. Operated Junkbot: In a set with very aggressive themes and mechanic, it is nice to be offered some reprieve tech cards that can serve in midrange and control decks. Design: 10/10, Balance: 10/10.
    • Miniset: How does board clear interact with Hexos? If it work like how I think it is then the card is even more overpower than I thought (spell only work half the board?) Even if board clear work normally, Hexos is still extremely overpower. Just plop it in a Agrro or Midrange deck without any thought (because it doesn't require a deck building or play condition) you get a severe leg up to the token decks and any slower decks that attempt to use Taunt minions to reduce the damage. Bloodshredder seem cost a little too little for something with insane synergy with the rest of the set. It might need a nerf to 3 mana. Edit: Arcane Vollier seems a little too good for her cost. 4 mana 5/6 and +3 Spell Damage might be a little too efficient. I would nerf her main body to only have +1 Spell Damage. The rest of the mini set is well designed and balanced, but this one singular card Hexos would make the entire meta worse because of easy to use it is, so I have to give Design 8/10 and Balance a 5/10 if Haxos affect board clear and a 7/10 if Hexos doesn't affect board clear. Edit: Favorite Card: Dagger Instructor - one of the more balanced Instructor. She reward Rogue to actually put weapons in ther deck. Rogue isn't famous for having high attack weapons, so she should be fine.
  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2689 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 1 month, 1 week ago
    Quote From shatterstar1998
    • Miniset: How does board clear interact with Hexos? If it work like how I think it is then the card is even more overpower than I thought (spell only work half the board?) Even if board clear work normally, Hexos is still extremely overpower. Just plop it in a Agrro or Midrange deck without any thought (because it doesn't require a deck building or play condition) you get a severe leg up to the token decks and any slower decks that attempt to use Taunt minions to reduce the damage. Bloodshredder seem cost a little too little for something with insane synergy with the rest of the set. It might need a nerf to 3 mana. Edit: Arcane Vollier seems a little too good for her cost. 4 mana 5/6 and +3 Spell Damage might be a little too efficient. I would nerf her main body to only have +1 Spell Damage. The rest of the mini set is well designed and balanced, but this one singular card Hexos would make the entire meta worse because of easy to use it is, so I have to give Design 8/10 and Balance a 5/10 if Haxos affect board clear and a 7/10 if Hexos doesn't affect board clear. Edit: Favorite Card: Dagger Instructor - one of the more balanced Instructor. She reward Rogue to actually put weapons in ther deck. Rogue isn't famous for having high attack weapons, so she should be fine.

    Thank you for asking. To answer your question, no Hexos does not affect board clears. Twisting Nether for example, will still destroy everything regardless of what side of the board is on.

    It seems you misread Arcane Vollier. It doesn't summon the 2/2 Archer. It puts it in your hand.

    It's been a long time since I've seen you. It's cool to see you back.

  • shatterstar1998's Avatar
    Eevee 295 140 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 month, 1 week ago

    I reread it and it is true. If it puts it your hand then she is fine then. But the point system for the miniset still stand because this singular card will warp the meta to reduce the value of Taunt minions and tokens deck, both of which you seems to print cards for this expansion. Especially slaps on a card with no deckbuilding cost and an above the curve body

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2689 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 1 month ago

    We've got a bunch of fan projects at the top of the recent threads. Gotta get mine in the crowd with them.

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2689 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 2 weeks, 2 days ago

    Cards have been updated to use the Draenei tribe.

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2689 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 1 week, 4 days ago

    Well this is a combo.

    Supernova Card Image

    I've gotten comments ranging from "complete non-issue" to "that might be a problem". So, hopefully it's not a problem.

  • shatterstar1998's Avatar
    Eevee 295 140 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 week, 1 day ago
    Quote From Demonxz95

    Well this is a combo.

    Supernova Card Image

    I've gotten comments ranging from "complete non-issue" to "that might be a problem". So, hopefully it's not a problem.

    It is a 9 mana combo. Mage has done more degenerate stuffs for less mana in both Standard and Wild. Infiniate Time Warp anyone? Or Skyla into a 10 mana spell into the Rogue 4 mana card to recast it.

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