Burgle Math

Submitted 4 years, 10 months ago by

I was curious about the probably of burgling class cards with some out of the box card generators and I just thought I would share it. I am not stating the power of these cards rather just throwing some data out there. All numbers are rounded to the nearest percent. Also this is as of Saviors of Uldum Standard.

Pharaoh Cat Has a 35% to give a non-rogue class card.

Violet Haze Has a 58% to give 1 card and 12% for 2.

Jar Dealer Has a 37% for a class card.

Ravencaller Has a 60% to give 1 card and 14% for 2.

Tanglefur Mystic Has a 36% for a card.

Swamp Dragon Egg Has a 37% for a card.

Fishflinger Has a 29% for a card

Weaponized Piñata Has a 54% to give a card

Lastly Face Collector 

Played 1 time is a 54% for a card

Played 2 times is an 80% for a card 29% for 2

Played 3 times is a 90% for a card and 16% to get all 3 as class cards.

  • littleman942's Avatar
    45 1 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    I was curious about the probably of burgling class cards with some out of the box card generators and I just thought I would share it. I am not stating the power of these cards rather just throwing some data out there. All numbers are rounded to the nearest percent. Also this is as of Saviors of Uldum Standard.

    Pharaoh Cat Has a 35% to give a non-rogue class card.

    Violet Haze Has a 58% to give 1 card and 12% for 2.

    Jar Dealer Has a 37% for a class card.

    Ravencaller Has a 60% to give 1 card and 14% for 2.

    Tanglefur Mystic Has a 36% for a card.

    Swamp Dragon Egg Has a 37% for a card.

    Fishflinger Has a 29% for a card

    Weaponized Piñata Has a 54% to give a card

    Lastly Face Collector 

    Played 1 time is a 54% for a card

    Played 2 times is an 80% for a card 29% for 2

    Played 3 times is a 90% for a card and 16% to get all 3 as class cards.

  • dib's Avatar
    Rock Rager 415 135 Posts Joined 04/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    This is really useful, thanks! Mind doing it for wild? 😁

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2779 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    It is definitely an interesting recap, but these cards are not used for a reason. There is enough of actual, reliable burgle cards and there is plenty of other cards you want to put in your deck too to survive etc., so while interesting, none of these (except for the Cat maybe) would make the cut.

    Budget decks could definitely use them tho, but then again, if you dont have Quest, Tess or both, then it is kinda pointless to go for the sub-par generators anyway.

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  • Zelgadis's Avatar
    Wizard 1070 862 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    Having more alternatives can be useful for a highlander deck. Bouncing Zephrys the Great might be too greedy, but at least greed is thematic for a burgle deck.

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