My first successful experiment of the SoU expansion; I give you The Kodo Patrol OTK!
Submitted 5 years, 4 months ago by
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Im thinking of removing a card for a Dirty Rat .. it'd really just be a tech against armor druid..
ARES summons Erymanthian Huffer.
ARES declares attack with Huffer .
Adonis' hp reached 0. ARES wins!
Wouldnt Skulking Geist be better tech vs Armor Druid?
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So.. What's the OTK?
1. Use Smuggler's Crate and Emeriss to buff the Dispatch Kodo and use the Scarlet Webweaver to reduce its cost to 0.
2. Use Hunting Party (possibly in combination with Zul'jin) to get more copies of it.
3. Unleash the SMOrc.
Oh Geist is the Number one Druid killer.. unfortunately I kinda need those Smuggler's Crate
ARES summons Erymanthian Huffer.
ARES declares attack with Huffer .
Adonis' hp reached 0. ARES wins!
So.. One crate is enough, the standard combo uses king krush which are 8 damage each with all the doubling the deck reaches about 56 damage, so if you cast emeriss once after a crate you have that, you could burn your other crate.
If you don't draw the Kodo then crates are stuck in hand.. draw geist and 3 cards are dead in hand.. draw Hunting party and you'll be cursing your luck.. draw Subject 9 and welcome to milltown!
Granted both the piper and dispatch have to be bottom of deck for that catastrophic scenario but I'd rather not risk the opponent's coldlight oracle value.
ARES summons Erymanthian Huffer.
ARES declares attack with Huffer .
Adonis' hp reached 0. ARES wins!
Man I try your deck from rank 25 to 15 like 50 game [not sure about it and winrate because i suck at rank :p]
at first i play the exact same decklist but i found out that i always end up didn't draw exact combo to do OTK
so i try 1 of Tracking but turn out this card is so bad to the deck
and Stitched Tracker it's flexible but make me confuse to play combo LOL
Somehow the matchup i lost always be murloc Shaman,odd paladin,Jade Druid like some deck that consistent gain tempo or something and the one deck i lost so hard is some werid preist deck with a lot of high health minion because i can't clear any of his minion at all
Against Big Priest end up like this deck go even with or maybe better [Really happy with this]
so the last build that i change is -1Candleshot -1Freezing Trap -1Dwarven Archaeologist
+1 Deadly Shot +1Khartut Defender +1[Hearthstone Card (Swarm of Locust) Not Found]
Because some deck rush me down when don't have specific secret to answer so i think i really need some healing and the reduction of discover effect aren't that much It's feel like even the card i discover didn't reduce i still have mana to play it anyway and [Hearthstone Card (Swarm of Locust) Not Found] are really good since when you play Zuljin the wolf from spellstone aren't do anything to the board and make you have no space to play the kodo if it ready to OTK opponent so this card solve this problem
Only thing that i don't like is play Subject 9 on turn 5 if you not play card every turn and play subject 9 on turn 5 will burn the drawing card on turn 6 any tip on this problem [but i just play it on turn 7 or 6 with coin to avoid this problem]
So with this change when play Witchwood Piper we consistent draw Dispatch Kodo
Really happy to the deck after all
The most crazy game I play is the match with demonlock he attack into my secret and the minion die and the minion that come out the Wandering Monster is brann so he play malga'nis and next turn i play emeriss hit 2 0 mana kodo from 4/6 to 16/24 and just one kodo can deal 32 damage just wow I wonder if getting him to the deck will be good but i didn't have him
PS. I sorry for try your deck and changing something that you like to have in the deck I once try someone deck and feedback him end up he getting mad at me that feel so bad so i wanna apologize beforehand
PS.2 You can see My English are not that well
Sweet! Congrats on rank 15! Yes the deck needs some changes.. card draw or ways to wait for the combo cards.
I will try some of your changes, I ike the Khartut Defender idea..
I tried Stonehill Defender to go with the Dwarven Archaeologist but it gets drawn by Witchwood Piper
ARES summons Erymanthian Huffer.
ARES declares attack with Huffer .
Adonis' hp reached 0. ARES wins!