Guys, how do you think? Is it worth to spend 1400 gold on first two wings so that I can get Barnes and disenchant it next week? Sounds like a deal because 1600 dust is worth more than 1400 gold. But then I get to keep all the rest cards which are worth even more. Maybe I'll also D/E Moroes.
Guys, how do you think? Is it worth to spend 1400 gold on first two wings so that I can get Barnes and disenchant it next week? Sounds like a deal because 1600 dust is worth more than 1400 gold. But then I get to keep all the rest cards which are worth even more. Maybe I'll also D/E Moroes.
Buying the first two wings may be a good idea: I even read a post on Reddit on the same subject.
However, my only concern is that you would get niche to bad cards (except Barnes that will become a free legendary of your choice).
Spice Lord and self-proclaimed Meme Master.
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1400 gold for 1600 dust would already be a good deal, but on top of Barnes you'll get even other cards that you may disenchant if you're not interested. So go for it if you can, it's indeed a pretty decent exchange.
"For what profit is it to a man if he gains the world, and loses his own soul?"
Guys, how do you think? Is it worth to spend 1400 gold on first two wings so that I can get Barnes and disenchant it next week? Sounds like a deal because 1600 dust is worth more than 1400 gold. But then I get to keep all the rest cards which are worth even more. Maybe I'll also D/E Moroes.
1400 golds = 14 packs, and you get 2 legends + 2 epic.
I think it's worth it.
ohh, can you still buy it using golds?
the adventure makes fun and the dust ratio is very good - so I would say the idea is not the worst
I think he can, if he unlocked the first wing when it was still part of Standard.
I can complete my own Blackrock, but I can't do the same with Naxxramas.
And yeah, it sounds like a good idea, considering the incoming nerf on Barnes.
Also, Karazhan in general contains some cards that are still good today for Wild format (eg. Maelstrom Portal, Cloaked Huntress, Cat Trick, Ethereal Peddler, etc).
Yeah, it's totally worth it.
Also if you like card backs you can even complete the Heroic mode later.
I love Weasel Tunneler and there is nothin you can do about it.
I wish they'd just reenable buying the all wings including the first with gold.
All generalizations are false.
Buying the first two wings may be a good idea: I even read a post on Reddit on the same subject.
However, my only concern is that you would get niche to bad cards (except Barnes that will become a free legendary of your choice).
Spice Lord and self-proclaimed Meme Master.
Sure but all those niche to bad cards cards be dusted too.
Great idea, just doing the same thing!
I would encourage you to get the expansion because it's fun. Not to mention the cards can be played in Wild. If I were you, get the expansion
1400 gold for 1600 dust would already be a good deal, but on top of Barnes you'll get even other cards that you may disenchant if you're not interested. So go for it if you can, it's indeed a pretty decent exchange.
"For what profit is it to a man if he gains the world, and loses his own soul?"
Thanks, guys! Guess I'll do it. It will set me back with some gold but I also believe the benefits are greater.