If you play Hearthstone you need to see this

Submitted 5 years, 1 month ago by

Just saw this amazing video on youtube and I think this is definitely something people in the Hearthstone community and the devs themselves need to see. Other than getting a good laugh out of it, it actually brings up a lot of good points as well:


Don't get me wrong, I love Hearthstone (otherwise I wouldn't spend so much time on a website like this), but this video really made me realize how much can easily be improved with very little effort if the devs would be willing. Maybe if they see this video they might get the idea to at least do something? Probably not, but one can dream.

Edit: I used 'devs' for lack of a better word (if anyone knows one please say so :p) but I don't only mean the game developers, since they don't have control over everything, but also the people responsible for things like the economic part of the game.

  • GerritDeMan's Avatar
    Unicorn Reveler 525 264 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    Just saw this amazing video on youtube and I think this is definitely something people in the Hearthstone community and the devs themselves need to see. Other than getting a good laugh out of it, it actually brings up a lot of good points as well:


    Don't get me wrong, I love Hearthstone (otherwise I wouldn't spend so much time on a website like this), but this video really made me realize how much can easily be improved with very little effort if the devs would be willing. Maybe if they see this video they might get the idea to at least do something? Probably not, but one can dream.

    Edit: I used 'devs' for lack of a better word (if anyone knows one please say so :p) but I don't only mean the game developers, since they don't have control over everything, but also the people responsible for things like the economic part of the game.

  • Maurice's Avatar
    Eldritch Horror 640 301 Posts Joined 07/12/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    Don`t be so harsh, Blizz is only a small indi company. They need all the money to make new cards and selling them to barely survive.

    I see you!

  • Lightspoon's Avatar
    Merfolk 495 405 Posts Joined 04/01/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    I don't agree on everything, but indeed the game hasn't added many things during time: we have basically only 3 game modes (and one is just a fun one), a grindy ladder (that rewards time efficient decks more than others) and a pretty obsolete quest system and greedy economy. When thinking of this situation, I remember that on China (where HS is managed by a third part company) they also already have in-game tournaments, deck tracker and datas avaibale.

    I understand that for Blizzard HS must remain a casual friendly game, but adding more option can only make more dedicated players happy instead of letting them slip away (many top streamers have abandoned HS for other games). With MtG: Arena rising into the OCG market as the only real competitor, a sort of HS 2.0 would be a very nice thing to have sooner than later.


    "For what profit is it to a man if he gains the world, and loses his own soul?"

  • DoubleSummon's Avatar
    Ancestral Recall 1585 2271 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    I will analyze the video and give some background to what happens cause this video goes over a lot of stuff in the game.

    Unjustified rant/nitpicking:

    bugs: Bugs are part of every single program in the world there is not a single program without bugs except if you test it to perfection which is almost impossible to get all the edge cases. btw hs is NOT a finished game a game that updates really often (monthly updates is crazy for single player games if you play those as well). Game freezes/crashes are part of every big game not just hs.

    Auto complete not working in wild: The wild auto complete just doesn't work and they openly admitted it when they upgraded it to be actually good. also it's a plus cause the data on wild is so low so the meta is never really solved and the options are endless.

    Classic legendaries being "useless" Tinkmaster Overspark actually sees some play from time to time as a tech card, Lord Jaraxxus might be great again someday.. it was great for a while, also legendaries are overrated it means they are rare not OP or too strong to have 2 copies of, BTW it's better they suck so you don't have to collect more of them!

    Why does the video complains about wild combos? those are ok.. and you can't really design 3000+ cards and expect stuff to not be broken together.

    they nerfed Charge because they wanted more freedom in designing cards, having the ability to give ANY neutral or warrior minion charge at any given time is a headache to balance, the card should be called "rush" and they should return WC to it's old iteration but with rush instead of charge.. WC is such a sad joke card.. (the second part is the part that annoys me, but the charge/otk rant is holding on a lie they said back then, otk is fine if it has counterplay).

    Balance issues:dr. boom just got nerfed and the card was ok until rotation,big priest just got nerfed and it's win rate is sub 50, just really annoying to play against when they get Barnes on 4.. now they will never get Barnes on 4 again. they didn't want to nerf it because some people like big priest and it's playrate is high those people.. won't like their deck being nerfed (IKR some people like jhonny decks who would have guessed), don't think Naga Sea Witch got nerfed JUST cause reddit got a promoted thread. int he last year the dev team have been doing really well with balance I didn't feel that an extended amount of time something was waaaaay too good and it wasn't addressed they are doing it in a good pace too, not too soon, not too late.

    80$ skin: it's not a 80$ skin they sell you the packs, and legendaries the skin is an extra to the bundle.

    Legit complains:

    Interactions: it's annoying cause they added like 1000 interactions in dalaran's heist but they can't add interactions to ranked play?

    Economy: The HS economy is trash, including the achievements which people have been asking for AGES *looks at gwent* as well as statics.. which is dumb let's me add another thing did they realized yet every player that played for half a year have all classes at level 60 and the cap is meaningless? also the 50 quest of 2 games vs 1 game are kinda idiotic but the change was straight lazy bump from 40 gold to 50 gold instead of just .. deleting the 40 gold ones, but they won't this is cause they are greedy but it's NOT the development team fault it's the people who run the big money that block HS from making a better economy.

    Up for opinion I don't care:

    UI inconsistency: Quest rewards/dream/DK cards should really just show under a different tab in the UI I agree it's dumb but it doesn't matter that much really.

    OCD: 5 gold is annoying but you can get the other 5 gold if you play arena again.

    Zayle will be disenchant-able post rotation also can be bought with in game gold as I did.


    TL;DR: most stuff in the video are small/ insignificant stuff and the only legit complain is the economy which is terrible compared to any other card game and it's not the dev team's fault cause they have no control over how much the company wants to earn from the game.


  • Pullanisu's Avatar
    Gul'dan 275 107 Posts Joined 06/18/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    Agree with pretty much everything, this game is becoming a shit show

    Reno Jackson


    My faves!

    You can beat me but I will still yeet your skeet

  • GerritDeMan's Avatar
    Unicorn Reveler 525 264 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    @DoubleSummon You're making some good arguments but I think you're also overanalyzing some parts of the video that probably aren't meant to be taken too seriously (like the bugs and otk stuff).


    You're also right about the devs not having control over everything, but I used the word devs since I don't really know how to address the people who are responsible for all the economic stuff. I'll mention it in an edit in my original post.

  • FieselFitz's Avatar
    Prince Charming 1105 1355 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From DoubleSummon

    I will analyze the video and give some background to what happens cause this video goes over a lot of stuff in the game.

    Unjustified rant/nitpicking:

    bugs: Bugs are part of every single program in the world there is not a single program without bugs except if you test it to perfection which is almost impossible to get all the edge cases. btw hs is NOT a finished game a game that updates really often (monthly updates is crazy for single player games if you play those as well). Game freezes/crashes are part of every big game not just hs.

    Auto complete not working in wild: The wild auto complete just doesn't work and they openly admitted it when they upgraded it to be actually good. also it's a plus cause the data on wild is so low so the meta is never really solved and the options are endless.

    Classic legendaries being "useless" Tinkmaster Overspark actually sees some play from time to time as a tech card, Lord Jaraxxus might be great again someday.. it was great for a while, also legendaries are overrated it means they are rare not OP or too strong to have 2 copies of, BTW it's better they suck so you don't have to collect more of them!

    Why does the video complains about wild combos? those are ok.. and you can't really design 3000+ cards and expect stuff to not be broken together.

    they nerfed Charge because they wanted more freedom in designing cards, having the ability to give ANY neutral or warrior minion charge at any given time is a headache to balance, the card should be called "rush" and they should return WC to it's old iteration but with rush instead of charge.. WC is such a sad joke card.. (the second part is the part that annoys me, but the charge/otk rant is holding on a lie they said back then, otk is fine if it has counterplay).

    Balance issues:dr. boom just got nerfed and the card was ok until rotation,big priest just got nerfed and it's win rate is sub 50, just really annoying to play against when they get Barnes on 4.. now they will never get Barnes on 4 again. they didn't want to nerf it because some people like big priest and it's playrate is high those people.. won't like their deck being nerfed (IKR some people like jhonny decks who would have guessed), don't think Naga Sea Witch got nerfed JUST cause reddit got a promoted thread. int he last year the dev team have been doing really well with balance I didn't feel that an extended amount of time something was waaaaay too good and it wasn't addressed they are doing it in a good pace too, not too soon, not too late.

    80$ skin: it's not a 80$ skin they sell you the packs, and legendaries the skin is an extra to the bundle.

    Legit complains:

    Interactions: it's annoying cause they added like 1000 interactions in dalaran's heist but they can't add interactions to ranked play?

    Economy: The HS economy is trash, including the achievements which people have been asking for AGES *looks at gwent* as well as statics.. which is dumb let's me add another thing did they realized yet every player that played for half a year have all classes at level 60 and the cap is meaningless? also the 50 quest of 2 games vs 1 game are kinda idiotic but the change was straight lazy bump from 40 gold to 50 gold instead of just .. deleting the 40 gold ones, but they won't this is cause they are greedy but it's NOT the development team fault it's the people who run the big money that block HS from making a better economy.

    Up for opinion I don't care:

    UI inconsistency: Quest rewards/dream/DK cards should really just show under a different tab in the UI I agree it's dumb but it doesn't matter that much really.

    OCD: 5 gold is annoying but you can get the other 5 gold if you play arena again.

    Zayle will be disenchant-able post rotation also can be bought with in game gold as I did.


    TL;DR: most stuff in the video are small/ insignificant stuff and the only legit complain is the economy which is terrible compared to any other card game and it's not the dev team's fault cause they have no control over how much the company wants to earn from the game.


    This summs it up pretty good ! very well written!

    I personaly am think Hearthstone is far from "finished" and mostly get's trashed by people who are just salty - sure there are some valid points like the Economy in the Game regarding Quests or the dusting system but otherwise i think it is still a good game - at least in my oppinion :) 

    Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From DoubleSummon

    I will analyze the video and give some background to what happens cause this video goes over a lot of stuff in the game.

    Unjustified rant/nitpicking:

    bugs: Bugs are part of every single program in the world there is not a single program without bugs except if you test it to perfection which is almost impossible to get all the edge cases. btw hs is NOT a finished game a game that updates really often (monthly updates is crazy for single player games if you play those as well). Game freezes/crashes are part of every big game not just hs.

    Auto complete not working in wild: The wild auto complete just doesn't work and they openly admitted it when they upgraded it to be actually good. also it's a plus cause the data on wild is so low so the meta is never really solved and the options are endless.

    Classic legendaries being "useless" Tinkmaster Overspark actually sees some play from time to time as a tech card, Lord Jaraxxus might be great again someday.. it was great for a while, also legendaries are overrated it means they are rare not OP or too strong to have 2 copies of, BTW it's better they suck so you don't have to collect more of them!

    Why does the video complains about wild combos? those are ok.. and you can't really design 3000+ cards and expect stuff to not be broken together.

    they nerfed Charge because they wanted more freedom in designing cards, having the ability to give ANY neutral or warrior minion charge at any given time is a headache to balance, the card should be called "rush" and they should return WC to it's old iteration but with rush instead of charge.. WC is such a sad joke card.. (the second part is the part that annoys me, but the charge/otk rant is holding on a lie they said back then, otk is fine if it has counterplay).

    Balance issues:dr. boom just got nerfed and the card was ok until rotation,big priest just got nerfed and it's win rate is sub 50, just really annoying to play against when they get Barnes on 4.. now they will never get Barnes on 4 again. they didn't want to nerf it because some people like big priest and it's playrate is high those people.. won't like their deck being nerfed (IKR some people like jhonny decks who would have guessed), don't think Naga Sea Witch got nerfed JUST cause reddit got a promoted thread. int he last year the dev team have been doing really well with balance I didn't feel that an extended amount of time something was waaaaay too good and it wasn't addressed they are doing it in a good pace too, not too soon, not too late.

    80$ skin: it's not a 80$ skin they sell you the packs, and legendaries the skin is an extra to the bundle.

    Legit complains:

    Interactions: it's annoying cause they added like 1000 interactions in dalaran's heist but they can't add interactions to ranked play?

    Economy: The HS economy is trash, including the achievements which people have been asking for AGES *looks at gwent* as well as statics.. which is dumb let's me add another thing did they realized yet every player that played for half a year have all classes at level 60 and the cap is meaningless? also the 50 quest of 2 games vs 1 game are kinda idiotic but the change was straight lazy bump from 40 gold to 50 gold instead of just .. deleting the 40 gold ones, but they won't this is cause they are greedy but it's NOT the development team fault it's the people who run the big money that block HS from making a better economy.

    Up for opinion I don't care:

    UI inconsistency: Quest rewards/dream/DK cards should really just show under a different tab in the UI I agree it's dumb but it doesn't matter that much really.

    OCD: 5 gold is annoying but you can get the other 5 gold if you play arena again.

    Zayle will be disenchant-able post rotation also can be bought with in game gold as I did.


    TL;DR: most stuff in the video are small/ insignificant stuff and the only legit complain is the economy which is terrible compared to any other card game and it's not the dev team's fault cause they have no control over how much the company wants to earn from the game.


    Solid counter there, but I have to disagree on some parts.

    The whole 80$ skins probably wasn't so much about it being overpriced but rather feeling like you're being forced into spending an unnecessary amount of money for a minor cosmetic.

    I for example don't need that many packs...ever. I still sit on a massive dust pile because I am usually very careful about what I craft (and disenchant a lot after rotations) so I can't actually justify spending 80 bucks on a bunch of packs that are effectively irrelevant to me, just to get a skin, even though I would actually consider buying it for a more moderate offer (a 20-50$ bundle for example).

    It's just a really bad idea to basically force players to spend a massive amount to get a specific cosmetic (that's also time limited) when you could just sell it for less and get more customers that way instead of targetting whales only.

    I also assume the video was made before the balance changes (and still holds up given how neither Boom nor Barnes nerf are going to change much)

    Also the complaint about the classic legendaries probably has something to do with the fact that classic contains some of the most important cards for standard play (by virtue of being evergreen) but only very few specific legendaries that are useful, meaning that opening multple classic packs will usually come with a subpar legendary (or epic even)....and a lot of those don't even need to be as bad as they are, especially considering how power creep has evolved the game (unnerf Ancient of Lore!)

    I tried having fun once.

    It was awful.

  • Cocoduf's Avatar
    350 81 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    After a whole year playing this game, I actually realized a couple days ago just how little this game has to offer, how little it has grown since the start, and how little passion is actually put in it compared to the other CCGs out there, so I've decided to permanently switch to elder scrolls legends. I do still visit the Hearthstone forums, livestreams and youtube channels because the content people make is interesting, but the game itself is just not worth it for me. Deckbuilding in Hearthstone is a joke, growing a collection is insanely tedious, the meta is way too polarized and limited, new expansions feature too much RNG, reprints and packfillers and not enough fresh interesting mechanics or synergies, the UI is getting very old, bugs just don't get fixed, bundles are expensive and paying money again and again for so little in the end makes me disgusted. No statistics, no achievements, very few patches between releases. Singleplayer content is okay but not that exciting, story is nonexistent. Community features are literally nowhere to be found. I do like the art, animations, lore and flavor of this game, but then I still think the elder scrolls do it better.

    To me this game at core is a mobile game, deprived of passion and devoid of ambition, that cannot provide me the satisfactory gaming moments I've always craved since I played my first video game. Just because it's a card game doesn't mean it can't be a great game.

    That's just my opinion.

  • DoubleSummon's Avatar
    Ancestral Recall 1585 2271 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From GerritDeMan

    @DoubleSummon You're making some good arguments but I think you're also overanalyzing some parts of the video that probably aren't meant to be taken too seriously (like the bugs and otk stuff).


    You're also right about the devs not having control over everything, but I used the word devs since I don't really know how to address the people who are responsible for all the economic stuff. I'll mention it in an edit in my original post.

    I am trying to set the focus of complains on actual legit stuff it's all part of stuff people complain about but matters so little compared the the actual problems of the game which is mostly lack of features and the economy of the game being really tough for F2P/low paying customers.

    @YourPrivateNightmare : so you want those 12(the video didn't include Brightwing) cards to be viable? I actually highlighted it because I believe people put too much weight into legendaaries, you know how warrior could be nerfed harder than nerfing boom? nerfing Eternium Rover 1 mana 1/3 premium stats it's a mech so it has rush late game and magnetic and really powerful passive, this card would be played just if it was a 1/3 mech for 1 or if it costed 2 mana, but it wasn't nerfed although it's the reason why warrior is so strong in the early game, why wasn't it nerfed? cause the community only remembers losing to boom or galaxy but losing to a 1 drop that shut down your aggro plan by removing 2 tokens and gaining 2~4 armor? nah.

    about the nerfing, I still think it's unjustified to complain about lack of nerfs to LPG and boom in those 3 weeks, in the last 8 months we got actually quick nerfs to problem cards, there's no way to predict the meta as a developer or even as a pro player all the reviews I saw before the expansion crowned quest shaman the king of the meta for example.. which is a tier 3 deck.. so yeah nobody knows what could happen if warrior was really weak to quest shaman then CW would not even get nerfed in the first place, I think it was a mistake to give warrior even better cards this expansion but they thought of the taunt minions as a separate deck and not as an extension to CW.


  • GerritDeMan's Avatar
    Unicorn Reveler 525 264 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From DoubleSummon


    @YourPrivateNightmare : so you want those 12(the video didn't include Brightwing) cards to be viable? I actually highlighted it because I believe people put too much weight into legendaaries, you know how warrior could be nerfed harder than nerfing boom? nerfing Eternium Rover 1 mana 1/3 premium stats it's a mech so it has rush late game and magnetic and really powerful passive, this card would be played just if it was a 1/3 mech for 1 or if it costed 2 mana, but it wasn't nerfed although it's the reason why warrior is so strong in the early game, why wasn't it nerfed? cause the community only remembers losing to boom or galaxy but losing to a 1 drop that shut down your aggro plan by removing 2 tokens and gaining 2~4 armor? nah.

    I disagree that so many of the classic legendaries should remain as they are now. Opening a legendary card and playing with it should be one of the most exciting parts of Hearthstone, but many new players will be disappointed with their first and possibly second, third, etc. legendaries because not only are many of them useless, many have such boring effects that many rare cards nowadays are more exciting. Compare for example Gruul, Hogger, The Beast, King Mukla, Illidan Stormrage and Nat Pagle to cards like Dune Sculptor, Expired Merchant, Underbelly Angler and Kirin Tor Tricaster.

  • Avalon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1550 2105 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    Papa Gros <3

    Spice Lord and self-proclaimed Meme Master.

    • You can follow me on Twitter - I am always active and you can tag me to highlight your (or someone else's) 12 wins Duels run or really anything Hearthstone-related!
    • Hearthstone Battletag: beppe946#2807 (EU)
  • KANSAS's Avatar
    Old God Fanatic 1745 2912 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From GerritDeMan
    Quote From DoubleSummon


    @YourPrivateNightmare : so you want those 12(the video didn't include Brightwing) cards to be viable? I actually highlighted it because I believe people put too much weight into legendaaries, you know how warrior could be nerfed harder than nerfing boom? nerfing Eternium Rover 1 mana 1/3 premium stats it's a mech so it has rush late game and magnetic and really powerful passive, this card would be played just if it was a 1/3 mech for 1 or if it costed 2 mana, but it wasn't nerfed although it's the reason why warrior is so strong in the early game, why wasn't it nerfed? cause the community only remembers losing to boom or galaxy but losing to a 1 drop that shut down your aggro plan by removing 2 tokens and gaining 2~4 armor? nah.

    I disagree that so many of the classic legendaries should remain as they are now. Opening a legendary card and playing with it should be one of the most exciting parts of Hearthstone, but many new players will be disappointed with their first and possibly second, third, etc. legendaries because not only are many of them useless, many have such boring effects that many rare cards nowadays are more exciting. Compare for example Gruul, Hogger, The Beast, King Mukla, Illidan Stormrage and Nat Pagle to cards like Dune Sculptor, Expired Merchant, Underbelly Angler and Kirin Tor Tricaster.

    it is difficult to find the right power level for legendaries. You want them to feel exciting to open and play, and you want to feel like saving up 1600 dust is worth it. but on the other hand, if they are too good then you make it to hard for new/f2p players to keep up. no matter what you do, you cannot appease everyone. you have to make a choice between the casual players or the dedicated players and try and please them, you can't make both groups happy.

    Carrion, my wayward grub.

  • Kiaru's Avatar
    40 1 Posts Joined 08/24/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    Need y'all's opinon on a game that I would say has the potential to be upgraded HearthStone. It's called GodsUnchained and operates like HearthStone but with additional God Powers to choose from as well as personal ownership of cards. Is that appealing? The game is in beta now but you can get access with my key coppied below


    I've bought my share of HearthStone packs and the premise of being able to trade/sell those cards is what caught my attention.

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