Budget Treant Token Druid

Last updated 4 years, 9 months ago by
  • Ranked

This deck is pretty straight forward.  It's Token Druid using Treants.  It's essentially a budget deck due to Sn1p-Sn4p (the lone legendary) being given to players for free just for logging in during the Rise of the Mech event.  If you don't have this card, run a Microtech Controller or Desert Hare for more board flood.  There are only 4 epics with the 2 copies of Force of Nature and Anubisath Defender.  If you don't have the Anubisath Defenders and are looking for replacement cards, I'd probably suggest going with Swipe for more removal/burn or Microtech Controller for more board flood.  Force of Nature is a must-have for this deck, so sadly there's no true budget replacement for that card.

The point of this deck is to flood the board, buff your tokens with spells and punch your opponent's face until you win.  This makes Control Warrior one of the harder match-ups for this deck.  BEES!!! is a great removal card against other Aggro decks as oftentimes you kill your target and leave minions on your board.  As for mulligan strategies, you're looking to keep Acornbearer, Mecharoo, Dreamway Guardians, Landscaping and Force of Nature.  If you think you're going against another Aggro deck, then Sn1p-Sn4p is a fine keep as well.  Always ditch Garden Gnome unless you also have Force of Nature in your opening hand.

If you're wondering why there's a copy of Overflow in an Aggro Token deck, you need to realize that this deck can put out a lot of damage in a short window of time.  Healing your opponent and his things for 5 probably won't mean a whole lot and is usually worth the massive card draw.  It's also there to activate your Garden Gnome and Anubisath Defender.  If the "healing your opponent" thing freaks you out, just run a copy of Nourish.  It's not as good in my opinion, but it's the safer play.

Good luck and have fun!!!

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  • Mathemagical's Avatar
    265 8 Posts Joined 04/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    Went 44-19 from Rank 5 to Legend and am super happy with the result. Weirdly enough, I put in a second copy of overflow and Zephrys over the two Anubisath Defenders because I didn't have them. Zephrys actually worked as a tempo tool (like in tempo rogue) and I never actually got him off though I drew through my deck multiple times. So Faerie Dragon might work as a replacement. Thanks so much for the deck and write-up!

    • Mazinger31's Avatar
      345 39 Posts Joined 08/05/2019
      Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

      You're welcome!  I'm glad you were able to reach Legend with this list.  The inclusion of Zephrys makes sense with the 2nd Overflow (too bad you never got it to proc) because it's a good tempo play like you said.  Faerie Dragon makes sense as a budget replacement or people want a tempo minion that's spell immune.  Anubisath Defender has won me some games outright by protecting a wide board from annoying minions like Reckless Mummy, so if you ever happen to get the card I'd suggest trying it out.

  • duppie's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 320 240 Posts Joined 04/02/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    It's a good cheap deck for players on a budget, but there aren't any legendaries or epics you'd want to put in this deck that aren't already in it.  So it's only a budget deck in the sense that it's cheap, it's quite optimal.

    I climbed to top 500 from 2kish pretty quickly with few losses.  I put a second overflow over a mecharoo because I think you always want to draw it if the game goes that long.  You fight for board in the early game and overwhelm them in the late game. 

    • Mazinger31's Avatar
      345 39 Posts Joined 08/05/2019
      Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

      The second Overflow is interesting.  It gives you another Garden Gnome/ Anubisath Defender activator and more card draw so it makes sense for late game match-ups.


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