Cards that could be added to the classic set
Submitted 5 years, 4 months ago by
I was thinking today about the thing i hate most in hearthstone right now, lackey shit in every single deck on ladder and in casual mode, and it really got my gnoggin gjoggin. Warlock would be in a better place if defile was still in standard. It feels really bad to have to hellfire a board of 1/1s that the opponent can easily reproduce next turn due do the cancerous nature of lackey shit generating more and more lackey shit, and screeching a board of it, while discarding a card, just for them to repopulate the next turn is probably even worse. Idk, what cards do you think they should consider adding to the classic set?
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I was thinking today about the thing i hate most in hearthstone right now, lackey shit in every single deck on ladder and in casual mode, and it really got my gnoggin gjoggin. Warlock would be in a better place if defile was still in standard. It feels really bad to have to hellfire a board of 1/1s that the opponent can easily reproduce next turn due do the cancerous nature of lackey shit generating more and more lackey shit, and screeching a board of it, while discarding a card, just for them to repopulate the next turn is probably even worse. Idk, what cards do you think they should consider adding to the classic set?
Living like that.
"Idk, what cards do you think they should consider adding to the classic set?"
I see you!
Wait,'re annoyed by Lackey shit every single game (which is patently false since like half the classes don't even care about Lackeys) and your solution to the problem would be adding Defile to Warlock forever so that whenever a new set comes out, all swarmy/early game strategies are dead on arrival because Defile is still around, killing everything? O-ok. At that point, why are you bothering with Standard, if you want new strategies to be unusable before the set is even released? What's the point of messing around with 1-hp Paladin synergies if Defile is around? What the point of the entire Reborn mechanic if Defile is around? What's the point of trying anything remotely midrangy if Zephrys will get you a 2 mana Twisting Nether in any class at a moment's notice?
Standard should remain as limited as possible, in fact, should probably be even more limited than it already is (i.e. Kibler's suggestion to remove the evergreen sets completely), otherwise, you might as well be playing Wild (which I do). In Wild, most strategies Blizz tries to push with each set are essentially already neutralised by strategies that exist in sets already available, and barely half of the new strategies end up being playable as a result. If there is one thing that should be added to the Basic and Classic set, it's a decent-ish Priest AoE at around 6 mana so that they don't have to make a new Lightbomb every year like they're doing now.
Do you miss Defile? Just join Wild. The card is still there, chiefly in Renolock and Evenlock.
As for Classic cards, they must comply the requirement of NOT being exceedingly powerful. That certainly marks Defile out of any hope of becoming an Evergreen.
Sorry for sounding cruel.
PS: since you hate to face Lackey shenanigans as a Warlock, have you considered going the Egg/Lackey route yourself, with the inclusion of Plague of Flames?
I don't play warlock, i just saw a card that would be really useful in the current meta and made an argument for it, in an effort to start a conversation, believe it or not this isn't a salt thread V2 no matter how much i hate lackey shit.
Living like that.
Whizbang would be a great addition to the classic set, especially for newer players to always have that easy investment for decent decks
Evergreen shouldn't be that powerful. All the powerful Evergreen cards are slowly getting HoF'd. Moving something like Defile to Evergreen would be ridiculous. The only card that needs to be made Evergreen is Whizbang the Wonderful.
Lackey's are not a problem. There's only 3 classes that actually use them regularly. Shaman, Rogue and Warlock. Yes Quest Shaman is very prevalent right now, but the meta hasn't fully developed since the nerfs to answer to it or Quest Druid.
If you need a break from the Lackeys, just go to wild for a while. A deck running lackeys will be few and far between. Wild is honestly a lot more fun at this point. Much more variety of decks instead of playing vs the same couple of meta decks game after game.
As Marcus suggested, very few cards would deserve to stay in Classic, for the reason he already mentioned: you want as much room as possible in Standard, without eternal cards barring the way from something new to pop in a new meta. That's the point of Rotations, and adding powerful cards to Classic would go against that very principle of Standard.
IMO, Priest should have received no strong AoE in the (6) and (7) range. Instead, Holy Ripple is what Holy Nova should have always been. If we consider Wild Pyromancer, that's probably all that Priest deserves for Standard AoE, with no need to print more stupidly powerful AoE like Lightbomb or Psychic Scream (imo, one of the two should actually be removed from the game). Plague of Death is ok, because it comes very late.
Another card that would have deserved to stay in Classic, considered the periodical revamp of Secret Mage, was Arcanologist, because it could have prevented Ancient Mysteries from being printed - alas, it's too late for that.
I honestly believe that more mechs should be added or be moved, The big mech supports come from boomsday project and GvG and I think very few cards could be merged into classic set, but obviously try not to add powerful one like Wargear, we can start with a cards that could help a tribe, like Clockwork Knight, this vanilla minion gives a little boost to very specific tribe and it fits very well in classic set.
If Mountain Giant sees play for many years, Clockwork Giant could have fit alright in classic set, this card does not have to do anything with GvG anyways, so it might work, but I think this is not a major topic to talk about. The major topic would be lack of Mechs in classic, the only solution I think is to extend classic cards list or make 2nd classic set, not saying it is a must.
Another main issue is that there are no classes that supports mech from the beginning of the game, so mechs are pretty pointless. And on the other hand, the mechs would make mech-based expansions less exciting.
There are also lack of elementals, but they have already their own place in classic set too, so I would like to see more mechs even just for theme, just because they are cool. And that would make new players have fun with mechs that likes robots.
whizbang def. I wish they'd bring some of the unique cards in wild as well, like Justicar Trueheart and that card that copies your opponent's hero power :P
👿In dalaran I am pimpy👿in set reviews I was wimpy👿as minions die my cost gets shrimpy👿You guessed it right👿I'm jumbo impy
👿In dalaran I am pimpy 👿in set reviews I was wimpy 👿as minions die my cost gets shrimpy 👿You guessed it right 👿I'm jumbo impy
The one card that I'd like to have in classic above all others is Dirty Rat. The main reason is that the card provides a possible answer to a ton of decks that can kill you from hand and that otherwise cannot be touched with evergreen cards. Instead of having to print a bunch of new counters every year(which they all keep giving to Warlock for some unfathomable reason: Demonic Project, Gnomeferatu, etc.) they could add Dirty Rat to classic, similar to how Mind Control Tech or Acidic Swamp Ooze are staple neutral tech cards. What's more, Dirty Rat is potentially game-winning but not at all overpowered, and effective use of the card requires skill, knowledge of the meta and a little luck.
Regarding Defile, as others have pointed out that card is waaay too strong to be made evergreen. I think we're just overdue a small AoE spell a la Demonwrath (Impferno just doesn't cut it).