Sinister History

Submitted 4 years, 9 months ago by


This is for all that want to use unplayed cards and off meta decks. And in that case also a challenge to play.

  It happened by searching for a discover deck that i ended with warlock and well... diffrent. Kind of lackey warlock. Its a realy sinister history ....


So if you want to play unused cards, this has a lot of them. And thats the realy nice part.


I am still learning and testing that deck but already over 100 games. The deck works competative on ladder.

It is difficult to play (at least for non warlock players). Unforgiving but rewarding off meta lackey lock.



I described the cards in the deck. Think what you are doing. This deck plans ahead. Droping a merchant at the wrong time and you loose (mabe 10 turns later ) ...

  • W0lfr1c's Avatar
    210 128 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago


    This is for all that want to use unplayed cards and off meta decks. And in that case also a challenge to play.

      It happened by searching for a discover deck that i ended with warlock and well... diffrent. Kind of lackey warlock. Its a realy sinister history ....


    So if you want to play unused cards, this has a lot of them. And thats the realy nice part.


    I am still learning and testing that deck but already over 100 games. The deck works competative on ladder.

    It is difficult to play (at least for non warlock players). Unforgiving but rewarding off meta lackey lock.



    I described the cards in the deck. Think what you are doing. This deck plans ahead. Droping a merchant at the wrong time and you loose (mabe 10 turns later ) ...

  • Horus's Avatar
    Detective Pikachu 2575 3345 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    That seems like a really greedy take on mid-range'ish decklist, or a zoo that attempts to control?
    Guess I'm just puzzled about the win condition here

    Edit: What I'm getting is that it probably relies on constant smaller threats as well as buffing in hand Omega Agent(s) for one massive game swing win. I think the concept is fun but that it may under-deliver compare to a more straight forward Zoo-lackey's list or a more deliberate hand-control approach.

    Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back : 

  • W0lfr1c's Avatar
    210 128 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    It takes out control decks most of the time. It feels a bit like having no real counter but also no clear win against most metadecks. If feels like being a T2 if played well. As said it feels unvorgiving. So even if you make it and play it you might get slaughtered. A friend tried it out today. He made the mistake to play a merchant doubling an omega loosing him the game somewhat 8 turns later. And he knew the decklist he battled. I had been clearly negative for at least 50 games. Moved to 50% with the historians and over 50% with godfrey and the scavengers gave it the last kick. Maybe i get another idea for a card to further improve it.

    It´s definitely not Zoo. It´s midrange with omegas as powerful lategame if needed.  I did nee a good number of games to get a grip on it. It´s not one of the straightforward decks and i struggled in the T3 range mostly due to lack of healing. So i did try out and think how to improve. I played i without Godfrey for some time to have a better control what to discard but it´s clearly better with him. Adding him improved winrate against quest paladins which were hard and it made the deck close to autowin against murlocs.As said this list is refinded multiple times with over 100 games and great to play. It brings cards into play that are unused in the meta. It might end as T3 deck after R5 but i still can´t tell.

    You mentioned it looks greedy. Countess might look like that. I had been concerned to use her and did put her out and in. She showed to be very strong here.

  • Horus's Avatar
    Detective Pikachu 2575 3345 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    I could be wrong, but that was my first impression upon checking the list and the guide you had.
    And like I said, the concept seems pretty fun, so good job on that!

    Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back : 

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