Daily Quests - New Ideas/Trash Removal

Submitted 5 years, 3 months ago by

I feel like there needs to be a "refreshing" of the daily quests - not so much the gold (though more would be great obviously) but just the quests themselves are feeling a bit stale and don't really "add" much usually. So am curious if anyone has thoughts on new quests they'd like to see and what quests would you be happy if they removed forever?

My additions would be more around deckbuilding goals. They already have the "play 6 pirates"/"play 6 cards that cost 8 or more"/etc. so I think they should expand on that to keep the flavor going on each expansion and to encourage using the new cards. This already happened once with Witchwood with "I Can't Even/The Odds Are Against Us" for even/odd costed cards, so it's a shame that seems to be the only time they've ever tried that. So for example on Boomsday they could have added 50g -"magnetize 5 Mechs" or 60g - "create a Magnetized mech that's at least a 10/10", SoU they could have 60g - "complete 4 quests" or 80g "defeat your opponent before they complete their quest". That type of thing.

As for what I'd love to see go, the "Win X Games With [Classes]" needs to be buried forever for two main reasons: 1) I don't have data to support this, but my strong belief is that for most people who don't tend to a play a class they get the quest for, they just grab the strongest netdeck they can build and jump in Casual to complete their quest. This sucks when I'm trying to meme it up in Casual and run into say Murloc Paladin. I've actually friended a few people over the years that have done this and most have actually said that's why they were playing a T1 deck in Casual - to complete their quest as fast and easily as possible or becuase they were new to the game and it was the only way they'd be able to do it. 2) Again totally anecdotal but whenever I get this quest I cannot seem to STEAL the win(s) needed to complete it. This is the genesis of my creating this thread today - Win a game with Rogue quest, so I'll just use my Quest Rogue I have a 51.4% win rate with. Oh look at that - I lost 5 games in a row before finally getting a win. This happens so much I cannot stand it because it just feels extra bad to lose when "there's something on the line" so to speak.

So what does everyone else think? Good ideas for new quests? Quests you want burned to the ground?


  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago

    I feel like there needs to be a "refreshing" of the daily quests - not so much the gold (though more would be great obviously) but just the quests themselves are feeling a bit stale and don't really "add" much usually. So am curious if anyone has thoughts on new quests they'd like to see and what quests would you be happy if they removed forever?

    My additions would be more around deckbuilding goals. They already have the "play 6 pirates"/"play 6 cards that cost 8 or more"/etc. so I think they should expand on that to keep the flavor going on each expansion and to encourage using the new cards. This already happened once with Witchwood with "I Can't Even/The Odds Are Against Us" for even/odd costed cards, so it's a shame that seems to be the only time they've ever tried that. So for example on Boomsday they could have added 50g -"magnetize 5 Mechs" or 60g - "create a Magnetized mech that's at least a 10/10", SoU they could have 60g - "complete 4 quests" or 80g "defeat your opponent before they complete their quest". That type of thing.

    As for what I'd love to see go, the "Win X Games With [Classes]" needs to be buried forever for two main reasons: 1) I don't have data to support this, but my strong belief is that for most people who don't tend to a play a class they get the quest for, they just grab the strongest netdeck they can build and jump in Casual to complete their quest. This sucks when I'm trying to meme it up in Casual and run into say Murloc Paladin. I've actually friended a few people over the years that have done this and most have actually said that's why they were playing a T1 deck in Casual - to complete their quest as fast and easily as possible or becuase they were new to the game and it was the only way they'd be able to do it. 2) Again totally anecdotal but whenever I get this quest I cannot seem to STEAL the win(s) needed to complete it. This is the genesis of my creating this thread today - Win a game with Rogue quest, so I'll just use my Quest Rogue I have a 51.4% win rate with. Oh look at that - I lost 5 games in a row before finally getting a win. This happens so much I cannot stand it because it just feels extra bad to lose when "there's something on the line" so to speak.

    So what does everyone else think? Good ideas for new quests? Quests you want burned to the ground?


  • Meteorite12's Avatar
    670 696 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago

    Part of the problem with adding new quests like you mentioned for Boomsday or Uldum would be they’d Ben somewhat locked begin having more cards for that expansion (Magnetize probably isn’t coming back for awhile, and new players won’t have any quest cards)

    Who needs consistency when you could have fun?

  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago
    Quote From Meteorite12

    Part of the problem with adding new quests like you mentioned for Boomsday or Uldum would be they’d Ben somewhat locked begin having more cards for that expansion (Magnetize probably isn’t coming back for awhile, and new players won’t have any quest cards)

    That's kind of my point about having them roll the quests with each new expansion - you'd get the current expansion's daily quests more while they were new, and then drop off once the next one launched. So it wouldn't "matter" as much if you joined HS after a particular expansion. And for new people not having quests, etc. that's fair, but I guess in that case you could just reroll or wait - sort of like how people who don't have a lot of friends might have to reroll the "play a friend"/"watch a friend win" quests or how you'd probably wait on the "win 3 tavern brawls" quest if it was a week where you hated the brawl (looking at you, Brawlesium...)


  • FieselFitz's Avatar
    Prince Charming 1105 1355 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago

    Well i guess there´s only one kind of Quest (at least one i can think of now) that i always hate getting and it's Quests that are Brawl related - most of the time i only play the Brawl for as long as i won one to get the cardpack but allways reroll the quest with win 3 Tavern Brawls etc. 

    Some brawls are ok but most of the time i do not like them or at least i favour to play Standard Ladder instead and think the Brawl takes out my Gaming Time on the Ladder - if this makes any sense :) :) 

    Well there are some Quests you get on the beginning of a New Expansion but i get what you are saying - i think it could be kinda cool to have more expansion related Quests for at least 1 Week after the expansion.

    Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!

  • Meteorite12's Avatar
    670 696 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago

    You’ve probably seen how some people really don’t like the brawl quests, and just auto reroll them every time. Imagine rerolling into another quest you couldn’t do.

    New quests would need to be something easy to complete that doesn’t revolve around specific expansions. That’s why the tribal ones work, and the odd/even. They aren’t tied exclusively to an expansion. Preferably you’d want whatever new quest to be possible to complete purely through the classic set as well.0

    Who needs consistency when you could have fun?

  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago

    The daily quests definitely need some changes. After the tweak to the rewards a while back, some of the easiest quests [Win 1 game with X or Y class] give the same amount of gold as [Win two with X class], which is plainly out of whack in terms of difficulty. Hell, even the 60 reward quests don't feel as rewarding considering you have to expend three times as much effort to get 10 gold more compared to these easy 50 gold quests.


    Rewards aside, it feels like there's just too many quests related to winning with specific classes: a lot of these are redundant, and the large number of these means that other types of quest don't come up as frequently. Then there's the argument against more specific quests like playing pirates, secrets, elementals, etc. that you'd often have to build a deck just to complete the quest, and many players just want to play ladder and get their gold.


    I don't think there's a perfect solution here that would please everyone (other than perhaps infinite rerolls on quests), but personally I'd like to see the number of [win with class] quests trimmed down and some of the lamer type-specific quests like [play 6 pirates] removed as well. I wouldn't mind the introduction of set-specific quests (for the duration of that set) either, EG you could have quests relating to mummies, reborn minions, quests, highlander decks, etc. for Uldum.

  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago
    Quote From Meteorite12

    You’ve probably seen how some people really don’t like the brawl quests, and just auto reroll them every time. Imagine rerolling into another quest you couldn’t do.

    New quests would need to be something easy to complete that doesn’t revolve around specific expansions. That’s why the tribal ones work, and the odd/even. They aren’t tied exclusively to an expansion. Preferably you’d want whatever new quest to be possible to complete purely through the classic set as well.0

    Well you could save the quest and reroll again the next day? I guess I just have a different feeling about what the quests "should" be - I don't think they should be "easy" because then what's even the point? Oh I got the pirate quest - let me throw every pirate I have into some trash deck, play it once to drop them all, and then move back to decks I actually want to play. That doesn't really feel like the quest is idk "part" of the game as much a box to tick and get the gold before moving back to the "real" game. 

    I mean there's no "right" answer to the question. I was just curious if I was alone in thinking this about the quests and was curious what other people thought.

  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago
    Quote From AliRadicali

    The daily quests definitely need some changes. After the tweak to the rewards a while back, some of the easiest quests [Win 1 game with X or Y class] give the same amount of gold as [Win two with X class], which is plainly out of whack in terms of difficulty. Hell, even the 60 reward quests don't feel as rewarding considering you have to expend three times as much effort to get 10 gold more compared to these easy 50 gold quests.


    Rewards aside, it feels like there's just too many quests related to winning with specific classes: a lot of these are redundant, and the large number of these means that other types of quest don't come up as frequently. Then there's the argument against more specific quests like playing pirates, secrets, elementals, etc. that you'd often have to build a deck just to complete the quest, and many players just want to play ladder and get their gold.


    I don't think there's a perfect solution here that would please everyone (other than perhaps infinite rerolls on quests), but personally I'd like to see the number of [win with class] quests trimmed down and some of the lamer type-specific quests like [play 6 pirates] removed as well. I wouldn't mind the introduction of set-specific quests (for the duration of that set) either, EG you could have quests relating to mummies, reborn minions, quests, highlander decks, etc. for Uldum.

    Totally agree

  • Elfensilver's Avatar
    595 663 Posts Joined 03/14/2019
    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago

    Another possible angle quests could go to, is countering the metagame. If there is a surplus of one class -say above 15/16% - for some time, there could be a 80G quest to beat this class. This would make the meta change more on a daily basis.

  • Lightspoon's Avatar
    Merfolk 495 405 Posts Joined 04/01/2019
    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago

    The main issue with quests, aside from the rewards being terrible even after they reworked them, is that people don't really care too much about them in terms of deckbuilding: they want their gold fast and then they wanna mainly go on Ladder or Arena, since those are the "serious" modes of HS and the most played. That's also why Casual is often infested with top tier decks: people wanna win fast and move on.

    While the idea of themed quests for each new expansion set could be interesting (maybe if limited for the first week of release), I would suggest to make all the quests the more generic as possible, so that people could just complete them while playing their normal game instead of feel forced to build something specific to get some gold. In this way I also hope that Casual can go back to being really casual.

    "For what profit is it to a man if he gains the world, and loses his own soul?"

  • Alfi's Avatar
    Devoted Academic 1790 1375 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago

    I would hate having a daily quest relying absolutely on your opponent (your 80g "defeat your opponent before they complete their quest") who have to play a special deck and also with only quests being played are druid (completed on turn 4 or 5) and shaman (completed on turn 3-6)


  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago
    Quote From Alfi

    I would hate having a daily quest relying absolutely on your opponent (your 80g "defeat your opponent before they complete their quest") who have to play a special deck and also with only quests being played are druid (completed on turn 4 or 5) and shaman (completed on turn 3-6)

    That's totally fair - was just the first thing that came to mind as an example. I'm sure others could come with better options for quests that capture flavor/utilize new mechanics of each expansion.

  • KANSAS's Avatar
    Old God Fanatic 1745 2912 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago

    Quests should be easy to complete because everyone would rather play what they want to play instead of something they don't want to play.

    Let me explain; lets say there was a quest that said 'win 2 games with a deck that has at least 10 elementals' this would inspire you to play a elemental deck. But the issue is that you either A. are already open to playing an elemental deck and you don't need much prompting, or B. don't want to play an elemental deck but now you have to.

    You either already want to play a off-meta or different deck and you will continue to play hearthstone in the same way you already would, or you are a competitive player and you are frustrated that now you have to play a off-meta or different deck against your will. You could always just re-roll it, but you can only do that once a day. And if you re-roll into a quest like this than you are either forced to play a deck you don't like or just wait until the next day. 

    The purpose of the quests right now is not to prompt players to play something else, the purpose is to give them gold. The requirement on the quests is not to shape the meta, or change what the player wants to ladder with, but it is so that the person actually has to play Hearthstone to get the gold. It stops people from just logging on and off to get gold every day.  

    Carrion, my wayward grub.

  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago
    Quote From Alfi

    I would hate having a daily quest relying absolutely on your opponent (your 80g "defeat your opponent before they complete their quest") who have to play a special deck and also with only quests being played are druid (completed on turn 4 or 5) and shaman (completed on turn 3-6)

    I agree. Completing a quest should always hinge on the player, not their opponent. Now obviously you don't have full control over winning, but any other condition (choice of class, playing X [class]/[tribe] cards, playing brawl, etc. is something the player has full control over.

    You can't choose your opponent's deck, so a quest condition that requires them to play a certain class or type of deck would be endlessly frustrating, even if it's the most common deck in standard.

    While I suppose you could reward players for playing off-meta decks or not-netdecks, but it'd be far too wordy of a condition to explain neatly in two lines of text. I don't find the idea terribly exciting either.


    Overall, since quests are catering to the widest range of HS players, I think it'd be a mistake to make them too focused on standard or the reverse: you don't want to force players to play a mode they don't want to play. I'm sure everyone's had a few games where the warrior does nothing but play weapons turn after turn and then concede, and those tend not to be very gripping games for either player.

  • Zwane's Avatar
    Wizard 320 423 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago

    I think the daily quests are inspired by WoW, but miss some important reasons why they work better there: 

    1. Higher rewards (useful gear etc) 

    2. More choice (you can choose from a lot more daily quests to do there)

    One of the problems with creating interesting quests is in the reward: gold as a reward is a bit meh compared to getting a higher average iLvL in WoW or this nice item for transmog. I think quests could be more interesting when the rewards could be cosmetical (say win this aweseome card back) or much more impactful (win a free legendary/epic card, your choice) something like that.

    And maybe they should introduce trinket cards? Which kindof work as the perks in the adventures.(Say all minions of the opponent have one less attack or something :) lol). Sure this would be difficult to "balance" and people would cry out "unfair"!! But at least you would be more interesting in doing the quests...and if you could only use them for a limited time, say 5 times or something, a temporary buff, then it might work, and it would be "fair": people spending the time to do the quests get better "gear" and therefore have an advantage for a limited period. Just my 2 cents.

  • Alfi's Avatar
    Devoted Academic 1790 1375 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago
    Quote From Zwane

    And maybe they should introduce trinket cards? Which kindof work as the perks in the adventures.(Say all minions of the opponent have one less attack or something :) lol). Sure this would be difficult to "balance" and people would cry out "unfair"!! But at least you would be more interesting in doing the quests...and if you could only use them for a limited time, say 5 times or something, a temporary buff, then it might work, and it would be "fair": people spending the time to do the quests get better "gear" and therefore have an advantage for a limited period. Just my 2 cents.

    There already are trinkets, in the Solo adventures and yes, they are totally unfair. For example the one that gives opponent minions minus 1 attack.

    And of course it would be totally bad, that you are playing your 6th game and have a clear un-advantage.

    For these modes you have brawls and solo content.


  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago
    Quote From Zwane

    I think the daily quests are inspired by WoW, but miss some important reasons why they work better there: 

    1. Higher rewards (useful gear etc) 

    2. More choice (you can choose from a lot more daily quests to do there)

    One of the problems with creating interesting quests is in the reward: gold as a reward is a bit meh compared to getting a higher average iLvL in WoW or this nice item for transmog. I think quests could be more interesting when the rewards could be cosmetical (say win this aweseome card back) or much more impactful (win a free legendary/epic card, your choice) something like that.

    And maybe they should introduce trinket cards? Which kindof work as the perks in the adventures.(Say all minions of the opponent have one less attack or something :) lol). Sure this would be difficult to "balance" and people would cry out "unfair"!! But at least you would be more interesting in doing the quests...and if you could only use them for a limited time, say 5 times or something, a temporary buff, then it might work, and it would be "fair": people spending the time to do the quests get better "gear" and therefore have an advantage for a limited period. Just my 2 cents.

    I wouldn't want to play a game where the PVP content includes power-ups or boosts outside of the normal gameplay itself (for HS, the cards in your deck), because then it becomes a requirement to get those powerups in order to fight on a level playing field. In the end ladder would devolve into trinket-wars where everyone is boosting themselves, at which point you've just introduced an artificial barrier for everyone who doesn't have trinkets (any more). If these were quest rewards then the number of games you can play at full power per day is effectively capped by how many trinkets you can earn per day.

    Sounds *terrible* to me.

  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago

    This looks promising: 

    "While not included in our next major update, here’s a preview of some of the changes we’re making to quests a little further down the line.

    • We’re cutting some of the less popular daily quests and tuning down some of their requirements to make them quicker and easier to complete. We’ll also be adding some new quests to the pool to mix things up!
    • We split most daily quests into two buckets: Easy (50g) and Slightly More Difficult (60g). Rerolling a Slightly More Difficult (60g) quest (like Play 10 Beasts) always gives you an Easy (50g) quest, so players can be guaranteed to get an Easy quest every day if they want. We love  Murlocs and Pirates as much as anyone, but it should be your choice if you decide to complete their quests."
  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago
    Quote From AliRadicali

    This looks promising: 

    "While not included in our next major update, here’s a preview of some of the changes we’re making to quests a little further down the line.

    • We’re cutting some of the less popular daily quests and tuning down some of their requirements to make them quicker and easier to complete. We’ll also be adding some new quests to the pool to mix things up!
    • We split most daily quests into two buckets: Easy (50g) and Slightly More Difficult (60g). Rerolling a Slightly More Difficult (60g) quest (like Play 10 Beasts) always gives you an Easy (50g) quest, so players can be guaranteed to get an Easy quest every day if they want. We love  Murlocs and Pirates as much as anyone, but it should be your choice if you decide to complete their quests."

    I saw this and am also hopeful this breathes a little life into these quests! That second point is asinine though - does ANYONE reroll a 60/80/100g quest hoping for and "easier" 50g quest? Who's out here voluntarily taking less gold?   

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