Changes are coming to Hearthstone soon and things are going to get crazy!
- 23 Wild cards are moving into Standard for a limited-time event.
- These wilds cards are going to be added to everyone's collection (can't be disenchanted or crafted) so everyone can participate.
- The cards are removed from your collection after the event.
- Blizzard is adding new portraits for hitting 1000 wins with each class.
- Expect more big events in the future.
- Some daily quests are going to be made easier to complete and we're going to get new ones added.
More details will be provided on October 4, including a list of the 23 cards being put into standard. Here's what we know so far about the next event.
- There will be more dungeon run-style Tavern Brawls.
- Dual-Class Arenas will return.
- Legendary Quest rewards!
- 23 wild cards will become available in Standard and we'll get them for free.
Clarification on the Wild Event Cards
Quote From Blizz_Kauza Quick clarification! The cards that are rotating back to standard for a limited time are going to be granted as free event cards, which means they're basically new, temporary versions of the cards. Even if you already own the cards, you'll still get these event copies.
When the event ends the event copies will go away.
Blue Post
Quote From Blizzard While we’re constantly recruiting lackeys, tinkering with experimental tech, and delving into dusty tombs to bring you new Hearthstone expansions and Adventures, we’re also hard at work on some awesome, albeit less flashy, new stuff. In this blog we’ll shine a light on some of the smaller, but still exciting new features, events, and changes coming to Hearthstone in the near future.
Adding More Events
After the overwhelmingly positive response to the recent Fire Fest-E.V.I.L. event, we’re looking for more opportunities to introduce even more large-scale in-game events with rewards, themed Tavern Brawls, and changes that could temporarily (or permanently!) create fun new Hearthstone experiences for players.
We’re starting off with a new event in just a couple weeks featuring Dungeon Run-inspired Tavern Brawls, dual-class Arenas, Legendary quest rewards, and some meta-shifting changes outlined in the “Shaking up Standard Play” section below.
We’ll have more to share on this sensationally spooky event on October 4, but in the meantime . . . try not to lose your head!
Shaking up Standard Play
Now that the Saviors of Uldum Standard ladder experience has solidified, we think it’s a great time to throw a wrench or two (or twenty-three) in the gears. We’re going to be pulling some of the most popular and game-changing cards from across Hearthstone history, including Ragnaros the Firelord and N'Zoth, the Corruptor, out of Wild and dropping them back into Standard for a limited time. To ensure that everyone can participate in this meta-mixing event, we’ll be granting everyone free copies of each card (these copies cannot be disenchanted or crafted) so they can add these heavy-hitters to their decks and get them into the action.
We’ll be sharing more details (including the full list of 23 cards) in a blog update on October 4. Stay tuned!
1,000 Win Class Portraits
Looking ahead, we want to continue celebrating personal successes and milestones for all you dedicated Hearthstone players. Our next major update will introduce some really cool new portraits that you can earn by earning 1,000 wins with each class. Wins earned before this update goes live will retroactively count towards these totals. Take a look at a couple of examples below and start stacking up those wins!
Quality of Life Improvements
Alternate Search Terms
We want it to be easier to quickly find the cards you’re looking for while deckbuilding, so we’re adding alternate search terms for some hard-to-type cards. We’ll be adding common misspellings and simplified versions of leetspeak card names (found on some Mech minions). For example, searching “snip” or “snap” will now show you SN1P-SN4P. While this feature will only be enabled for a few commonly misspelled cards at first, we’ll be able to add even more alternate search terms as needed.
- This feature will also support languages other than English. For example, SN1P-SN4P in Latin American Spanish is “CL1C-CL4C”, so searching “clic” would return the expected results.
Quest Changes
While not included in our next major update, here’s a preview of some of the changes we’re making to quests a little further down the line.
- We’re cutting some of the less popular daily quests and tuning down some of their requirements to make them quicker and easier to complete. We’ll also be adding some new quests to the pool to mix things up!
- We split most daily quests into two buckets: Easy (50g) and Slightly More Difficult (60g). Rerolling a Slightly More Difficult (60g) quest (like Play 10 Beasts) always gives you an Easy (50g) quest, so players can be guaranteed to get an Easy quest every day if they want. We love Murlocs and Pirates as much as anyone, but it should be your choice if you decide to complete their quests.
We’re excited to be bringing these new features, events, and other changes to Hearthstone soon. Please let us know what you think on social media or the official Hearthstone forums. Until then, we’ll see you in the Tavern!
I don't know why people just complain about quests related to some tribes, it's very easy
Play X Pirates: Make a warrior or rogue deck full of pirates
Play X Murlocs/Elementals: Shaman deck full of murlocs/elementals
Play x Beasts: Hunter deck full of beasts
Play x Demons: Warlock deck full of demons......
and so on
Play x class cards, just make a deck full of that class cards
With like 2 games you can complete those quests, in wild casual/ranked, just 10 minutes to complete, even less.
I assume it's mostly because they have to go out of their way to build a trash deck for it and can't use the time on ranked. If you get a regular quest (like play 30 class cards) you can just use a proper deck and take it to ladder until you're done. Can't really build a functioning deck with a whole lot of pirates (although Murlocs would definitely work)
I've been playing since season 1 and my Priest is still only sitting at 109 ranked wins. Getting to 1000 will probably take me another decade or two, lol. Hyped for 1000 wins on all the other classes, though!
no Manduin for you then :^)
lol Manduin
This kind of makes me wonder...will Ragnaros even be as popular as he was when he rotated?
All things considered the pwoerlevel has increased by a lot. If you're playing against something like Quest Shaman or Aggro Warrior, is an 8/8 that randomly deals 8 damage and doesn't even have taunt be relevant at all?
I mean, yeah, we currently have no real 8-drop so he would fit quite well into most HIghlander decks as a play after Siamat, but other than that I don't think most decks will even want to slot him in there.
Highlander Hunter and maybe Paladin will probably run it, Mage probably not so much. Druid has no use for it, neither does Shaman. Aggro Warrior (particularly the Highlander version) might take out Grom for him, but even that seems like preference.
Also, if Sylvanas returns then Deathrattle Rogue will shit on everyone with extreme prejudice.
I have been thinking the same thing, Ragnaros could probably return to standard for good and not be that bad.
wouldn't go that far because every future 8-drop would have to compare to him favorably and we'D be back to square one. Just because he's no longer an auto include doesn't mean he won't limit design space (which is the reason he went in the first place)
If Rag hadn't rotated then Lich King probably wouldn't have seen nearly as much play (probably only in HAdronox Druid and alongside rag in greedy control decks)
judging solely on how much competitive play he sees in wild right now, I don't think he would impact the game that much.
You won't bend all 8 drops around him if he isn't a super strong card.
the point is mostly the general idea of what 8-drops are supposed to do...which is usually be a big beatstick that gives you instant value, meaning any other 8-drop will have to do better than that or else just be ignored by virtue of being inferior to an already existing option.
Also I'm not to keen on a card whose value is determined by RNG to be a constant factor in the game. It doesn't feel good to get dicked by the classic 50/50.
Either way, I guess we'll find out for ourselves once this goes live.
I need that Gul'dan. I don't even care if I barely play warlock, I have to have it!
to be fair, anything is better than the purple gremlin we have now (go Team Nemsy)
I don't think the current art is too bad, though I agree that nemsy is a lot better! I wish I had her.
I just think current Gul'dan doesn't look threatening whatsoever. I mean he is basically one of the most evil and powerful mortals in the entire WoW lore, but he just looks like a wrinkly prune with too much colour saturation. The new portrait really portrays his imposing nature and if my theorycraft of Standard N'zoth-lock works out I'll use it to grind the fuck out of those 750 more wins I need, just to have a good alternative to Nemsy (although you can't beat her sassy apple chewing animation, it's just too good)
My dreams finally come true! 2 months ago I just posted the idea of bringing back some wild cards to standard for limited time and for free.
Sounds like fun... I wish they would give more information on reroll chances to up a reward (I'm assuming they will simply ensure *any* rerolled daily will result in a 50g quest, but I would like it confirmed to take out any confusion).
Love the portrait stuff - finally a great looking Guldan! Not really that much into the "Flash from the Past", but better than nothing. Still hoping they actually make the "legendary quest" actually give huge rewards instead of one witchwood pack. Let's see.
The change to quests still has me baffled. The problem with them is not that they are too hard to achieve. The problem is that they give you only 50g, and the hardest 60g - the 100 are so rare I'm not even taking them into consideration. Instead of making them easier, increase their rewards. You've done it once, you can do it again
honestly, the difference between 60 and 50g is mostly the amount of time invested...meaning it's kind of frustrating if you have to play 3-5 games just to complete a quest that says "win 2 games with x-class". I'd rather be done quickly and go back to playing decks I actually like instead of having to copy the best aggro version of whatever meta deck is currently available to the class.
I'm guessing its from arena and ranked like the golds but is there any clarifications?
This is the kind of stuff they should do more often! Why they don't is beyond me.
For those talking about the re-rolling of 60g quests thing, why would you rerrol them in the first place? You should only do that for the 50g ones and that's it.
The rework of the quests is a great step forward, just hope the keep in getting them better in the future, maybe add daily log in rewards? That would be great.