Gul'dan/Warlock full art questions
Submitted 5 years, 5 months ago by
Hi everyone,
in the following image (full Warlock art)
there are 2 things I would thank someone to explain.
-The first is the weapon hold, is it described anywhere in WoW or is it merely cosmetic for HS. Also, if Gul'dan is holding a weapon, wouldn't Warlock be fit to have weapon cards?
-The second question, who/what is the skull-faced clear being/statue on the back right of the picture?
Thanks in advance!
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Hi everyone,
in the following image (full Warlock art)
there are 2 things I would thank someone to explain.
-The first is the weapon hold, is it described anywhere in WoW or is it merely cosmetic for HS. Also, if Gul'dan is holding a weapon, wouldn't Warlock be fit to have weapon cards?
-The second question, who/what is the skull-faced clear being/statue on the back right of the picture?
Thanks in advance!
If we're being technical most classes in WoW lore can use some sort of weapon, it just so happens that for Hearthstone it was decided that only 5 were actually supposed to be dedicated weapon classes.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Warlocks in Wow can use daggers, one-handed weapons like swords, as well as wands and staffs to channel their powers. In terms of gameplay, however, they only serve to boost stats and are almost never used to attack. Take it from a guy who mained a warlock for 3 years.
Official Lorekeeper and Spinner of Tavern Tales
For the image background, this is the place (Outland, Shadowmoon Valley):
As for the dagger itself, it should be conceived more as a ritual tool, rather than a real weapon as a Rogue would use it.
Thank you everyone!
I just saw the full image and found curious a Warlock using a sword/dagger since I've never played WoW.
Cool to see the context and understand what is it about.
I think this artwork is rather old also, not yet defining his spikey green look.
Also, possibly being Gul'dan when he is partially through his transformation from various demonic activities.
He started out as a skinny orc boi:
Also, for a good laugh check out what he looked like in Warcraft 3
Let me light the way.
Thanks friend, that harbingers video is amazing. Also looked at the Illidan one.
Yes, the looks when Warcraft 3 are very funny :)