Highlander warrior

Submitted 4 years, 11 months ago by

So I glanced over hsreplay's meta section the other day and noticed that highlander warrior had taken the #1 spot. Kind of outta nowhere.

ViciousSyndicate have been talking about the deck for a while now but I guess it's extremely competitive.

Key advantages it has over aggro warrior is that it's favored against aggro warrior and its matchup against control warrior isn't as crippling (still unfavored but nowhere near as bad as aggro warrior's). I am aware that highlander warrior has mostly been experimented with at higher ranks, so its winrate and matchups might be a little inflated compared to the other decks.

Regardless, I've gotten bored of aggro warrior after playing it for two months. So I'm looking to try this deck out this weekend.

Have any of you guys played with/against highlander warrior? And if so, what are your experiences? Is it as strong as it seems?

For reference, this is the deck I'm talking about: https://www.vicioussyndicate.com/decks/highlander-aggro-warrior/

  • iWatchUSleep's Avatar
    1095 819 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    So I glanced over hsreplay's meta section the other day and noticed that highlander warrior had taken the #1 spot. Kind of outta nowhere.

    ViciousSyndicate have been talking about the deck for a while now but I guess it's extremely competitive.

    Key advantages it has over aggro warrior is that it's favored against aggro warrior and its matchup against control warrior isn't as crippling (still unfavored but nowhere near as bad as aggro warrior's). I am aware that highlander warrior has mostly been experimented with at higher ranks, so its winrate and matchups might be a little inflated compared to the other decks.

    Regardless, I've gotten bored of aggro warrior after playing it for two months. So I'm looking to try this deck out this weekend.

    Have any of you guys played with/against highlander warrior? And if so, what are your experiences? Is it as strong as it seems?

    For reference, this is the deck I'm talking about: https://www.vicioussyndicate.com/decks/highlander-aggro-warrior/

  • UVE's Avatar
    1180 832 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    I've played that deck last season and you can reach rank 5 easily.

    Your high counters Will be quest shaman, and maybe control warrior, i has a poor win rate against them.

    The real MVP of the deck is Octosari, that refill+body wrecks the games.

    In addition, Its really frustrating for your oponents when they sees Zephrys and get fireballed or pyroblasted, prepare your ears to listen tons of emotes.

    Edit: I didn't have Darius Crowley and i played Grommash Hellscream instead.

    By The Holy Light!

  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    When I saw the thread title I assumed this was about a control highlander deck. I haven't played this version of aggro warrior, but intuitively it seems like you're sacrificing a lot of consistency for potential high-rolls, which sounds like a bad deal for an aggro deck. My instinct is that this deck is a fad that'll gradually get replaced by the non-highlander version. If it isn't, that means that Zephyris is stronger than consistency in an aggro deck, which is a terrifying commentary on that card's power.

  • iWatchUSleep's Avatar
    1095 819 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From UVE

    I've played that deck last season and you can reach rank 5 easily.

    Your high counters Will be quest shaman, and maybe control warrior, i has a poor win rate against them.

    The real MVP of the deck is Octosari, that refill+body wrecks the games.

    In addition, Its really frustrating for your oponents when they sees Zephrys and get fireballed or pyroblasted, prepare your ears to listen tons of emotes.

    Edit: I didn't have Darius Crowley and i played Grommash Hellscream instead.

    Interesting. How did the control warrior matches go? Did you feel as hopeless as I usually do when playing aggro rogue/warrior where it seems like you will never be able to get enough damage in?

    And what is your winrate against the quest shamans? As I recall it shouldn't be an unfavored matchup. Did your opponent have good starts whereas you did not or was that pretty even?

  • iWatchUSleep's Avatar
    1095 819 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From AliRadicali

    When I saw the thread title I assumed this was about a control highlander deck. I haven't played this version of aggro warrior, but intuitively it seems like you're sacrificing a lot of consistency for potential high-rolls, which sounds like a bad deal for an aggro deck. My instinct is that this deck is a fad that'll gradually get replaced by the non-highlander version. If it isn't, that means that Zephyris is stronger than consistency in an aggro deck, which is a terrifying commentary on that card's power.

    Yeah the idea seems a little counter intuitive but its matchup spread does not lie. ViciousSyndicate are also grouping them together so they seem to perform very similarly.

    Which is indeed rather scary because that implies Zephrys can then accomodate for 50% of an aggro deck's strongest cards. 

    On the other hand, it could be that aggro warrior's top build doesn't differ much from lesser builds and that it has a lot of great alternatives for its main 30 cards.

  • PopeNeia's Avatar
    Darkmaster 640 841 Posts Joined 07/06/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Definitely a good deck, I have been playing it for a while now and the Control Warrior matchup is surprisingly not that oppressive. Siamat usually wins the games on his own, so thats a good card to have. Highlander Warrior is able to consistently build up tempo and clear threats, it mostly dominates the midgame and you will just steamroll your opponents if you can curve decently with Zephrys as a potentialfinisher.

    For some changes, my list runs Akali, the Rhino in it and he has saved me multiple times by letting me copy buffed Rush minions. I cut War Axe, Sul’thraze and Raging Worgen because i felt they were just not good enough, replaced them with Grom, Bone Wraith(tentative) and Militia Commander.

    Like others may have said, Octosari is carrying the deck on its back, I would not reccomend playing the deck without him!

    This ain't no place for a hero

  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From iWatchUSleep

    On the other hand, it could be that aggro warrior's top build doesn't differ much from lesser builds and that it has a lot of great alternatives for its main 30 cards.

    I think that's a fair argument to make for the control highlander warrior deck, where you do have a wealth of redundancy, not to mention the option to include duplicates of EG Town Crier or Warpath because the game is expected to go long. You barely have to make any changes to turn a normal control warrior into a highlander control warrior.

    In the aggro deck however, you're swapping out Frothing Berserkers and Bloodsworn Mercenaries for cards that are strictly inferior. If that one Zephyris is worth replacing half your deck with worse cards -and I'm not discounting the possibility- then I'd say Zephyris is probably going to see a nerf soon. If you compare it to Kazakus it's hard to come up with scenarios where you'd rather have a potion than the "perfect" card from basic/classic, and of course Zephyris can't brick like kazakus can.


    I wouldn't be surprised to see the card get nerfed to 3-4 mana, where it'd still be game-defining.

  • FieselFitz's Avatar
    Prince Charming 1105 1355 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From PopeNeia

    Definitely a good deck, I have been playing it for a while now and the Control Warrior matchup is surprisingly not that oppressive. Siamat usually wins the games on his own, so thats a good card to have. Highlander Warrior is able to consistently build up tempo and clear threats, it mostly dominates the midgame and you will just steamroll your opponents if you can curve decently with Zephrys as a potentialfinisher.

    For some changes, my list runs Akali, the Rhino in it and he has saved me multiple times by letting me copy buffed Rush minions. I cut War Axe, Sul’thraze and Raging Worgen because i felt they were just not good enough, replaced them with Grom, Bone Wraith(tentative) and Militia Commander.

    Like others may have said, Octosari is carrying the deck on its back, I would not reccomend playing the deck without him!

    So Octosari is needed ... i would love to try Highlander Control Warrior so maybe i will craft him !

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  • iWatchUSleep's Avatar
    1095 819 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From PopeNeia

    Definitely a good deck, I have been playing it for a while now and the Control Warrior matchup is surprisingly not that oppressive. Siamat usually wins the games on his own, so thats a good card to have. Highlander Warrior is able to consistently build up tempo and clear threats, it mostly dominates the midgame and you will just steamroll your opponents if you can curve decently with Zephrys as a potentialfinisher.

    For some changes, my list runs Akali, the Rhino in it and he has saved me multiple times by letting me copy buffed Rush minions. I cut War Axe, Sul’thraze and Raging Worgen because i felt they were just not good enough, replaced them with Grom, Bone Wraith(tentative) and Militia Commander.

    Like others may have said, Octosari is carrying the deck on its back, I would not reccomend playing the deck without him!

    I hadn't even considered Akali. Man, warrior has a lot of good cards, huh?

    Do you usually play Zephrys on curve, unless you hit the late game, or do you hold him regardless to potentially burst down your opponent?

  • Unreal89's Avatar
    400 174 Posts Joined 06/02/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    I was playing Highlander Warrior very extensively over the September, and at the end of August. My experience - it's very strong, as strong as stats show.

    I reached a Legend with it for the 1st time of mine :) from Rank 2 (0 stars) up to Legend with... 11 wins in a row :) my overall winrate so far is about 65-66%.

    My overall results so far are 103-54 (wins-losses). Played it from Rank 10 up to Legend in September.


    I used slightly different list. Comparing to deck you listed from VS:

    -1 Redband Wasp, -1 Raging Worgen, -1 Militia Commander, -1 Darius Crowley (I don't have that card... but it isn't needed);

    +1 Upgrade!, +1 Heroic Strike, +1 Injured Blademaster, +1 Bone Wraith;

    Other cards I used sometimes (I was switching cards while learning the deck) - Neferset Ritualist, Youthful Brewmaster, Commanding Shout, Phantom Militia.


    Octosari - I would say this card isn't necessarily needed, but it certainly increases winrate by few %. Sometimes it is risky to play, against possible Hex, Sap. Or if opponent has silence and it can deny the card refill.


    Zephrys. My experience is that it's more efficient to play it in the mid-game or late-game when needed (dealing big burst damage - even if not lethal, getting Tirion Fordring on curve, getting Mass Dispel to silence multiple taunts...). I had 1 game against Control Warrior where I used Zephrys to get Pyroblast and finish him at the next turn... Total satisfaction :D


    And my favourite, unexpected by many players - Windfury. Windfury combined with Inner Rage, Cruel Taskmaster or Rampage is totally insane.

    Of course - having Zephrys in hand means you have to constantly evaluate possible lethal scenarios - it's best use for this card really (feels totally unfair).

    You have to know, how to use it in a given matchup. For example - versus Murloc Paladin you should use Zephrys to get some AoE spell like Lightning Storm against their board refills. Against combo Priest you should use it to kill or silence their big threats - either - big buffed minion or to kill Northshire Cleric in the early-game.


    However, playing Zephrys on turn 2 is sometimes necessary. For example if you had unlucky draw and otherwise you would have no other turn 2 and turn 3 plays. If you have other plays - use them, because Zephrys is best if you use it at important moments (few examples above).


    Siamat - if you are ahead on board and opponent has no minions... Playing it on turn 7 versus Quest Druid is game winning, and versus Control Warrior it's super strong too (can win you the game too, or make them play removals inefficiently).

    In those 2 scenarios above - choose Divine Shield and Windfury. And look at them sweating while thinking if they can even remove it. Because if they don't - you can buff it with Inner Rage or Cruel Taskmaster or play Zephrys and get some buff for it...


    Other combo, Leeroy Jenkins + Inner Rage + Bloodsworn Mercenary = 16 dmg to the face, happens especially after opponent killed your Octosari...


    I love this deck and I am little sad that meta game is about to change completely because of upcoming 23 Wild cards coming into Standard mode :( (hard to say how it can shake up things).

  • PopeNeia's Avatar
    Darkmaster 640 841 Posts Joined 07/06/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From iWatchUSleep
    Quote From PopeNeia

    Definitely a good deck, I have been playing it for a while now and the Control Warrior matchup is surprisingly not that oppressive. Siamat usually wins the games on his own, so thats a good card to have. Highlander Warrior is able to consistently build up tempo and clear threats, it mostly dominates the midgame and you will just steamroll your opponents if you can curve decently with Zephrys as a potentialfinisher.

    For some changes, my list runs Akali, the Rhino in it and he has saved me multiple times by letting me copy buffed Rush minions. I cut War Axe, Sul’thraze and Raging Worgen because i felt they were just not good enough, replaced them with Grom, Bone Wraith(tentative) and Militia Commander.

    Like others may have said, Octosari is carrying the deck on its back, I would not reccomend playing the deck without him!

    I hadn't even considered Akali. Man, warrior has a lot of good cards, huh?

    Do you usually play Zephrys on curve, unless you hit the late game, or do you hold him regardless to potentially burst down your opponent?

    I would not usually play him on curve, he has much better application later on, i.e random loodlust lethal, clearing a huge taunt/board, or, my favourite, Windfury on Leeroy for 12/16 random burst.

    This ain't no place for a hero

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