Last weekend was home to Hearthstone Grandmasters Season 2 Playoffs in Asia-Pacific, Europe and Americas. 24 hopeful players entered the weekend hoping to book their place at the eighth-player Global Finals at BlizzCon later this year. Which three players were able to take those coveted spots at the biggest Hearthstone arena and what kind of terrors did they unleash against their opponents to get there? Read on to learn more!

Warning! This post contains spoilers all over! In case you want to watch the matches before seeing the results.

The Results

Due to the sheer amount of brackets involved, we won't be showing all results in this post. You can find them on the official website as follows:

Don't forget that you can find the decklists of each player by clicking the i-icon of the match of interest!

Tom Still on Top in Asia-Pacific

Two years after his victory at World Championships, Tom60229 showed that he's still interested in winning those big year's end tournaments. He started with a bye as group stage winner but was beaten in his first actual game by DawN. He was able to recover from that by beating the already-qualified Surrender and Tyler, before taking on Che0nsu in the final. Tom struggled to get a win with his Paladin, but was able to beat Che0nsu in the deciding mirror match and taking home a 3-2 victory.

Tom60229's Decks

0 3940 3940 499 0
0 10640 10640 482 0
1 4220 4220 1226 0

Che0nsu's Decks

0 5500 5500 411 0
0 13340 13340 672 0
0 6500 6500 411 0
0 9040 9040 331 0

Casie Finally Taking a Big Win

We almost had another World Champion qualify for BlizzCon as Hunterace made it all the way to the Final but was no match for Casie, who was finally able to win a major tournament after getting so close numerous times last year. Having lost to Jarla, but beating both Kolento and Thijs, Casie advanced from the initial group as runner-up. As the tournament progressed Casie just kept picking up pace, beating SilverName 3-1 in semifinals before sweeping Hunterace's Druid 3-0 in the final.

Casie's Decks

0 14080 14080 593 0
0 5500 5500 552 0
0 6500 6500 867 0
0 10080 10080 945 0

Hunterace's Decks

0 9040 9040 416 0
0 13820 13820 450 0
0 5500 5500 443 0

Bloodyface Continuing Where He Left Off Last Year

Bloodyface started to concentrate more on Hearthstone last year and ended up qualifying twice to World Championships with two Top 4 finishes in Seasonal Championships. Arguably, he didn't have the best Season 1 in the novel Grandmaster system, finishing 7th in his group with 5-9 record, but was able to redeem himself this season. Starting with couple of quick 2-0s against Purple and Justsaiyan, he progressed as group winner to face Nalguidan in semifinals, winning 3-1. He faced Purple again in the final, and this time the Canadian put up a much stronger fight. Purple went in 2-0 lead with Bloodyface's Priest losing both games before getting his Druid reverse swept and BlizzCon dream denied by Bloodyface's eventual 3-2 victory.

Bloodyface's Decks

0 12440 12440 537 0
0 5500 5500 469 0
0 6500 6500 530 0
0 16820 16820 415 0

Purple's Decks

0 13720 13720 783 0
0 4680 4680 629 0
0 5500 5500 371 0
0 6500 6500 515 0

The Completed BlizzCon Lineup

These are the eight players that will battle for the biggest crown of the renewed Hearthstone esports system.

Don't forget to tune in later this week as the last Masters Tour event of the year takes place in Bucharest!