Crafting advice - Vessina
Submitted 5 years, 2 months ago by
Hello everyone,
I would like to hear your opinions on Vessina, as I'm thinking about crafting the card, and am always careful with class-specific ones. It's good currently in Evolve Shaman, which I would enjoy to play, but the deck won't last for long. Do you think similar archetypes will be viable in Standard after evolve goes back to wild?
I play Wild also. Do you think the card's power level is enough to warrant play in Wild? Should be good in Even Shaman, but haven't played Wild in a long time, so I would like to hear your experiences with or against it.
Thank you for your time!
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Hello everyone,
I would like to hear your opinions on Vessina, as I'm thinking about crafting the card, and am always careful with class-specific ones. It's good currently in Evolve Shaman, which I would enjoy to play, but the deck won't last for long. Do you think similar archetypes will be viable in Standard after evolve goes back to wild?
I play Wild also. Do you think the card's power level is enough to warrant play in Wild? Should be good in Even Shaman, but haven't played Wild in a long time, so I would like to hear your experiences with or against it.
Thank you for your time!
My experience in wild with her is just ok. I've been playing it in an Even Shaman, but more focused in big minions like Flamewreathed Faceless and Fireguard Destroyer.
The ideal scenario for her is when played with a swarming kind of deck. But, these decks don't see much play in wild, since small minions don't stick.
I can't tell you about Standard, though. Probably she may be more useful. But I don't know if I would craft her, since Shaman is in the right spot for the next nerf wave...
I am very succsessful using her in my tempo based BC shaman. Thunderhead on the board gets devasting :-)
@Painkiller1724 She makes your cheaper totems more threatening? Wonder if there's her value in Wild.
Edit: Sorry, I have problems replying on the phone, so the comment is not aligned with yours.
That is a lot of dust for a deck that might go away after the Halloween event ends. I would say wait on crafting her.
evolve overload shaman deck still available after this event. all the event card still available until right before next expansion launch i think..
Leap of Faith...
Yes, she really does, but only when they stick on board (in other words, almost never, lol). Maybe Totemic Might could keep them 1 or 2 more turns alive, but I didn't have the balls to change my deck. I use 2 Totemic Surge instead - this spell is very effective!!
About the replying stuff, try using the "quote" button instead of "reply"
Yes, she really does, but only when they stick on board (in other words, almost never, lol). Maybe Totemic Might could keep them 1 or 2 more turns alive, but I didn't have the balls to change my deck. I use 2 Totemic Surge instead - this spell is very effective!!
About the replying stuff, try using the "quote" button instead of "reply"
Thanks a lot everyone! I'll think some more, but will probably end up crafting her, since I have some extra dust to spare.
Good to hear that this event will last that long, I guess it's worth it then since she's playable in Wild too. And being the hot stuff in a fun Standard deck.
@Painkiller Cool, will try out the "quote" button next time! :)
Actually there are two even shaman builds going around right now. The one that you're running, which is good against slow decks, and a more overload-centered one, which does indeed run Vessina. The overload deck fares a lot better against aggressive decks and is extremely competitive.
So yes, OP, Vessina is a good card in wild as well as standard.
Vessina is very good in Even Shaman.
Not really a staple, because she requires you do adjust the deck around her (ie cheap, efficient overload cards, eg Zap!).
You can obviously play Even Shaman without her, and the deck is still going to be very good, so, since you are being careful with dust, i advice to craft her ONLY if Shaman is a class you really like to play.
Thank you! I do enjoy playing Shaman, and I guess I'm convinced to craft it.
I will check for both lists in Wild that are mentioned, I played the slower version all the time so a change is welcome. But first to exploit the Standard one while it lasts :)
Dude, she's great in Even Shaman in Wild - specifically in the one with the Totemic Surge The only card I was missing was Ragnaros the Firelord and now I have it (though for a limited time). I'm currently having a blast and have more than 50 victories in Wild in 3 days. Furthermore I'm considering crafting the Rag for that particular deck after the event finishes...
I cannot tell for Standard but she seems okay. If you like Shaman (like me) craft her.
Excellent card. It's like adding another copy of bloodlust to your token decks. I've dropped her several times alongside an overload card and have caught my opponent off-guard.
I've seen Even Totem Shaman in Wild run her a few times - some times they've beat me sometimes not, but it was never a "bad" play when they did. Built around correctly she definitely adds a lot of burst dmg value potential.