Soul of the Murloc Question

Submitted 5 years, 6 months ago by

I'm playing Murloc Shaman. Just about every deck uses Soul of the Murloc x 2. 

I'm debating if this card is really that great. Against Warrior, Warpath seems to make quick work of the extra murlocs.

Against other faster decks (Hunter, Zoo), I wonder if 2 smaller minions might be better.

Just curious what others think?

  • Starscream's Avatar
    180 99 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 6 months ago

    I'm playing Murloc Shaman. Just about every deck uses Soul of the Murloc x 2. 

    I'm debating if this card is really that great. Against Warrior, Warpath seems to make quick work of the extra murlocs.

    Against other faster decks (Hunter, Zoo), I wonder if 2 smaller minions might be better.

    Just curious what others think?

  • Scarifar's Avatar
    130 19 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 6 months ago

    Extra bodies to force to enemy to clear is always nice. Not every class has access to cards like Warpath, making it very time and resource consuming to clear the extra 1/1s.

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3142 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 5 years, 6 months ago

    With so much board clear in the game, I find Soul of the Murloc invaluable in my Murloc Shaman deck and as Scarifar says, not every class can clear two boards in a row like Warrior can. The card is way too handy to get rid of with stuff like Murloc Warleader a potential draw away post-activation. Won plenty of games with that nonsense :D

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  • Starscream's Avatar
    180 99 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 6 months ago

    Thank you both! 

  • Scorpyon's Avatar
    120 92 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 6 months ago

    Yes, along the lines of what the others have said, it is a case of working out when the card is good and against which match ups. As you say, it may struggle against Warpath, but fortunately that is limited to Warrior and most other classes will have a much harder time clearing your board effectively twice. 
    It's a great card - it simply requires a little forethought before playing it and learning what answers to expect the opponent to have.

    Best of luck! :-D

  • Elric's Avatar
    Zombie 245 165 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 5 years, 6 months ago

    I still run 1 copy in my murloc shaman deck , I understand the argument against using it. 

    Especially against warriors,  but I also run the stormbringer so if I'm left with a board of 1/1's I can possibly bounce back unless I'm gifted Duskfallen Avaina which in that case they're probably whisked away by a free brawl , twisting nether or whatever 

  • IronFist15's Avatar
    45 7 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 6 months ago

    Once the buffs hit I imagine Overload Murloc Shaman is going to get pretty popular. At that time you will definitely want at least one copy of the card considering how easily you will drop tokens on the field and how well multiple cards can synergize with your board.

    Invalid Deck ID

  • RaveAnne's Avatar
    30 1 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years, 6 months ago

    But it can deal with Brawl, try to bait or wait out for warrior to use both arpath first and keep it for Brawl to garunteed next turn damage with Bloodlust or Warleader . But usually they will have Dr. Boom and keep Brawl with rush mech to clear the left Murloc. Warrior is a bad matchup, even you play around removal spell very good but cannot end fast enough Dr. Boom is going to out value you very fast. 

  • Elric's Avatar
    Zombie 245 165 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 5 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From RaveAnne

    But it can deal with Brawl, try to bait or wait out for warrior to use both arpath first and keep it for Brawl to garunteed next turn damage with Bloodlust or Warleader . But usually they will have Dr. Boom and keep Brawl with rush mech to clear the left Murloc. Warrior is a bad matchup, even you play around removal spell very good but cannot end fast enough Dr. Boom is going to out value you very fast. 

    While it's a bad match up it feels so good to out play or play around their nonsense. Henchclan Hags help against Dynomatic as well. 

  • Starscream's Avatar
    180 99 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 6 months ago

    As a follow up question, I would like to know everyone's thoughts on including Scargil. I'm surprised most of the pro decklists I see online don't include this card. I am using it and find it can be great for a powerful swing turn on 5 or 6 (i.e. drop Scargill plus one or two other murlocs for a tempo swing).  But I rarely see it in these lists... rather I'm seeing 2 x Hogsteed for example or other smaller minions.

    Am I wrong for including it?

  • Cleef2's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 355 206 Posts Joined 04/02/2019
    Posted 5 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From Starscream

    As a follow up question, I would like to know everyone's thoughts on including Scargil. I'm surprised most of the pro decklists I see online don't include this card. I am using it and find it can be great for a powerful swing turn on 5 or 6 (i.e. drop Scargill plus one or two other murlocs for a tempo swing).  But I rarely see it in these lists... rather I'm seeing 2 x Hogsteed for example or other smaller minions.

    Am I wrong for including it?

    I think you don't want/need a temposwing on t5 or t6 you want to close out games around those turns. And you want to keep board control and that means less expensive minions, for example with rush. Scargil  is "only" good when combo-ed with another murloc and even than murlocs are not expensive so you only discount them with 1 or 2 mana. 

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