Murloc Warleader

Murloc Warleader Card Image

Battlegrounds Cards

Murloc Warleader Card Image Murloc Warleader Card Image

Card Stats

  • Class Neutral
  • Expansion Legacy
  • Rarity Epic
  • Cost 3
  • Attack 3
  • Health 3

Card Text

Your other Murlocs have +2 Attack.

Flavor Text

Do Murlocs ever get tired of making the same old sound? Nope! Mrglglrglglglglglglgl!

Related Cards

Murloc Warleader

Game Accessories

Family Tree Fishy Fishy Mrgglaargl! Murglgglgl Murlocs Murlocs Murlocs

Card Balance and Changes

Patch Change
War Axe Nerf

No longer grants +1 Health.

Murloc Nerfs

Now effect only applies to friendly Murlocs.


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