New Warlock Spell - Fiendish Rites
Submitted 5 years, 2 months ago by
A new Common Warlock Spell, Fiendish Rites, has been revealed!
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A new Common Warlock Spell, Fiendish Rites, has been revealed!
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Impferno has seen zero play and this card is not really different from it.
I guess it will all come down to how much Galakrond will be good
Spice Lord and self-proclaimed Meme Master.
the 2 warlock invoke cards seem really weak, wonder what is the galakrond hero power for warlock it's better be good.
if not it feels bad warlock gets bad cards every expansion..
FYI every time you Invoke Galakrond, you summon 2 1/1 imps. So this card is basically Landscaping, but with the chance of buffing your ither minions as well.
This ain't no place for a hero
so you summon a 2/1s with this card, right? then it's fine if it hits other minions as well it's not really bad.. also it might pair with other imp based cards we saw before.. the warlock theme seem to be swarming imps on board.
This card is actually pretty fine. Not good, but possibly good enough because Warlock needs something to do.
Meh on its own, but if you already have a board, it can be a good tempo play.
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
another really weak invoke cards for warlock... why blizz? why??
Not great, but decent enough for an Invoke card in a "Galakrond Zoolock" deck. But unfortunately doesn't look like Galakrond really fits the Zoolock archetype so not sure how much this will actually see play.
Interesting spell, especially because of the invoke power! The question is if it activates before or after the imps are summoned.
I think that summon after invoke.
Zoolock will be a thing for sure.
By The Holy Light!
Looks kinda lame but might work well enough in Zoolock.
Firstly imps are summoned, then the buff happens. Decent card for zoolock, although I doubt it'll see much play (especially that warlock's galakrond is pretty bad)
Don't like It very much, but I suppose will be unswappable in Galakron Warlocks.
An auto-include in Galalock, but how good is that deck, really? At the moment I just don't see it. Goes well with Darkshire Councilman, at least.
As I said in all my galakrond related card reviews, this package is a sleeper. It might not see play right away, but as soon as rotation hits, every one is going to hate this card.
It also reminds me of power of the wild when you play it after quest completion. And this one doesn't need you to complete the quest.
I´m not very impressed. While I like the fully invoked Warlock card that draws 3, the invoking cards in Lock are really underwhelming.
Just seems like a win more card but with not that more payoff.
Similarly to Dragonblight Cultist this might be staple in Zoo decks, which is what their Galakrond seems to aim towards. But on its own, it doesn't seem too powerful. Wait and see I guess.
Invoke first makes this minimally a 3 mana for two 2/1's and +1/0 to other minions. I think it will see play, just not sure how strong this zoo-Galakrond-lock will be.
Possible only will work in zoo invoke decks, but it's still not so strong, but at least have a good sinergy with the Galakrond hero power.
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
I don't want more imps Blizzard. I want Dragonlock.
better you show some dragon related cards for warlocks. We need creative stuff. Not little green imps.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
I think this one won't make the cut. I hope there are some neutral invoke cards which summon tokens. 3 mana is too much.
This card is a way bigger bummer than the other Invoke card. It does buff the two tokens, but its not like they have Charge or even Rush. They are just 2/1 for 3 mana. Buffing your other guys is interesting but the value of buffing 6-7 attack minions means the other side of the card, the invoke, is negated. And +1 attack on 1-3 minions plus a couple 2/1s isn't that exciting. The card will probably be played, and it will be fine, but its definitely not a game breaker.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
the only thing fiendish about this is the mana cost. 1/1s aren't that powerful, almost every class has access to some sort of 1-damage AoE
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Very weak version of Savage Roar. Warlock's Galakrond seems pretty good but it's invoke cards are looking pretty lackluster. Both this one and the Dragonblight Cultist requires you to have a decent board size, so even with their low cost it's hard to play them on curve. Which in turn makes Veiled Worshipper unplayable on curve. Hopefully more cheap Invoke cards will be released soon.
Well, if you absolutely want to Invoke you might have to include this card. Might work with token generators like Rafaam's Scheme.
SMOrc, baby. We're back to Zoo. I believe the order will resolve as: Invoke first (thus summoning 2 1/1 Imps), then the other half of the Battlecry. So, at worst, 3 Mana for two 2/1s. That's not great, so you'll definitely want to have other minions (which you probably will) on the board.
I think this card is better than everyone is giving it credit for. Every time you invoke you summon two 1/1 imps, which means that it won't be hard to develop a board, and none of the invoke cards will get you a board with much health, but you will continue to summon more and more 1/1 imps, and you will continue to give them more and more buffs, and then you can play Veiled Worshipper and galakrond to give you more steam so you can play more and more minions throughout the game and eventually you will be able to find a way to finish off your opponent.
Murloc shaman is a pretty powerful deck right now, but once you are able to kill their initial board, it is very hard for them to get back up unless they happen to have an Underbelly Angler. I imagine that zoo warlock will work similarly except that they will have way more ways to generate a board then murloc shaman.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
At its worst its 3 Mana summon two 2-1s, which I think is pretty decent.
But its never gonna be that bad, I assume... Warlock has a lot of Boardspam already and this set will give that class even more
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Any 1, 2-cost summons or Imp Scheme deck.
Turn 4 and above better be bulky though.
I guest warlock will use neutral cards with keyword invoke, because almost all given to him are weak...
galakrond zoo anyone? i don't see it tbh. might fit in zoo without galakrond though but then again its a 3 mana +1 atk for all minions which is just a weak win more card. bad card imo
Warlock’s Galakrond seems the strongest to me so far, and part of it is that the Invoke effect puts bodies on the board, and its Invoke cards directly synergize with this effect as well as what you already have on the board. The cost of this seems fair.
I wonder if there's an alternate art version for the Chinese market ?
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Cost is too high for +1atk..even for zoolocks this is pretty slow..
So since you invoke first, it means you will atleast get 2 2/1 imps which would be valued at 2 mana and that's the worst case scenario. Not an extremely exciting effect, but in a zoo deck, it works and obviously helps for the big Galakrond, the Wretched payoff.
More dragons? Yes please!
mediocre card, warlock don´t be playable again with this
Could be kind of scary, but it just seems too likely you’ll build up a small board that dies to a board clear
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
This card might be good for a galakrond zoo deck. Let's see if the rest of the cards make this a buildable deck.
3 mana summon two 2/1's and give your other minions +1 attack - seems pretty good to me.
This is almost a strictly better Doubling Imp if only because warlock handbuff basically got not support outside of it. I think this card will really propel the Galakrond Zoo deck, it seems very powerful early board pressure and also enable some nice trades and burst damage.
This card put a 2 2/1 minions ( demons, if that will matter) on the board and buffs the other you have for 3 mana.
The card is obviously not super strong, but isn't bad at all like the neutral invoke cards reveleas and plus it kinda works with the zoo style of deck that Galakrond warlock seems to be.
If the deck will be a thing it will run 2 of this for sure, the earlier you get to play a full evolved Galakrond the better.
Good, but without a way to boost minions health like druid does, token warlock will never be a thing
Probably a card that will be included in Galakron warlock decks only for its invoke keyword, but could easily be left out even in those decks.
Fair card, Gala Warlock is promising and this one synergises well with it, putting stuff on the board and buffing it. But it's also not a cheap tempo price, since those imps are like mosquitoes when played on curve. I think it will be played.
I don't like this card personally but it's playable since we need to invoke.
Two 1 1s and give minion plus 1 attack seems pretty good.will see play in zoo galakrondd
like i said on the other card, i really think this build is being underrated right now.
I hope that this card can be enough to give some fuel to zoo-lock deck. A buff plus a spawn of 2 1/1 it' ok i guess
This actually gives you a board, differently than the damage from Impferno
Just another win more card. Too expensive for zoolock, who would just rather run more impactful minions I think.
Playable if and only if Galakrond Warlock is good. Impact here is way too low otherwise.
seems ok 2 2 /1 at worse is ok
This card is just too week, the problem is Blizzard is focusing Imp synergy as minions with lots of attack and 1 health and as such they are very suceptible to the most simple of board clears
Very excited to try out Aggro Galakrond Warlock. Great aggro potential
So I expect it to buff the imps which will be good fits in zoo aggro warlock might be something that runs the meta for a bit but I don't expect it to be as abusive as previous warlock archetypes
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
Another card to push Galakrond-Demon Zoolock. Due to the Invoke effect this card will at least summon two 2/1 Imps. With two more minions on the board, this card is worth to be played.
Worst case its summon two 2/1s, I wouldn't really call it win more
I am assuming from the wording the Invoke effect goes off first, summon two 1/1 Imps from Galakrond’s hero power before the buff is applied. So at the very least this is paying 3 mana to get two 2/1 Imps on the board. Probably good enough to use as an Invoke card if nothing else.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
Fits well into Galakrond zoo deck. 3 mana for two 2/1 and additional buffs on the board is decent.
More support for Galakrond Zoo! Maybe you even play it in no Galakrond decks?
Decent I guess, but Warlock needs good cards if they plan to make it a playable class, not decent.
Not as hopeless as Dragonblight Cultist, but other classes have moch better Galakrond invokers. Warlock Galakrond is looking so far pretty screwed.
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