New Rogue Minion - Umbral Skulker
Submitted 5 years, 2 months ago by
A new Epic Rogue Minion, Umbral Skulker, has been revealed!
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A new Epic Rogue Minion, Umbral Skulker, has been revealed!
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Invoke cards are overcosted so this can be seen as a refund. 3 coins can enable pretty nasty combos too. Coin is the best rogue card since day 1. It can work imo
Cute, but I wouldn't be surprised if this card is entirely unnecessary.
turn 1:Pharaoh Cat (or any sticky 1 drop)
turn 2: Praise Galakrond! twice (alternate play: just 1 and play one lackey)
turn 3: lackey or something. (alternate play, the overcosted backstab)
turn 4: Umbral Skulker + coin lackey
turn 5: coin + coin + galakrond + play 2 0 cost cards..
well now this is a really strong curve
Turn 3 Questing Adventurer, of course ;)
The pleasure is mine.
My last standard decks: nothing special right now.
Or as Trump mentioned already, use the coins for the good ol' Auctioneer stuff, combined with Eddi. So it is really dangerous card, maybe the underdog of the expansion.
Yes, we get it Blizzard. Galakrond is intended for Miracle decks. You dont need to be this obvious haha :P
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Do you really need those coins? Your Galakrond already will draw you 2 0-cost cards.
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
amazing combo card for mid game...if Galakrond Rogue works
3 coins are always useful, especially in rogue. Also considering the rogue galakrond hero power, invoking is quite good and there are some nice invoke cards already, so this card will see play considering the strenght of rogue galakrond deck. It's good to say that 3 coins can be consistent combo enabler which is great in rogue.
Seems very strong, especially for allowing some huge swing turns given how many bounce/battlecry duplications Rogue has. And also has some good meme/OTK potential as well on the "cards played this turn" mechanic for Edwin VanCleef or Spectral Pillager
This won't see play for one simple reason: stats. Tomb pillager is a good comparison for this. while it gave one coin t«it was aggressive enough for the two main rogue archetypes: Miracle and tempo.
3 coins won't save the card. even if you justify a big edwin, it means you did a weak play the turn before.
Strong Card for Miracle, but I dont think we're gonna see much of that Archetype.
I mean, what are you gonna do with big Minions except crying after they get removed?
On the other Hand, I think this is way more suited for Combos ( Maly + Scheme + Galakrond + Coins → ?)
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Miracle rogue incoming!
Would go great in my custom expansion, where the Coins generated can be used for other things. As it stands, this makes sense in a Miracle deck, of which I do not play. So...pass.
Gurl, Miracle Valeera got an early christmas present. I´ll be disappointed if this card doesn´t show up in decks!
Giving Rogue more ways to generate coins is scary.
With how good Rogue's Galakrond is, this will see definitely see play.
Miracle rogue approves it! But miracle rogue is a bit weak right now, this can possible change this? I don't think so ..
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
Coin generators are one of the most powerful stuff in Rogue regardless which theme they are designed.
and this gives 3 coins. 3 coins make Edwin VanCleef single-handedly 8/8.
If you invoked twice and holding Edwin VanCleef, it means you will have 3/3 and 10/10 at turn 4 !
Ok, that's a lucky one, but really frustrating.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Compared to Veiled Worshipper the stats seem a bit lackluster, but I'm definitely looking forward to a miracle based Tempo Rogue. Coins + Auctioneer have always been a good combination and with Edwin and a lot of Lackey's, I'm getting excited :D
This gives you 6 coins with Spirit of the Shark, which can enable for a huge tempo play.
Coins are great, especially in Rogue, and so this seems like it could be an important tool for the deck. Seems like a great card.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
Perfect card for Galakrond Rogue decks! Amazing combo activator!
Rogue likes coins.
Auctioneer likes coins.
Questing Adventurer likes coins
Edwin likes coins.
There's a lot you can do with 3 of them.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
History tought as that Coins are valuable so this is obviously an insane effect. Rogue with Questing Adventurers, Edwin and Gadgetzan Auctioneers are looking to be solid. Lets hope for some kind of finisher though, as the Leeroy + Shadowstep combo is getting old.
You have galakrond as a finisher. when fully invoked, you will get a 5/2 weapon, which is already (almost) the same amount of damage you would be getting from leeroy/shadowstep. And you also get four free cards off the top of your library.
Galakrond/Miracle/Lackey rogue looks like it will be a very solid deck. All of the invoke cards are pretty good, and you also have amazing tempo plays like unbral skulker, galakrond, and heistbarron togwaggle.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Great for Galakrond decks. Might lose tempo but all those coins will be really useful.
Edwin, Questing Adventurer, Combos.
Thanks for the free money, Galakrond!
I think it's pretty OK, but nothing special. It's easy to get those coins tho...
This with Edwin in hand is CRAZY! T1 Invoke, T2 Invoke, T3 13/13 stats on board
I’m not sold on Galakrond Rogue, but if it turns out to be good, this is amazing.
Classic Rogue effect as well as great artwork : I want this to be a thing
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Clear Miracle Rogue intentions here..lets make big Van Cleef or Questing Adventurer
A strong effect with ok stats. For now the invoke cards seem good and easy enough to be able to activate this on turn 4.
More dragons? Yes please!
A card that’ll either end up being entirely useless because Galakrond decks aren’t good enough, or will be one of the most threatening cards in the deck
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
miracle rogue yeaaah
very interesting card, and galakrond hero seems pretty cool, so it will see a lot of play
A lot of potential with this one, worse case scenario it's a 1 mana 3/3 but with Auctioneer and Combo cards it becomes way better.
Pretty good card for miracle decks with Edwin and Auctioneer in them.
Very powerful effect. As we all know already, Rogue can do some seriously crazy things with coins.
I do foresee a Galakrond, the Nightmare tempo deck being a thing, and this card will certainly give you some very big tempo plays if you can activate it on curve. Really the cards playability relies on there being half decent Invoke activators being printed.
Not a big fan of combo enabling cards. This card however doesn't really fir the rogue Galakrond which is kind of agro oriented.
3 coins are not a small amount; the card works after only two invoke, and thanks to the low cost of rogue only invoke cards sometimes it will work as soon as turn 4, and probably will be game winning. Just imagine on turn 5 playing a lackey and Togwaggle and on turn 6 drawing 3 cards that cost zero and still having 3 mana and a coin.
Obvioulsy having it active on turn 4 requires an almost perfect hand, but still the three coins are good even some turns later. For example they helps a lot with a spirit of the shark turn, that maybe will return to be played thanks to the invoke cards that adds lackey to your hand.
Overall pretty strong.
Seems like Rogue got not only the best Galakrond, but even the best Galakrond-related cards! This is very good!
If Galakrond decks will play this card is a must include. Stats and the battlecry are very good for a price. But as always rogue will need to survive long enough to play such cards.
In a class that uses combo cards and likes to cheat mana, I can see this being used in Galakrond decks to good effect.
Combo the Coins with cards like Questing Adventurer and Arcane Devourer for a good time.
this is rogue and rogue loves coins. 5 stars
Obtain 3 or 6 coin in Rouge can be really interesting, but this car need a deck that ensure a double invoke in the mid game.
Moreover Galak's rouge deck seem value oriented and not tempo that can be a problem for this cardYowza, basically a 1 mana with so many combo initiators?!
Holy shit, you are right, and most invoke effects will give you double lackey.
Is an incredible combo enabler for the coins and if you look at it, is basically a 1 mana cost minion. It really like to see what people comes in mind with this one
Fun way to enable wacky miracle turns. Get ready for videos of the biggest Edwin's ever.
good with edwin and questing adventurer.
Works great with a lot of things, such as auctioneer, or Edwin, or really any combo cards. You could also cheat out a minion 3 turns earlier. also seems nuts with shadow step and spirit of the shark.
I'm not actually that excited about this one. Will I really have room in my hand for 3 coins and what will I do with them?
Combos with Edwin allows for crazy OTKs and also auctioneer fuel if you really need it nice solid card and fair stats as well I expect this in all rouge galakrond decks
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
Very strong card in Galakrond Rogue. This might result in a Galakrond Miracle Rogue, or the coins can just be used as combo enabler.
Rogue as a class uses coins extremely well, so they are valuable no matter what. Plus, you can play this before galakrond so I dont see how his battlecry makes this worse.
Extremely powerful so long as the Invokes are there. Rogue can make great use of 0-cost card and great use of any extra mana they can squeeze out. This is huge, but again brings the caveat of absolutely NEEDING two Invokes to happen first, meaning this might not be a reliable turn 4 play.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
There's a lot of insane potential. I would definitely like to see Miracle Rogue make a comeback after such a long time.
Scary card for rogue for the value it generates, should definitely see play.
Very tempo oriented card. It's useful even if you've played Galakrond. Great card! I see combos in the making ...
Coins are combo activators and fuel for miracle rogue, but this in Galakrond deck? I'm not sold.
Fun and interactive game.