Boommaster Flark's place in Mech Hunter
I have been stuck at Rank 8/7 for the past month and it is killing me. As much as I like to play Bomb Warrior and Tempo Rogue, I'm trying to get my golden Hunter hero.
I was able to grind up to 10 with Mid-Range Hunter, then got stuck. Since then I have been playing the hell out of Mech Hunter. But I am still getting stuck at Rank 7/8. And here is where I am wondering about the tech in my deck: I've been using Boommaster Flark but I do not find him to be that useful. Whenever I drop him, Flark gets taken out quickly, as he should. But I find myself trying to find ways to detonate the Goblin Bombs he creates. The only consistency I have found is by dropping the Venomizer + Missile Launcher combo for a board wipe. Has anyone else been able to make use of this card?
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I have been stuck at Rank 8/7 for the past month and it is killing me. As much as I like to play Bomb Warrior and Tempo Rogue, I'm trying to get my golden Hunter hero.
I was able to grind up to 10 with Mid-Range Hunter, then got stuck. Since then I have been playing the hell out of Mech Hunter. But I am still getting stuck at Rank 7/8. And here is where I am wondering about the tech in my deck: I've been using Boommaster Flark but I do not find him to be that useful. Whenever I drop him, Flark gets taken out quickly, as he should. But I find myself trying to find ways to detonate the Goblin Bombs he creates. The only consistency I have found is by dropping the Venomizer + Missile Launcher combo for a board wipe. Has anyone else been able to make use of this card?
Flark is your last ditch effort. Once you've ran out of cards (which is usually the case around turn 7) you drop him so that you can magnitize the four bombs with your top decks to get that last bit of damage in.
Don't cut him, if that's what you were wondering. The reason he seems lackluster is because you're usually in a losing position when he comes into play.
Mossy Horror, also helps you in the druid match up
My list doesn't include (anymore) Flark, because is reeeeeeeally slow. It's strong only against warriors, against any other class is just a problem in your hand. In the majority of games you will lose when the opponent will take control of the board, Flark doesn't help you to recover from this situation. So, I really prefer having another useful card in the first part of the match (stay on tempo) than having a card that will help me if I fail. It's like Rafaam for the Zoolock, can save your (hopeless) situation when you have almost lost the game, the difference is the draw ability of Warlock. With Zoo you can just use the hero power and have another card, Hunter can't, so better having only good cards (again, my opinion).
If you really want to use him there is no way else then magnetising other mechs on the bombs, everything else (like Mossy Horror) will be such a bad card in every other moment of the game. The combo venomizer and missile launcher, in normal condition, is played before Flark, because is more reactive.
Not everyone is mother tongue! Roar.
You don't say which archetypes are giving you trouble, but Mossy is good in a surprising number of situations -- not just Druid. I love it holding this guy in hand while a Rogue squirts out a board full of Lackeys, for example. And those stupid ogres in Wall Priest -- no problem!
I personally don't run him, and I am sitting in legend right now using bomb hunter. He isn't necessary, but I do think he's good. If you play him and he does nothing, you were bound to lose anyways. At worst, he is a dead rock in your hand in the earlier game. He is always game swinging when you can play him.
Boommaster Flark isn't necessary and in a lot of cases isn't the right card to play. Trump leaves him out, along with a bunch of other cards, and uses two tracking, two animal companion instead. I have used Trump's deck and also other ones with Boommaster Flark, and I've found Trump's deck to be a little bit better. It really helps to have some bombs out there and score a Leokk
Its almost off topic, but at the same time isn't ;
If you are stuck on the ladder, and tired of playing Bomb Warrior and/or Tempo Rogue, consider other T1 & T2 decks. For instance Mid-Range Hunter is doing really good right now, as well as Giant Cyclone mage.
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
I too am working in my golden hunter (hunter and shaman my last non golden). I’ve reached legend with a mech hunter deck with blast master, and I think he is a powerhouse. Great in matchups like bomb warrior since he represents 8 damage and magnetise opportunities. Highly recommend the deck from hsreplays with the wolf and the cost reduction mech.
Well i would say Flark isn't necessary but he's still good - because he gives you 4 Bombs on board you can magnetize with. So far im still playing him in my Bomb Hunter and it`s doing well so far.
But you surely can play Bomb Hunter without him. Still a pretty decent deck to climb - at least until rank 5 :)
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
As mentioned, Flark's purpose is mainly to provide magnetic targets that you can use to burst down the opponent. He also counters brawl a bit, if the warrior is low on health.