Arena Rotation on June 3rd - New Sets and Free Arena Ticket
Next Arena rotation will happen in less than a week. On June 3rd to be exact!
New drafting pool will contain these sets:
- Basic
- Classic
- Goblins vs. Gnomes
- The Grand Tournament
- Karazhan
- The Boomsday Project
- Rise of Shadows
Free Arena Ticket for Unfinished Run
Since the old sets are rotating, the "old" decks should get retired which means we should get an arena ticket for our unfinished run.
Now keep in mind, this is the first time such rotation happens, so we dont know exactly if the old decks will get retired for sure and/or if we get the Arena Ticket for unfinished run. Logic dictates that it should be yes on both accounts, but until next week, we cannot be 100% sure, so keep that in mind!
Side note: even tho the rotation happens in the middle of the season and many of you might not need/want more ROS packs, it is still cheaper dust per gold value than if you bought packs in a shop for 100g, so id recommend doing it either way.
/edit: Blizzard confirmed that we will be getting a Free Arena Ticket for unfinished run this time around. There could be like 1% chance it is cause of the bug with the countdown, so still not 100% it will happen next time around, but we will have to see :) Go start your runs ppl!
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Next Arena rotation will happen in less than a week. On June 3rd to be exact!
New drafting pool will contain these sets:
Free Arena Ticket for Unfinished Run
Since the old sets are rotating, the "old" decks should get retired which means we should get an arena ticket for our unfinished run.
Now keep in mind, this is the first time such rotation happens, so we dont know exactly if the old decks will get retired for sure and/or if we get the Arena Ticket for unfinished run. Logic dictates that it should be yes on both accounts, but until next week, we cannot be 100% sure, so keep that in mind!
Side note: even tho the rotation happens in the middle of the season and many of you might not need/want more ROS packs, it is still cheaper dust per gold value than if you bought packs in a shop for 100g, so id recommend doing it either way.
/edit: Blizzard confirmed that we will be getting a Free Arena Ticket for unfinished run this time around. There could be like 1% chance it is cause of the bug with the countdown, so still not 100% it will happen next time around, but we will have to see :) Go start your runs ppl!
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Thanks for the heads-up! I'll be sure to start an arena run somewhere ;-)
Any idea if/when they are going to lock arena for entry before june 3rd?
It was confirmed that we will get a ticket as usual.
Buy today arena play until X-2 and then wait for the rotation :P
Yeah just started the arena run and while I'm generally awful and loose 1-3 orsmth I'm now at 4-1 let's see how far I get before I lose another time
That is a good info, thanks. But it kinda does not help with if they are gonna do this every rotation now, since they are announcing this only cause of the bug with the countdown. I mean most likely we will, but this still leaves that small chance for next one that it wont happen :)
Anyway, it is probably gonna reset at midnight, and entries are closed aprox. 8 hours before that, so do it soon ppl ;-
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