How would you design Dalaran Heist (if you are a developer)
Submitted 5 years, 6 months ago by
Personally, I would throw all the current class archetypes out of the window , and make previously weak cards usable in it like alarmobot , hobgoblin or whatever.
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Personally, I would throw all the current class archetypes out of the window , and make previously weak cards usable in it like alarmobot , hobgoblin or whatever.
Out of curiosity, why would you prefer that?
I personally would LOVE more opportunities to change your deck composition (not just adding cards). Having Bartender Bob appear twice per run doesn't feel like enough. I feel like too often my heist decks feel bloated and without a well refined strategy.
I would love stuff like chance events to ditch cards/pick up other singleton cards. More random events, basically!
The Innkeeper encounters twice per run are a really nice addiction that help refine our deck from some cluncky pick while also giving us the chance to add new minions or even buff what we already have. It's indeed a step in the right direction for a more flexible and replayable content. Also the three different Hero Power and deck archetypes have add tons of freshness to the solo content.
The randomness of cards pick can be mitigated probably by adding more occasional encounter that are not exactly boss fight but more of minigame (like the Boomproject's one) that will give us other chances of manipulate the structure of our current decklist.
"For what profit is it to a man if he gains the world, and loses his own soul?"
Not sure if my point came across properly, what I mean is like for example warrior gets mech bundle, big minion bundle , then your deck becomes a hybrid ladder/arena deck with treasure cards and start of game cards. But Blizz can just release NEW cards that work with lesser used cards like alarmobot, OR experiment new cards with new synergies previously unheard of. I mean new archetype with new synergy (for example Spell Warrior or Exotic Mountseller Rogue)
Oh right, I understand now thanks! I think the buckets are really useful to help give your deck a direction, but they can be a bit too prescriptive. I wouldn't get rid of them myself, but it would be great to see more buckets in future or for Blizz to adjust the current ones in future, to keep the game fresh.
I'd also quite like the option for a 'completely random' run where you can choose cards in the same way as Arena (before the bucket system was introduced there).
I'm looking forward to seeing how they build on the Heist run with future single player content!
I would surely apply two small but important changes:
- first of all, I would not make all heroes playable on the evil side... anything else makes no real sense to me
- I would make the battlefields more interactive: Something like "fog" which prevents targeting, Something like poisonous gas which reduces health of minions and heroes by 1 each round, or something like the banks guardians which are beeing freed on turn 9 and bring you big trouble..
- Some story to actually discover throughout the chapter or in between of the runs
- more different runs (at the moment every chapter feels more or less the same)