New Neutral Minion - Big Ol' Whelp
Submitted 5 years, 1 month ago by
A new Common Neutral Minion, Big Ol' Whelp, has been revealed!
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A new Common Neutral Minion, Big Ol' Whelp, has been revealed!
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Cool flavor, will help with draw in my only dragon deck
Azure Drake is back! Maybe be even better.
Might be better than Azure Drake for the deck that has no spell damage, 5/5 draw a card with dragon tag... playable at best.
Decent card, but will probably be played more in arena than constructed.
wow very good stats and a draw! yes guys big blue is back
uhuhuhuhu, he's a chunky boi
I love him already
Also he'S somewhat playable as a solid midrange dragon for decks that need the synergy (I would consider it in Warlock, if only for consistency's sake)
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Azure Drake lives again!
Yeah this is a very nice midrange tool, helps you to keep your hand full, gives dragon tribe synergy and places a decently statted minion on the board. Should see quite a lot of play.
Azure Drake, but generally more useful. That said, facing this might be less frightening because Spell Damage makes a minion a high priority target.
The cost to effect ratio here is great, its a dragon, IDK what is bad about this card. It is a slow, so its not going to be part of many aggro decks, but Azure Drake used to be one of the best cards in the game as just a 5 mana 4/4 draw a card, the spell damage wasn't even always important. Spell damage was generally great and this is more of a vanilla minion, but its got a great statline for a cantrip.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
That's definetly gonna see play!
Most Decks that use Azure Drake usually don't care much about the spelldamage.
ArtStation | Twitter
Cool art and great midrange card for dragons decks, but bad thing, just draw a card can be not enough vs aggro and maybe only for midrange dragon deck
Why didn't they unHoFed Azure Drake???
literally azure drake. 5 stars, played in every dragon deck? ez
Who doesn’t love having even more card draw with the only downside being losing 1 stat point?
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
wonder if azure drake would see play as of today's meta in standard..
This expansion is a huge power creep btw.. [Hearthstone Card (bonefire elemental) Not Found] had a condition for this effect this.. has none.. it's just a card you just throw in your deck if you want to cycle faster..(probably post rotation, on this stage of the game the decks have a lot of synergy to have random cards).
Solid card thanks to its battlecry. It will see play in dragon deck and maybe in other decks where drawing is essencial
Best pack filler so far.
But I agree with the post above or I should say @DoubleSummon's post because someone can comment before me. :D
Azure Drake should be moved to HoF in the time it moved but that's not valid for now. I also don't think that it will see play in this meta. I meant the metas of this year especially. It probably would shine again in this expansion tho. They might think about put it back to the classic in my opinion. It is not that broken anymore and we past the Jade Druid, Jade Shaman times.
And powercreeps are everywhere in this expansion. Should we be worried about this situation which team 5 out of ideas, i really don't know because some cards are really creative but most of them feels like they "borrow" those ideas from fan creations. I will be observing next years designs. It feels like there are some shakes in Hearthstone teams, not just in team 5. The stream also felt like that.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Good stats with an upside, good card
An Azure Drake with +1/+1 instead of the Spell Damage, or a Bonfire Elemental without the condition. Seems like a great card either-way. Azure Drake was a staple even in classes that didn't care about the Spell Damage; this could be that replacement.
Azure Drake died for this. Could go into every deck that needs draw.
Wasn't Azure Drake literally removed because it was too much of an auto-include? (I guess technically it was also a problem because it was evergreen...)
The 1/1 for spell damage trade is fine, and this will almost certainly see play as an auto-include two-of in every Dragon deck in the meta.
Dragon Filler, it's a better Azure Drake if you don't need spell damage, and good card from discover to play on curve.
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
This seems nuts. like azure drake but with +1/1, but without the spell damage. knowing that some classes used azure drake back in the day, not really caring about the spell damage, this card sounds great.
azure drake is back with 1 more power minus spell power. card 29-30 if you dont know what to put in deck
Ugly art, but it's one of those you add when you have a spot left in the deck. Flexible card as it has good stats for a card that draws. Good filler in Dragon decks.
neutral Bonfire Elemental that's a dragon in a meta where you want to play dragons? will definitely see play.
Draw a card with good stats for its cost.
Azure Drake sends one last parting shot into Standard.
This will be a staple card. Azure Drake was being run in a lot of decks, and that was hardly because of the Spell Power. Good minion, but I don't really like the name/ art though xd
Bonfire Elemental Well this is a nice card, it has decent stats plus its a dragon and drawing cards has always been a good thing in a card game where playing cards makes you win. I think we will be seeing a lot of our big ol' friend here. At least he will be popular amongst the newbies, being a common and all.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
for a purpose of a dragon and big minion + a bonus card it is good..but at turn 5 I believe there are other better cards to play instead of this one that gives you a card..we'll see how everyone plays around this once it is out..
I came here to say that ^^
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Meta-defining in the sense that every single deck outside of aggro will run this. Even some zoo decks will run this. Every control deck, dragons or not, will run this.
Good stats and battlcery for the price! A strong card overall. I think it will find its place in midrange dragon decks since it's a 5-5 sragon which allows you to draw and continue pressure. And a very solid arena deck. I like this one!
Absolute unit
I'll boop you
And that,der people, is the reason we don't give sweets to little dragons.
This is a nice midrangey dragon! is Azure Drake, i've missed him.
Don't know if azure drake is still good enough, but finally we have a dragon that you don't feel bad to run for the "dragon in hand" requirement. Maybe is the 6th-7th dragon that highlander mage is looking for to make malygos more reliable?
You might find room for this in Dragon decks not sure as there are so many better cards revealed. Not sure the draw 1 card is enough to get this chonky boi into any constructed decks. I expect will see decent play in Arena though.
Just look at how content he is... 5 stars just for the art. The effect is also very good, it helps to fill the stopgaps in Dragon decks.
This ain't no place for a hero
Consistently good card, good dragon support
Looks uninteresting but it will be in every single dragon deck. Good stats and the draw is very important. Did we use azure drake for the spell damage? :) Yep, thats what im talking about, and this has better stats.
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
strong, imagine this for 3 mana with the reduction of legendary
Very straightforward, won't go unnoticed for sure.
Pretty basic card, my only concern that all of this not-so-cool dragons are going to pollute the pool of random dragons.
A new and bigger Azure Drake!
More dragons? Yes please!
2 mana 1/1 draw a card. This is a 5/5 for 5 mana and draw a card. BONKERS
Chonk-lord that obtains a card works in most decks as a big lad plus draw its gonna be run a lot
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
All 5 mana 5/5s in standard has seen play in constructed Emberscale Drake Naga Sand Witch Sandhoof Waterbearer Seaforium Bomber most likely this chonker will too.
5/5 dragon for 5 mana and draws a card? Very cool! Also I'm glad that there's higher cost draw
A decent card for dragon decks. Due to the high costs this card will most likely see no play in non-dragon decks, since these decks have access to cheaper card draw.
Azure Drake minus the spell damage in exchange for +1/+1 in stats. Plus it’s a dragon. Probably an unspectacular but solid card for all dragon decks.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
Think its pretty auto include in any dragon deck, and perhaps played in other decks as well.
Honestly druid might be the only one that preferred azure drake over this, due to swipe and wrath.
Great card, a better Azure Drake nowadays (although Azure wouldn't be that good in today's meta). But the art is definitely worse :( I don't even get what the effect has to do with fat whelp, and stats doesn't seem to fit with art either (I imagine more health and less attack would be more appropriate).
Very good, Azure Drake was played in a lot of decks, this is going to see play at least in dragon decks.
It will see play in more than just Dragon Decks. Azure Drake was played in pretty much everything, and most of the time the Spell Damage wasn't used. This card will be in any deck that has a slot opening. Card draw on a decent body is not something to pass on.
Good stats and card draw. Definitely a strong enough card to be in i many decks and not only dragon ones.
Basic good card. Nothing new. Whatevs
I only want to point out this beauty K.O'ed Azure Explorer as this seasons no.1 cutie :-)))
Probably a new Azure Drake that will be used to fill the empty slots in decks.
I think this will be played in all dragon paladdin decks since I think they will lack a lot of draw engines.
You play a 5/5 and draw a card. That's good. I think it'll see more play than we think.
Card draw on a solid dragon body is strong, should fit naturally into dragon decks.
I'll for sure run this in any of my reno dragon deck. Even maybe in non dragon deck as that card is just good on it's own: Vanilla stats with one of the best effects in the game. Azure had a 4/4 staline, Toki cost 6, Elise would shuffle stuff in your deck. It might seem bland as it is a common, but damn, it's powerful af.
Elders Scrolls : Legends / Runeterra
Azure Drake was hall of famed for less, but time has changed. In comparison to other, more flashier cards of the set this feels dull, but for dragon decks its still obvious choice.
Fun and interactive game.
Agree, this card can be easily discounted to 3 mana! :P
I miss my Azure Drake and they give us this instead?