New Warrior Spell - Awaken!
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A new Common Warrior Spell, Awaken!, has been revealed!
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A new Common Warrior Spell, Awaken!, has been revealed!
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OMG! That art really bonkers!
I can't say that for the card tho, seems like worse Swipe
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Whirlwind + invoke galakrond, it's a controlish effect though.. it costs a bit much for what it does but the bundling might make it worth... maybe
Feels okay that's about it.
Allows you to do 4 damage to 1 minion though not to shabby but the invoke mechanic is limited when you are facing a taunt creature.
The card is also hard to combo with other cards like plague of wrath.
Maybe if token decks become a issue this card may shine, otherwise maybe with enrage cards?
Pretty cool, but seems weak. 3 attack + Whirlwind isn't exactly strong, but maybe there's enough token summoning going on that this isn't just a glorified shadowbolt
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Would be better at 2 mana
Good card for galakrond warrior, but that's the only deck, you'll even consider it in.
Basically a Swipe but you would need to take face damage if hitting a minion.
Yes this will see play, Galakrond Warrior does look good and every Invoke card is invaluable to the deck.
invoke whirlwind. very strong
This is one of the most disappointing invoke cards. Its not awful, but its clunky as hell and awful in aggressive decks.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
Seems alright, but nothing too crazy to run.
this is decent, you can clear tokens and a healthy body with a single card (invoke)
Seems pretty underwhelming, as a weaker Whirlwind. Also seems something different than what the Warrior Galakrond is all about. I think this will be the first Invoke-activator you cut. Unless it's resolved around Frothing Berserker or something, a more Tempo approach (but then 3 mana is way to expensive, gaah)
Only good thing is the invoke power, but overall not very good due to its cost
Well, Warrior gets Scion of Ruin, so of course the Invokes will be mediocre.
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Not that good. 3 mana for 1 damage isn't enough against token decks. At best, it's like a worse Shadow Bolt. There's the enrage synergy but Whirlwind still exists and Warpath only leaves in April. Really mediocre card.
"True mastery takes dedication."
Remind me on that old warrior weapon Bloodrazer from KFT, just without the Deathrattle. This weapon was stable in every warrior deck, so i guess this will see play, but only in Galakrond Decks at least.
The whirlwind effect might not be too good unless you care about damaging your own stuff, but that on top of the 3 attack your hero is getting will mean that you can do 4 damage to any minion, and 1 damage to the rest, kind of like Swipe.
This card looks kinda wonky, but it will be a very useful card.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
2 mana for invoke feels like a lot then again it is a hero power
It’s a slightly cheaper swipe that you end up taking damage for most times, not much more than that really
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Chonky dragon on the art is cool. The card itself seems to be whirlwind with invoke, and im not sure if invoke is worth 2 mana. still seems alright if you are trying to upgrade your galakrond.
Other Invokes are better. No more than one of this.
Would be better at 1 too LOL
WAY TOO COSTLY for invoking and aoe're better off using the weapon to invoke..this is uselss
This is generally pretty bad, but Scion of Ruin is good enough that you might run it anyway.
Not great, but you're running it anyway because you need to Invoke for one of the better Galakronds.
I want to believe in Warrior's Galakrond deck - but I'm seeing it a tad more middrange oriented - where this would fill in 2 spell purposes at once, on top of the tempo gain from Whirlwind / NotKeyWordedEnraged's interaction, the 3 mana cost would then be a modest price ... maybe
Also, Artwork is simply amazing. I'm having high hopes for its golden animation.
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
I guess the reason they made the effect bad for Aggro is because the Warrior Invoke effect can be extremely aggressive, so this was done as a pre-emptive control.
One of the weakest Invoke cards, but given that there are only 2 neutral Invokers, this card is going to see play in a Galakrond Warrior.
It is quite comparable to Swipe, actualy, so it might not be that bad.
This reveals Galakrond Warrior aims more towards a Tempo approach. Combo's nicely with cards like Acolyte of Pain, Battle Rage, Armorsmith and Frothing Berserker, and use the Galakrond Hero Power to finish off the opponent. Cost is a bit steep though.
is a cheaper swipe that hits your board too (and where you tank the damage of the target with your face), i'd generally like it, but the fact that does hurt your board seems to go against the proactive deck that galakrond warrior seems to be
So an Invoke plus a dmg trigger for all those Warriors minions that like a little damage? Sure - I can see the rough workings of on OTK build forming...
The spot of this card is a Galakrond deck based on enrage minion and the berserker. In other deck i will never put this card
Seems bad unless a galakrond warrior becomes meta
Rage quitting: the best way to ensure your opponent knows they beat a giant baby.
A comparison can be made to swipe which makes this fair since you have to take damage to do the trade
3 mana swipe for warriors. Very good i think. Helps to reach the late game where you can play galakrond and unleash its power.
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
Pretty underwhelming... Ok for the Invoke effect, but... 3 mana Whirlwind?
Looks like a 1 mana cheaper Swipe that requires you to take face damage. Not as bad as it seems.
More dragons? Yes please!
Looks eh in a vacuum but it might shine when taken into play the invoke allows for a trade of some kind while the other effect is basically whirlwind with ruin it's gonna be run and the plauges will make it shine a bit aswell
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
Decent card, not that bad, not that good.
Could be 2 mana, seriously. I don't think it's worth to run this.
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
This is Whirlwind + give your hero +3 attack this turn. I don't think this card will see a lot of play.
For 2 mana it would be OK. For three mana it's pretty bad... ;(
I'm not sure how Galakrond warrior will stay alive while face tanking everything.
Yea I think the power level of Scion forces the invoke cards to be on the weak side to make up for it.
I'd say it is good! It's a Whirlwind for 3 mana but it gives us an ability to invoke, and there is nice synery with Plague of Wrath. It doesn't fit in a very agressive Galakrond deck but it's OK for a slower deck.
Makes for a pseudo-Swipe by dealing 1 damage to everything and then enabling your hero to attack for 3. I don’t know if the dealing 1 damage to enemy minions matters enough but perhaps the damage dealt to your own minions can be leveraged in a deck with Frothing Berserker or Bloodsworn Mercenary.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
Will include for the upgrade. It works just fine but a little underwhelming on its own.
It's just playable. Warrior galacron doesnt give you board presence, so any invoke cards that don't have a body attached must pressure for the win, like the invoke weapon warrior has. buuuuut, since Frothing Berserker is still a card, I'll hold my expectations on this card.
Very good to remove small boards and really good if you have spell damage. Invoking Galakrond can also grant you some more removal by hitting them with your hero.
Looking at it like a warrior swipe is very smart I think. Its almost better because it also upgrades your galakron, but yeah.. You'll have to run gala and that makes it less flexible.
Still a great addition to the invoke cards
Cost is too high for its effect even though it triggers invoke effect.
It's like a Swipe but you take damage. You can also use it late game with Plague of Wrath as a board clear. But I don't know if you want to run this card in Galakrond decks. The are better invoke cards
This would fit in Galakrond Warrior if it were a control deck, but since it isn't, it looks really bad.
At least not every card about this deck is OP.
Looking as overopriced Whirlwind at first glance, but it's more like cheaper Swipe. Galakrond decks will definitely run this.
Fun and interactive game.
May be a bit to expensive? Most token decks can raise health of their minions so only 1 damage may not cut it imo
The new Whirlwind that I don't see reason to include when other Invoke cards are better.
Lesser swipe that doesn't bypass taunts and damages your minions (not really a minus in warrior).
Will see play if Galakrond warrior is a thing just to reach the invoke quota.