New Shaman Minion - Squallhunter
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A new Common Shaman Minion, Squallhunter, has been revealed!
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A new Common Shaman Minion, Squallhunter, has been revealed!
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Huge dragon with acceptable attack on turn 4.. with spell damage +2... with +2!!!
This is too much for my favorite class, so many good class cards too, please stop it.
It's a great card, will make shaman have more fun with spells now.
So its a 4 mana minions with overload 2 that has 5 atk but +2 spell damage and 7 health this seems way more abusive than flameface since you can use lighting bolt to do 5 dmg. Nice solid powercreepy card
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
You certainly don't want to face this on curve.
Think this might be one of the strongest cards of the set.
Very strong card, I'm sure it will find a spot in decks outside of the dragon archetype, which I don't believe has enough support. Flamewreathed faceless was broken, this has 2 less attack but the spell damage can be much better in the right deck.
I like it a lot, but I don't really see how the Spell damage factors into the gameplan. There's not that many spells I see being useful after overloading for 2.
I guess LIghtning Storm and LIghtning Breath is fine, but this just seems overkill
Either way it's a solid dragon for a class that wants to play them, so we can't really complain here.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
As always I will stress that +2 spell damage is an incredibly powerful and often overlooked ability, the statline on this card is also insane for this effect.
This is a powerful card, although I do wonder if it will ever see play for the fact that it doesn't really fit into the archetypes that I predict will be powerful (Galakrond and Quest).
My hope is that shaman is split between so many powerhouses that don't really work together, that their power level doesn't really rise from where SoU put it.
I suppose dragon shaman needed something other than Lightning Breath to pull it together, and this looks more like that 'something' than Nithogg does.
Zap and lightning bolt become really strong very low cost cards
A 5-7 on turn 4 plus removing a 3 drop is enormously strong.
But your next turn is gonna be very iffy.
I like this one a lot. A big dragon body on t4. And the spell dmg to keep it safe if you play it on a later turn. Not too shaby, not too shaby.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
Well, there goes the format. This isn't quite Flamewreathed Faceless but its pretty damn close. The spell damage means less directly most of the time but it means way more at finishing the game out. If you're running this along with the normal package it could easily make up for those 2 missing attack by giving you 4-6 extra spell damage and just winning you the game. If this ever sticks on the board your opponent is basically done for. The fact that its a Dragon as well pushes it even further into playability. IDK why this is a card.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
huge dragon whith nuts spell dmg. amazing tool for board control with any aoe
The spell damage seems a little bit weird, I am not sure exactly what to do with it. Maybe just extra reach on your burn spells? It is also a dragon which does have some merit to it. But let us not get distracted by the text box, this is a 4 mana 5/7. I know that is not as powerful as [Hearthstone Card (Flamewreath faceless) Not Found], but that is still super beefy for a 4 drop. In fact, I almost like this cost/stat distribution more, maybe it is just me, but seeing minions with more health than attack is always very satisfying, even if it isn't as good.
This card is pretty powerful with a fairly good effect, and a very useful tribe. I will not be the slightest bit surprised to see this card appearing in some midrange/aggro/burn/dragon shaman lists.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
This is I guess suppose to combo with Lightning Breath in the same deck.
For standart it's meh, as other said, but for wild. Ofc 4 mana 7-7 is musthave in even sham, but, in late stages of the game, like turn 7 or 8 this card can be better coz you can use all potential of this card with your cracles and zero mana deal 2 (4) and clear 100% sure anything. Maybe, maybe, need some tests.
4 mana 5/7, overload 2, spell damage +2... why does this sound familiar?
4 mana 7/7 sry ment 5/7 with spell power 2.
Wow this card seems very strong (and we already got many OP cards revealed). I think this will find a spot in a deck, at least it's not a 4 mana 7/7 xd
A big scary 4 drop to follow up my Lightning Breath. Good stats, dragon synergy, spell damage +2 and overload synergy, what a great card.
More dragons? Yes please!
Good stats, good power and good cost! Fits like a glove in overload shaman
I think this will be Thunderhead's best friend. Hark my words.
Better call Thrall!
Yeah, that's what shaman needed, an excellent dragon for 4-mana.
Rage quitting: the best way to ensure your opponent knows they beat a giant baby.
Now that's a cool Shaman-Dragon! Overload, Spelldamage AND a Thunderstorm in the Card art!
ArtStation | Twitter
Even as a shaman fan, this is absolutely crazy.
There are also good direct and aoe damage spells in a cheap cost too. Make a deck based with new overload cards and this card has almost no downside.
Whoo boy this is a spicy one. Given the undercosted Overload spells, this has some real potential for mid- and late-game control shenanigans with a healthy enough body to be a threat on it's own. Looking forward to this bad boy.
My favorite card from this set hands down. Can't wait to craft it golden and play it in a Galakrond shaman deck. It also significantly boosts the damage of literally every removal spell shaman has Lightning Storm, the new Lightning Breath and Beakered Lightning to name a few.
Looks great and forces the opponent to remove it as soon as possible or else they’ll risk getting bursted down
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
This seems incredibly strong on turn 4, plus it has the dragon tag, overall a card to be reckoned with.
Reminds me of Flamewreathed Faceless AKA 4 mana 7/7 overload 2. but this one has +2 spell damage instead of 2 attack I can't think of any card that actually benefits from spell power.. but there might be next year...
Turn 3 Lightning meta.
Seriously, the body is great.
4 and 7 must be favorite numbers of Thrall.
4 mana 5/7 with a tribe is more scary than 4 mana 7/7 in my opinion and it has also +2 spell damage.
This is better than Flamewreathed Faceless because of the tribe tag.
You can copy it easier, buff it easier, decrease its cost easier, pull it easier everything is easier than tribeless minion.
Doing same thing with Flamewreathed Faceless, it just.. mm.. horrifies you..
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Definitely a better Dragon than Nithogg for Shaman. I can see this deck being run, not only in Dragon decks (if that is even going to excist), but in Midrang-y Shaman, with an Overload package. Maybe we will also see the return of Earth Elemental. Most likely though, a pure Aggro version of Overload Shaman will prevail and this card will not be used, but we'll have to wait and see for that. Overall I think this card is solid.
I think Flamewreathed Faceless is better because of its stats.
Still this is a great card and will surely be used if there is a Shaman warrior.
decent stats for the minion and cost..overload is not a big deal but the spell damage is not really something sham is relying this will probably not be played..
Maybe too fair for standard, but +2 spell damage on a body that's likely to stick around for a turn or two is very powerful for Shaman, and this curves nicely into Lightning Storm or Lightning Breath on turn 5 to clean up the enemy board.
A big Dragon body with Spell Damage +2, plus an Overload that might be beneficial in the right circumstances. Yeah, this is a powerful card.
*(4) mana 7/7 **
*Some conditions may apply
**Vessina not included
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Overload Shaman Rejoice, this will push this archetype over the edge compare this with the Mage Dragon Explorer, it looks insane, the overload cost is neglectable for sure.
this is really strong, autoincluded in every shaman i guess
Yeah, I like this card. Good stats and spell damage.
Ok, so once Eureka! rotates out, you can do Malygos Shaman by discounting two of these by Frizz Kindleroost, getting some additional fuel from Cobalt Spellkin and killing the opponent. (If it's a warrior, just Platebreaker a turn prior.)
Memes aside, 4 mana 7/7 didn't even see that much play. This is a dragon and that helps with the "dragon in hand" requirements, but i don't think this is enough at all to justify running this card. The spell power + 2 is nice, but i don't see how it will help in anyway
Could be good for AOE and wipe boards. It is a pretty solid addition to any shaman deck.
Strong card! Nice stat for its cost, +2 spell damage is scarry and the overload can be used in shaman to proc other effect. We will se it a lot
Sufficiently spooky stats, recall that overload is sometimes good
I like this one a lot. A big dragon body on t4. And the spell dmg to keep it safe if you play it on a later turn. Not too shaby, not too shaby.
The new overstated 4-mana monster for shaman :) You just cant ignore it because +2 spell damage can hurt badly. Maybe too good? Blizzard just raised the power of cards to an unhealthy level with this set. Im a bit afraid.
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
-2 attack, +2 spell power, same threat. This bad boy gives me chills...
Hard to remove and shaman have a lot of cheap damage spells, nice! Other archetypes will be stronger but this is not bad. Also: Frog synergy
Beautiful card, and a very strong one too. Amazing with Thunderhead. Important dragon enabler, synergy with broken breath card. Really like it! :)
Broken statline, for reals, someone at blizzard hq plays shaman and wants this class to be the strongest. ALL THE TIME. not fun tho, shamanstone will be back this meta.
This gave me that 4 mana 7/7 nightmare, and sometimes this can be even worse! I'm a bit scared about this card in burst shaman.
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
I don't think that a Dragon Shaman archetype will work, but this card might also fit into an aggressive overload deck.
(basically) six mana 5/7 dragon - it's good already. But you may play it on turn 3 or 4 and have synergy with overload and also spell damage +2?!?! That's crazy good
Another nightmare material for 4 drop evolve pool.
Its pretty hard to call this the STRONGEST card, but i agree that it will be super powerful. The whole set is crazy strong in general though, so it can definitely be matched
We'll see this card in agressive overload shaman decks for sure. it's very strong but hard to say which kind of shaman will be stronger. We got so many powerfull cards already) It's the last expansion after the rotation so we got the maximum options to play with. It's gonna be fun in december! Or it will become a nightmare if aggro decks are too powerful.
Insert obligatory “4 mana 7/7” joke here. Almost certainly going to see play purely off of its fantastic stats and the threatening +2 Spell Damage is basically icing on the cake, making even something as basic as Beakered Lightning or Zap horrifying to play against.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
4 mana 5/7? really? honestly the dragon tag and spell damage are just a nice extra at this point. And don't tell me it has overload to compensate. Overload never was a negative thing in shaman, much less now.
''Think this might be one of the strongest cards of the set.''
Yeah i said one of the strongest not that it is the strongest.
And i agree with that the set is crazy strong in general.
*Brode laughing*
I just, come on. I love Shaman too, but enough is enough, Blizzard.
Strong stats and also spell damage, only draw a card and it could be perfect
Turn 4 drop this and remove something with Zap. Solid board presence and threatening spell damage.
Then get Poached and have 2 mana to deal with the 8/4.
+2 spell damage is great with a solid body, hard to evaluate the overload effect though.
That statline is ridiculous. T5 never learns it seems. 'Member 4 mana 7/7 pig? And spell power in top of that? Playing 0 and 1 cost removal in shaman. Smh. This, or 0 cost spells are taking the axe for sure. The whining after the release of this set is going to be off the charts. /popcorn
Elders Scrolls : Legends / Runeterra
+2 spell damage! Amazing for wild and standard.
Great vaule for mana, opens some sudden spell finishers, but I don't think this fits into any current deck and there is lack of additional support for it.
Fun and interactive game.
I will gladly trade 2 fewer attack, compared to a 7/7, and get the 2 spell power in exchange.
This card is really good by itself, but it really shines in the proper deck. It curves greatly with many other shaman decks + it's a dragon. 5 stars