New Shaman Minion - Surging Tempest
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A new Common Shaman Minion, Surging Tempest, has been revealed!
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A new Common Shaman Minion, Surging Tempest, has been revealed!
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Finally... Playable shaman elemental on turn 1. Huge amazed myself as a big shaman fan! I don't know if it's busted or not, but it might be another Totem Golem on standard format...
(Mild Tunnel Trogg flashbacks)
Also a great target for Earthen Might.
This might make Elemental/aggro/OVerload Shaman a thing and overall improve the Overload package because you can actually get something on the board early.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
great card for early game and not wasted in mid or late. i like it
Really great card for Shaman.
Even as a 1/3 elemental, its pretty decent with cards like Earthen Might. The overload giving +1 attack is just a nice little bonus, nothing game breaking like Tunnel Trogg, but a very nice 1 drop for Shaman.
Yes, more Elementals! And its also very well stated!
ArtStation | Twitter
A slightly worse Tunnel Trogg, is still actually pretty good.
Neutered Tunnel Trogg with an Elemental tag.
Oh yeah, these Forum Signatures are a thing.
i had my doubts but i'm definitely crafting vessina now.
Decent, surprised they didn’t go with “has +1 attack for each of your overloaded mana crystals” instead, be like a temporary trogg
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
* Insert Tunnel Trogg comparison here *
It's a 1 mana 1/3 which quite easily becomes a 2/3, but doesn't snowball and the buff is only super meaningful if you overload on an early turn when the overload cost is actually pretty steep. So all in all, it will be played, but won't be cited as the offender if the deck(s) it is in is problematic.
I was down on the card until I read the comments; combining him with Earthen Might or an early Overload is a solid play, I think.
Basically, this is what Tunnel Trogg should have been.
1 mana 1/3 is just good, getting the extra attack is even better. Imagine playing this on turn one and then playing Voltaic Burst on turn two. Or imagine playing this on turn 1, and then Likkim and Zap! on turn 2.
This helps shamans to control the board early on, and there is plenty of cheap synergy to basically make this a 1 mana River Crocolisk.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
It reminded me of Warbot more than Tunnel Trogg.
1/3 in the first turn but possible to become fatter.
Well, Warbot didn't see Magnetic Era so would be better probably if it sees this day's meta.
But Surging Tempest is better than Warbot tho because it can activate elemental synergy, might be buffed more and quicker etc.
I appreciete that it doesn't take +1 attack like Mana Wyrm tho. It might be problematic if this card is same.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Playable in aggro shaman 1 mana 2/3 is good and we still have the 2 mana elemental buff card.
A much more balanced Tunnel Trogg with elemental synergy.
More dragons? Yes please!
Feeling Aggro Shaman more and more each reveal. Strong looking card for an interesting archetype.
We all know how this compares to that other gamebreaking shaman 1 drop. That said, this is still good. Its got a fine ability, its got a helpful elemental tribe tag, its not a bad card at all. It won't warp the game in any bad way, but it will likely see play. All good things.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
Very good card for an archetype that got a lot of love the last few expansions. I'm sure Overload Shaman will come back in a big way as everyone flees from Evolve Shaman
Well .. it's a worse tunel trogg, so it's balanced.
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
curves into Earthen Might and so does the freeze/invoke galakrond card, shaman might finally be able to consistantly play earthen might on curve while getting value constantly.
also similar to Tunnel Troggbut not as snowbally.
Not as broken as tunnel trogg, but still good and usable in many shaman archetypes.
Good card for a turn 1 play, but not very useful otherwise.
Very happy with this card. Finally a good 1-drop for shaman that you actually want to play on 1, unlike señor Sludge Slurper.
Better stock up on 0-1 mana Overloads.
This seems to be a much less broken version of Tunnel Trogg, but it still looks good.
This does indeed feel like a more balanced Tunnel Trogg. Overload Shaman seems to be a viable style for the class with the new support it got. More midrang-y with Earth Elementals perhaps.
good for aggro sham decks..nice and cheap for early annoyance..I hope aggro sham isn't going to become a thing in the new meta..would be annoyed to see so many aggro decks again..
It doesn't take a lot of overload to make this a 1 mana 2/3 often enough to get tons of early game value out of it. If aggro shaman continues to be good in the meta, this will be a centerpiece of the deck.
A strong addition to some agressive overload shaman deck since there are a lot of options to overload. And Earthen Might makes it a perfect 1st turn minion for sure.
A decent 1-drop as all clases should have, is not Cleric but fullfills the duty, synergics amazingly with all the tempo overload shaman cards, really good
interesting 1 drop, well designed and not oppressive
The perfect body, class synergies, here we have iconic 1-drop.
a 1/3 that has a way to gain a bit of attack is generally a good card, i think it will see some play in the right decks
Good stats and a good effect. If overload shaman becomes competitive this will definitely be a staple in any deck.
Very efficient card for overload shaman, feels bad if not played on turn 1
Strong card, just a little worse of Tunnel Trogg. Perfect for aggressive shaman or to value-trade early minion in a "overload" shaman. Curves well with Earthen Might too.
This is what tunnel trogg always should have been. Strong but the effect cannot snowball out of control. Will se a lot of play.
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
Not as reliable as the other 2/3 - 3/2 wannabe 1 mana cost minions.
Tunnel Trogg except they know what balance is now. It works with the cheap overloads we've seen and it looks like they're giving more cards to the overload arch which is neat works with snake lady too
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
A balanced Tunnel Trogg, nice! Shaman’s new go-to-1-drop.
Not broken, but really strong 1 drop. 5/5 for me, autofill in all shaman decks
A solid 1 drop with a good overload synergy, but not as overpowered as Tunnel Trogg. Playable, but not broken.
Very good agressive card! Also an elemental. Will be played in any aggro shaman
Elemental overload shaman definitely be a thing so many good synergies. Amazing 1 drop.
Definitely not anywhere near as strong as tunnel trogg, but thats probably a good thing for the game lol
Tunnel Trogg’s elemental cousin. Less dramatic of an attack boost but a 1 mana 2/3 with no downside is nothing to sneeze at. Might actually be more suited for trading in securing an early board rather than punching face. Either aggro or midrangey decks will probably like this guy.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
This card will rarely be a worse Tunnel Trogg , since most of the time times Tunnel Trogg was killed a turn or 2 after being played.
This will have the same impact as trogg, and once again enable agrro shaman, whose only issue right now was the lack of a sticky 1 drop.
We'll be seeing a lot of this one. Like, a lot. Aggro Overload Shaman looks really good.
Reminds me of Warbot but more usefull.
One of my favourite Shaman decks in Wild is Burn Shaman deck with Tunnel Trogg, Totem Golem and Spirit of the Frog to cycle the burn. Maybe I can build a more board-oriented deck with this and Storm's Wrath. Should be fun.
Finally a 1 cost card for shaman, good stats and nice hability for it cost
Or a pre-nerf Mana Wyrm that dont stack and refresh each turns
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
1/3 is already great for 1 cost, making it a great early game minion. But if you want to play aggressive shaman decks, murlocs just seem better.
This will probably be a staple in any standard aggro shaman deck for a while. It's a dire mole with potential benefits. This can snowball pretty fast even though it's not as broken as the infamous tunnel trogg.
Elders Scrolls : Legends / Runeterra
Great minion to play early on. I'll be pretty good in Overload Shaman.
Fair Tunnel Trogg and we all know that fair cards have no chance in this game. No, seriosly, this card is solid and fits into overload archetype well.
Fun and interactive game.
If only this had "gain 1 attack when you overload" instead it'd be the Shaman version of Mana Wyrm
It says a lot about the power level of Tunnel Trogg when what looks like the most powerful expansion of all times still has a card that's strictly worse than it.
Worse Trogg, yes, but it's also an elemental. I think 1 drops like this are always good in any type of deck.