New Shaman Spell - Storm's Wrath
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A new Rare Shaman Spell, Storm's Wrath, has been revealed!
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A new Rare Shaman Spell, Storm's Wrath, has been revealed!
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I mean, shaman has finally a cheap board buff... is that mostly a good news for shaman? Or mostly bad news for everyone? We will see...
absurd strong card if played well in murloc shaman
OpOp with Thunderhead I think? Or do the summons spawn afterwards?
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
This seems like a ridiculously powerful card.
Shaman can easily flood the board, in combination with Voltaic Burst and Thunderhead this could build some very scary boards with little effort.
If this helps summon Sparks, do they get buffed?
Not only is it a great card for Token, it also has Overload-Synergies! Vessina, Thunderhead andthe 2 new Elementals!
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It maybe a worse Mark of the Lotus, but for shaman the overload makes it actually good with a few synergistic cards.
board flood AND overload synergy, the old overload shaman already emphasized tokens, i think this will be a pretty solid inclusion.
Eugh. I haven't forgotten the strength of Mark of the Lotus. At least there is no Patches to break the early game with it anymore.
Great, more cheap buffs for your whole board. Least it can’t be used in Even Shaman, that’d be a scary thought
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Giving all minions +1/+1 will be very helpful even if it only hits a couple of minions. And with Vessina in play, this works like a 1 mana Bloodlust. The overload can be used to your advantage, and the +1/+1 is just good.
Because this card is both overload, a wide board buff, and a cheap spell, it can fit into several different decks. It can buff all of your Murlocs, it can help trigger your Vessina/[Hearthstone Card (lickim) Not Found], or you can just cycle it with Spirit of the Frog.
This card seems like a pretty fair one, it can be used in several ways, and it can be powerful, but it isn't OP or a super crucial card to a decks success.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Holy Moly this is going straight into my spirit of the frog miracle shaman. Best card ever. This is great with Thunderhead and Voltaic Burst.
With the Shaman's ability to flood the board, this is a no-brainer card for certain decks. The Overload keeps it in check a little...except you can also find synergy with the Overload, so the right deck will abuse both aspects of the card.
new shaman effect trying to copy druid
Thunderhead is going to love this card. Shaman is going to be quite scary this expansion.
More dragons? Yes please!
Well, only stuff that shaman didn't get support are Discard synergy, Secrets, Stealing, Choose one and Armor.
I mean, I really don't know why Blizzard tend to give Shaman all of the possible mechanics.
Ok, its hero power is rng-based and sometimes it can be frustrating but this is not the way that you should balance the class like this.
For the card, it is just fair card ok, but the synergies of shaman really started to irritate me. It was my favorite at beginning of the game tbh but not anymore.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
This doesn't interact well with Thunderhead, but it does interact well with Vessina. Either way this sort of effect is always good in classes that like to go wide, like Shaman and Druid. This has some additional Overload upside and so it should see some play.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
Excellent card for Overload Shaman - not much else to say, just a solid card all around.
Thank god isn't a zero cost for even shaman, it's an ok card, and it's a good target from discover if you have a good board.
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
The scariest thing about this card is the overload synergy. It's cheap and provides a good buff for token/murloc strategies. If this is used to trigger Thunderhead and buffs the sparks summoned immediatelly then it's kinda crazy. Vessina appreciates it a lot. I'm happy i opened her very recently from those free packs Blizzard gave as compensation for the tavern brawl issues from two weeks ago.
"True mastery takes dedication."
I don't get what the art + card name + flavor text have to do with it's effect.. a few dragons are attacking a hot air balloon.. why are your minions suddenly stronger cause of that?
I would comment about the card's strengths and how it's stolen identity from druid, and definitely shaman which is a very token heavy class should not get access to such cards but that's already been said.
Shaman shouldn't have gotten a board buff, it's too dangerous. Also the overload might be more of a benefit than a drawback.
Great spell for token, murloc, evolve, etc shaman. Definitely playable!
Quest Murloc don't need Dragons this Winter.
murloc sham will love this..buff buff buff your opponent will get a big smack in the face before they realize anything..
Good with a wide board, good with Vessina - should be able to see play in an aggro shaman deck.
Evolve goes back to Wild and there is a new support for token/murloc shamans! Seems strong for this kind of decks. I suppose we'll see it on ladder.
With this card Shaman actually even gets a spell buff, is a class with everything, besides as it overloads it synergices inmensily with the class. A better power of the wild overall.
this has an incredible synergy with vessina
powerful card
Compared to Mark of the Lotus this card is obviously weaker, but there are enough Overload synergistic cards that this card can potentially be better. This card makes Totems less useless as well. Maybe some sort of Midrange Overload Shaman will arise.
This is the first Health buff card for shaman, isn't it?
A good low cost board buffs for shaman is quite scaring, the overloard maybe will make it less powerful and make it feel a bit clunky to play; but shaman now don't even dislike of being overloarded that much (especially if they are only overloaded for 1)
Very good card for murloc and aggro shaman. This will definitely see a lot of play.
Mark of lotus, but maybe overload is a good thing
Autoinclude in all agro shaman and/or murloc shaman. Combo well with Thunderhead and with Vessina this is a Bloodlust for 1 mana.
Could go into every single Shaman deck out there. Murlocs, aggro, evolve, overload, Galakrond all benefit from a cheap wide buff. Imagine playing this with Vessina for a devastating burst.
Has good synergies but i dont like it. OP with tunderhead, you doesnt even need a big board to get the value out of this card.
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
Seems like murlocs keep getting scarier and scarier...
I don't like aggro so I don't really like this card it's like a worse mark of the lotus that procs shaman's other overload effects which is nice. I expect to see this but not a lot
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
Good card for token shammy, evolve shammy, any shammy, shamanstone
This card has good synergies with Vessina, Thunderhead, and Voltaic Burst. At least Evolve is not in standard any more.
Well, I think it's pretty weak. But it may play in aggro shaman (because it's strong murloc spirit and "big board for blood lust" idea)
This fights for place with Voltaic Burst in frog draws not sure if it can win since Voltaic Burst has better synergy with Soul of the Murloc maybe better version will raise its a pretty good card for wide boards and its pretty much free.
And mark of the lotus has plenty of room to be worse, since that card was crazy strong.
Kinda awkward to use. Shaman can definitely generate tokens courtesy of things like Voltaic Burst or Thunderhead, but the Overload will really start to pile up and those 1/1 tokens are only going to get up to 2/2s off a single Storm’s Wrath.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
Do remind me, will Thunderhead summon minions before or after this card effect? The card is already great, but this difference might make it better or slightly worse.
I saw someone playing with it on Youtube (i think it was Trump). There was a moment where this card was used with Thunderhead on the board and the tokens were summoned after the spell applied its effect to the other minions. So no buffs to the little sparks. They need to be summoned first by playing a different overload card.
"True mastery takes dedication."
Thunderhead says "after", meaning it will summon the Sparks after Storm's Wrath has resolved, so the Sparks won't get buffed. That said, as a 1 mana Overload card with only 1 Overload, it's still a good way to trigger the effect even if the Sparks don't get buffed, and it's still a good card.
This is so good, Token Shaman was right there with Evolve Shaman at first so you know it's really going to be OP AF.
Electra Stormsurge likes this
Murloc shaman is happier now
Token style decks (Thunderhead) will love this card. It can fit in murloc decks as well.
After Galakrond, another potentially scary deck for shaman. Token Vessina strategies are going to love this. It might also find a spot in murloc shaman. Thrall is going to be fine this expansion.
Elders Scrolls : Legends / Runeterra
Awesome card. You can play it in all Shaman decks. I'll play it in my murloc deck.
I thought they were concerned early this year with Class Identity / Strenght vs Weakness for a given class ...
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Murlocs gonna love this!
Fun and interactive game.
Soooo many shaman archetypes can put this to use. Excited!
This is insane. Cards like this enable whole new archetypes. It will be played for sure. 6 stars