New Shaman Spell - Invocation of Frost
Submitted 5 years, 1 month ago by
A new Common Shaman Spell, Invocation of Frost, has been revealed!
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A new Common Shaman Spell, Invocation of Frost, has been revealed!
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They are STILL trying to bring back freeze shaman
That's a good value though, we don't care about 1 mana freeze, it will definitely help.
alright, they're memeing at this point.
It's a good activator though. Stalling an enemy for a turn while advancing your gameplan can't be bad
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
can work as stall but imo is a good card for the invoke hability
I mean Frost Shock used to be playable, and this is better than that in most cases. The invoke effect summons a 2/1 rush, to this is kind of Freeze a Enemy, deal 2 damage to an enemy minion. That's a big deal, because you can freeze a large minion or the enemy player, while removing a small threat, or you can simply use it to create a 2/1 that your opponent has to deal with, and ignore the freeze all together. I'm glad you have to have Galakrond in your deck for the invoke to work or else I think this could be too good in decks that aren't playing it.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
One of the strongest Invoke cards we have seen so far.
Ray of Frost is super powerful, yes it has twin-spell but the ability to cheaply freeze a target can be huge in retaining board presence. This card gives the added bonus of Invoking Galakrond, the Tempest which summons a 2/1 with rush, just an incredibly powerful card for 1 mana.
Shaman is looking to be the best Galakrond deck.
So 1 Mana 2-1 Rush and Freeze..
It's a freeze card in Shaman... and it's GOOD.
ArtStation | Twitter
Moorabi enabler finally? 2 more cards like this and the card would be playable in wild. But fair card to standard.
So its basically a Glacial Shard but with rush.
Glacial Shard with rush.
good stall option, the rush also helps to clear the board a bit, or it could just help fill a board
Yeah. This and Corrupt Elementalist really make me question Blizz saying the invoke cards are low tempo to justify the powerhouse invoke synergy cards.
AND it works towards your Galakrond upgrades. And Glacial Shard already saw quite a bit of play.
This card is crazy good. Probably one of the best invoke cards.
Stall a minion while summoning a bit of board presence on the cheap. Don’t see a downside to this, really good card
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Moorabi tier 1 in Wild?
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Not but seriously, I wasn't expecting this. It is pretty good, it is just like Glacial Shard but with rush. There isn't a battlecry, so it doesn't have any synergy with shudderwock, but it is still a decent tempo play and it does invoke galakrond. This is better than a lot of the invoke cards we have seen so far simply because shaman has such a proactive galakrond power. Imagine freezing one minion and than trading into another. A 2/1 rush is a pretty good 1 drop, just look at Springpaw, this deals the same damage for half the cost, it is less flexible not being able to deal the damage to two separate targets, but is also can free whatever it wants.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Well they're super low tempo in general, just not with shaman. They said they wanted shamans invoke/dragon to be tempo oriented. Their dragon's battlecry isn't quite as much value as other classes (though 2 8/8 rushes is still pretty nutty
Glacial Shard with Rush, as others have noted. Glacial Shard saw a lot of play, so this seems like a no-brainer in a Galakrond deck.
2 8/8s with rush is really nutty. Their Galakrond won't play the long game quite as well as some others, but it is still a major upgrade. Currently I just see strong and fast invoke cards that quickly activate overpowered synergy cards, and nowhere is there actually a price to pay other than that you have to choose between this, Hagatha and the quest.
That's an embarrassment of riches, not good design.
freeze shaman back lol
As everyone has pointed out - Glacial Shard with rush (but the downside of not triggering elemental battlecries, if that matters). Maybe worth playing in a Galakrond Deck, since it's very cheap and can do a lot to control an early game board, but there are probably more impactful ways to get your invokes in.
As stupid as this sounds, I think it's nice they're adding a little Freeze Shaman support. It would be cool if one day you could play a modestly competitive Freeze Shaman in Wild. Alternatively, the next time they cycle cards into standard from wild, maybe Freeze Shaman would have enough support to be more than a meme.
Just a 1 mana 2/1 rush is good enough. The effect of getting to freeze an enemy is a nice bonus.
More dragons? Yes please!
Very flexible card. Will see play in Galakrond Shaman for sure
Not bad should just see it as a minion that freezes and has rush the small cost also has good synergy with spirit of the frog if the spirit gets run in a galakrond deck.
Not a bad card, but honestly is it weird that Shaman Galakrond has better Invoke options than this? I mean I'm sure it will still see some play, but not sure how much...
This card really got me. Even no-neutral cards in paladin is more predictable than this after the last effort they do in Freeze Shaman.
Damn it's really a good card.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Ray of Frost with the option to dealing 2 mana to an unfrozen minion instead of 2nd freeze for half of the mana cost.
There are better galakrond sinergies than this.
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
OK card... The good thing is the invoke power.
Cheap Invoke, Galakrond will Rush out nicely.
It's a versatile Invoke card which is good. It's not overstat'ed for what it does and it's similar to Glacial Shard with Rush, and that card saw play. This seems to be an auto-include for Galakrond Shaman.
invoking while ccing a target..positive effects all around so this is easily included in galakrond decks..
Odd card for sure, freeze is not really shaman's thing except in one classic card and one set in which they though "hey how bad can we make cards?"
Seems good, curves into Earthen Might.
This cards is one of the better invokes one, it help stales and a 2/1 minion with rush plus freezee something for 1 mana is extremely viable
filler for galakrond shaman
if isn't necessary it won't see play
A mostly-better Frost Shock. I’m down.
I love the artwork. Looks like a nightmare of a situation.
So basically this spell freezes an enemy (not just a minion) and summons a 2-1 elemental with rush - seems good for 1 mana. I suppose Galakrond shaman will play it.
I think this card is nice, is a cheap invoke card, and that is already good. Freezing a minion and summoning a 2/1 with rush for 1 mana is super good, because it disrupt your opponent's tempo and helps you catch up if you are behind because it only cost 1 and doesn't take your whole turn. One of the best invoke card for sure
Pretty basic, could save you some damage and get a small rush minion, not much value but might be worth it early game.
It's a good activator for galakron, cheap and freeze is a nice effect. Solid card for me
Better glacial shard is actually really good
Lol, shamans will freeze way more now than in the KFT meta when the archetype was pushed :D I laughed so hard. MAKE MOORABI CLASSIC ALREADY :D
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
Well it works nicely with moorabi since you can get him and this out on the same turn easily although I the stall and summons is nice since it adds more control and I'm kind of glad that it isn't a damage spell just a stalling one.
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
Just realized that each class has just 2 invoke cards... That means that (excluding for randomly generated invoke cards) you must put 2x of each of them if you want to bring Galakron to full power. Ouch... This card is bad.
Regarding the 2/1 rush, this is really good! Sweet anti-aggro tool in Shamakrond.
Good card since it invokes the most broken version of the mvp dragon. Will see play in control and midrange.
1 mana for a 2/1 with rush is already good, and the freze effect is a nice bonus. Galakrond decks will definitely be strong.
It's okay. Maybe be played, but it has weak effect (freeze) instead of invoke'ing Galakrond
Ice to meet you too Galakrong.
Yea the freeze part is pretty mediocre, but its a nice cheap way to get galakrond rolling.
Cheap enough to be worth the invoke, even if you don't need a freeze per say.
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Blizzard is really slow-rolling us with this Moorabi synergy. In my opinion not good enough to see play. Corrupt Elementalist is far more powerful and even some of the Neutral cards are probably better than this as far as Invoke goes. Even summoning a single 2/1 Elemental with Rush doesn’t feel like enough to me.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
But even better that that. Its a Glacial Shard with rush that advances your win condition. It never is a bad late turn play because of that, just like playing C'thun cards.
A little bit insane. Will surely be played with Corrupt Elementalists. It's good throughout a match and advances Galakrond.
And you get the 2/1 with rush
Okay card but it will be included only for fill the galakrond shaman deck
This will certainly won't make freeze shaman viable but the tempo you can gain for only one mana is pretty intersting for sure. Frezze effects should never be underestimated.
Elders Scrolls : Legends / Runeterra
You play this for the invoke but not for the freeze effect. Overall balanced.
Good cheap card for invoking Galakrond and stalling a big minion.
1 mana for 2/1 rush and freeze on top of it? Count me in! Great midrange tool.
Fun and interactive game.
I can't think of any other shaman cards that require frozen as a trigger. For Wild, could be used in some weird combos with Moorabi.
I guess it's good, but not sure it's needed in the Galakron decks.