New Paladin Minion - Lightforged Zealot
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A new Rare Paladin Minion, Lightforged Zealot, has been revealed!
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A new Rare Paladin Minion, Lightforged Zealot, has been revealed!
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Now this is imo better than the epic card that gives 5 rando cards. I don't know if no neutral Paladin will work in this new expansion but hopefully in the future.
same as the other one. This is not a realistic way to build your deck and the payoff isn't enough. Not to mention that a 4/2 on turn 4 isn't exactly resilient and won't net you much tempo
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
i don't understand this concept of not neutrals in deck... hope it's not a new blizzard class identity...
I really love the design of this card alongside Lightforged Crusader, quite excited to see how this plays out.
Don't think Paladin is the class to make no neutral decks work, they lack too many tools. But the design is something I really hope they explore more further down the line. Very cool idea, and it will definitely be fun to try and make the no neutral deck work.
Pure Pally seems weak, but also quite interesting!
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I don't think its as powerful as the other one, but if you are making that deck this is basically a must have too.
An incredible tempo play. Truesilver Champion is already a 4 cost card, and it sees some play, getting a free 4/2 is pretty good value if you ask me. And this also allows you to get 4 copies of truesilver in your deck, which is a lot of face damage.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
good value but i dont think this and the other one can carry a whole new archetype
The other one im unsure about but this one is good enough to play. Now only question is if you can make a good deck without any neutrals.
In a Pure Paladin deck, you'd always run this over Truesilver Champion, but this effect is not powerful enough to convince me to build Pure Paladin. Whether or not that's a strong archetype rests entirely on Lightforged Crusader
Not as exciting as Lightforged Crusader, but the effect is still nice.
More dragons? Yes please!
I could maybe see this being used in a deck with only a few neutrals, waiting to draw them before playing this. Still seems too restricting though, even if the weapon is pretty nice
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
much better than the other one since it gives a weapon and has nice stats but I feel like it ultimately won't do much since neutrals are so important. I just don't think this will be that great of a card
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
Still too much work for the payoff. Worse than the other card because you want to play this early, whereas I see Lightforged Crusader as a value-engine in long games. With Lightforged Zealot you're going to have to play by the (harsh) rules.
This card + Lightforged Crusader are definitely a package deal - if you're doing it, you're going all-in. I can see Paladin being one of the classes that could reasonably win with just class cards, so I won't count it out just yet.
The upside on these 2 cards is outstanding. Is it worth building around? That is still to be seen. Hopefully, because that will be a lot of fun.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
Such an interesting archetype. I like the flavour though, and am looking forward to decks that might come from this.
A deck that not use neutral cards? haha good one blizzard, don't will see play. (but if pure pally works this is a 4/5)
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
It is so promising in wild tho.
There are tons of options there and I feel like this starts something.
We have new deckbuilding option + new mechanic that fits so well the class thematically. I really liked the mechanic so much.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Very good card. Will definitely see play in constructed.
This has more chances to be a thing in wild, with more class cards available. Interesting tho!
Very strong card, but the buildaround is really weird. Pure paladin could be any archetype though, like maybe healadin.
Pure Paladin seems week at the moment but we'll have to see at wich point this becomes a thing....really hope because it at least an interesting concept, the card by itself is good i mean a free 4/2 body alongside one of the most used weapons of all times...
Another truesilver plus something, like Waggle Pick 5 stars.
NuHighlander starting awkwardly. High Damage but low health?
This looks like a card from Rumble Run (Parading Marshal). Although Paladin can pull of a "class only" type of deck, you'll have to wonder if it's worth it. Lightforged Crusader can be a late-game value engine when combined with Wyrmrest Purifier, but for this card you'll basically need a dedicated deck. I'm looking forward to see how this archetype will develop, as Paladin is my favorite class and I like the flavour/ art of this style.
more "no neutral-gain effect" cards..but that free weapon is insane..pure pally card deck and this will for sure be a staple..
Aggro Pure Paladin might be the strongest deck in the first deck of the next expansion. 4/2 are great aggro stats, and a [Hearthstone Card (Truesilver Cahmpion) Not Found] for free is also great. From a SMOrc point of view, these are 4/2 stats for your opponent to deal with and 8 face damage.
they are trying to force a new archetype with this, but pala doesn't seemed the appropriate class
now you can run 4 truesilver champions in your deck! this card is really good, and the drawback is really not that much of a restriction, just take out some filler cards and you can actually quite easily satisfy the condition.
I like the card but i suppose it's unplayable for now. This new mechanics doesn't have enought suppport so we could see some new cards in the next year maybe. Otherwise it will not be played IMO.
If/when this “Pure Paladin” archetype will work, this will be a staple. I’m not sure it’s there yet.
That's really worrying from an alignment standpoint. Firstly, Uther started with Subdueing enemies, which seems cruel, pretty obviously cheated in games (Tip the Scales) and now he's becoming a purist, who's discriminating against every not paladin? He'll fall in no time!
This is a better card than the 7/7, because it impacts the board rigth away. Still, i don't think at all that these 2 cards are worth the trouble of not including neutral cards in your deck. Maybe in future expansions if the theme will have some new tools
Same requirements as [Hearthstone Card (Lightforge Crusader) Not Found] to trigger the effect. I am not sure it is worth it not having neutral cards fir the reward.
You don’t build a deck around this. But if you do build around Lightforged Crusader, this is an auto-include.
Strong effect and i like Lightforged Zealot more than Lightforged Crusader. The problem is that right now this two card alone are not strong enough to push the deckbuilding to an "no neutral Paladin deck". We will see in future deck if Blizzard support this new architype
No Neutral Paladin has some excellent payoffs. If it is good, it won't be after rotation sadly
Where the "Play x (class) cards" existed, I used to create meme decks with all class cards winning some games in that way.
Now with the Lightforged cards, the meme is real, and I really like it!
Not impressive but good. If you have a deck built around it, its a huge tempo play on turn 4. The question is: will this archetype work?
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
Paladin literally has every archetype in wild with this new idea. Pally will never have class identity.
Deck requirements is pretty heavy considering both the reward and the baseline stats of the minion itself.
"For what profit is it to a man if he gains the world, and loses his own soul?"
Cool effect. Stats weak, but interesting idea to build your deck using only class cards
I think its the other way around lol. Both cards are extremely strong for opposite reasons. This one is really strong tempo, other one is really strong value.
This card is useless without the conditional Battlecry, and I think the restriction is too harsh to be competitive.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
This is really that type of cards that has everything to be great, as long as the deck that uses it is good too.
Unlike the epic card, this one can be more agressive, so maybe with an aggro/secret package this might see play
Good tempo card for the classlander paladin" ? i dont know how to call it xD
Truesilver for its mana cost and drops a 4/2 on board is great. A bit agressive on the stats, but you can use the weapon immediately to help with that.
Again, right now it's bad, since that deck couldn't be made. But in the future, who knows?
Unfortunately it has to bite 1-star rating for now.
I think it will, the real question if it will be better than dragon or highlander deck
It depends on if the no neutral paladin deck takes off. This card does provide good incentive though.
With the other no neutral card revealed maybe the archetype could work. It'll have to be a very aggro deck with good healing and removal.
It will be an obvious staple if purity paladin somewhat becomes a thing. Can't wait to test it in wild and pretty happy to finally see a set that might shake up the meta.
Elders Scrolls : Legends / Runeterra
Is it too much to call this deck Nazi Paladin? Seems balanced.
".. and that's how I ended up playing 4 Truesilver Champion that game"
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
I have no faith in this "pure paladin" thing. 4/2 body as an extra to Truesilver Champion is imho not that exciting for limiting your deck building options so severely.
Fun and interactive game.
Same cost as the weapon, double the stats!
This effect may make this deck work. It's very powerful. Looking forward to the memes