New Priest Minion - Disciple of Galakrond
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A new Common Priest Minion, Disciple of Galakrond, has been revealed!
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A new Common Priest Minion, Disciple of Galakrond, has been revealed!
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imo it's the best invoker so far
simple does it. Would be pretty OP in any other galakrond class but Priest has the lowest value hero power (in the early game)
Still it's good to have an alternative turn 1 to Cleric.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Neat card with neat effect, I love it that you don't have to spend ton of mana on that garbage 4 mana 2/2 with rush, just get this card 1 mana 1/2 on first turn instead...
This is a fine value minion that invokes. That said, its not a great 1 drop, it has less versatility and impact than many of the other invoke cards, and priest invokes are already more value based than tempo based, and I have a feeling the meta might punish that severely.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
Good for priest body vs aggro and has value for future. Value priest, but still, all cards i seen were value, board clears and other, and no win condition. I don't think priest can outvalued sham or war coz of absolutly no burst in late, maybe Talanji, but still, no win condition is very bad for priest and Blizz must add something in basic|classic set
So a 1 mana 1/2 that adds a random Priest minion to your hand.
If Galakrond Priest is a thing then this is a staple of that deck. Cheap Invoke effects are absolutely vital to the success of the deck. Great card , just depends whether or not the entire package is going to be good enough.
Way better than Time Rip imo. Costing only 1 Mana can be a big Deal, for Priest it is essentialy 1 Mana draw a card.
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A one mana minion that generates stuff is generally pretty good to run.
the priest galakrond hero power kinda sucks, i think priest is the biggest loser for those 5 classes
I will just copy what I said about arcane birdy
This has okay stats and will still be relevant later in the game. Plus, invoking galakrond means you are one invoke closer to the final form.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Effectively a 1 mana 1/2 generate a class minion. [Hearthstone Card (. Compares favorably to Museum Curator - similar body, a little more random for a cheaper price - and it plays into a particular Priest archetype well. Auto-include in Galakrond Priest.
) Not Found]a 1/2 add a rando priest card i think its good can potentially go infinite.
Not a bad 1 drop. Will obviously only see play in Galakrond Priest. Nothing much to say about it.
More dragons? Yes please!
Doesn’t look that great to me, especially since the hero power really isn’t that great. Lots of bad or situational minions you could get from it
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Probably the strong Invoke card revealed, which is ironic since the Priest Galakrond seems the weakest. Obviously staple in those decks
Good invoke card. Helps fill your early game, advances your Galakrond and adds a minion to your hand. Now, the minion you will get is random. It could be a good 2 drop as a follow up on the next turn (EVIL Conscripter, for example). Or it could be a very high cost card that will sit dead in your hand for a long time. So, this could provide good tempo or just be a 1/2 body that most likely will be wiped out pretty quickly. Nonetheless, it's probably the best invoke card still.
"True mastery takes dedication."
Fantastic Invoke card and a solid turn-1 play. It's cheap, it's simple, and you can drop it whenever you need to for the value.
Excuse me! I CANNOT believe she doesn't have a chemise like Jaina - those Orcish Mammaries are NOT appropriate and I. AM. OFFENDED. /s
Good 1-drop though and generally a better Invoke card than many others so I'm sure Galakrond will make use of this.
In any of the other evil classes, this would be super powerful but in priest, it's more balanced since it only adds a minion and doest do a crazy effect.
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
OK Card. Good thing is it adds a priest minion to your hand.
With addition of this, Invocation of Frost and Ritual Chopper, All Galakrond classes have cheap invoke cards with the exception of Warlock which really concerns me.
One of the greatest invoke synergy card, Veiled Worshipper is the only hardest synergy card among all other ones. That's really bad. Someone here says that the only loser Galakrond is priest's one. No it is warlock's sadly, which is the class at the bottom right now.
I hope warlock crushes all of you Blizzard !
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
good invoker, but don't think galakrond triumphs in priest
Nice new 1-drop for priest and a good value generator. I don't know if control galakrond priest will be a thing, though.
is a prety good 1 drop with invoking (that means it ads a minion to your hand and works your galakrod) which is the nice auto-replacement all good 1-drop needs
Solid body and set up for mass removal.
Put some resurrect in this deck too.
Good card, will be the one drop in the galakrond decks. (with northshire cleric OF COURSE)
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
Very strong card, and probably the strongest Invoker since it has good stats on top of the Invoke effect. Galakrond Priest seems the weakest though, but if it is to be viable, this card will see play for sure. It's a good early minion to contest Aggro decks, should slower Combo versions arise.
nice and cheap cost for an invoke..other than fitting it in for invoking, don't see any other potential for this card..
1 mana 1/2 battlecry: add a random priest card to your hand <- is a priest card, incoming trolden video of someone getting a chain of 20 of those.
This seems pretty good, especially since it means that the cost-reduction dragon can be played on curve.
Good card. Likely played in priest Galakrond, but we'll see.
Best invoke card so far. 1/2 body that immediately adds value to your hand. Thank God they didn't print this for Galakrond Warlock.
By itself, is the best invoke card. Too bad that the invoke for priest is the weakest, and that they have the weakest Galakrond deck too.
A random priest creature and a 1-2 body for 1 mana is good but the necessity to include such cards in a Galakrond priest makes me a bit sad. I don't know if these randomly generated creatures will help priests to win but i hope so. I expected a little bit more options to invoke in this expansion actually. Anyway i'd say it's good that priest can invoke only for 1 mana.
Good value for Galakrond decks. Will probably take 1 or 2 spots in Galapriest.
Strong invoke card. 1 mana and give you one random priest minion. Pretty strong and auto-include in galakrond priest
Really efficient card for control priest
Compare to pharaos cat? A turn one play with a random card to change itself which boost galakrond. Well we have seen worse invokers so maybe we HAVE TO play this in galakrond priest.
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
Just a 1/2, still much more fair than other Invoke cards.
This card will be played in every Galakrond deck. 1/2 for 1 mana is playable, and the random priest card is a nice benefit.
galakrond in priest is kinda weak and invoking him so early might help priest galakrond better.
Good tempo card. Invokes galakrond, has decent stats.
If you look at average priest minion its pretty bad just like this minion in a control deck.
Just what I was thinking, gets the job done for good value.
1 drop invoker that isn't just a 1/1 is indeed good stuff
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Perhaps the best Invoke card in the entire set. Drop it on turn 1, drop a second one whenever you can weave it into a turn. It has decent stats for what it is. Simple but important workhorse card that sets up midgame Invoke synergies.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
An archetype sucess is always mesured by 2 main components:
- Do you have a win condition?
- Can you survive the early game?
This card checks at least the 2nd point. Early game is essencial for a deck to thrive. If Galacron priest works, this will be a core card in it.
The best invoke card so far, turn 1 so op
Definitely great, auto include in Galakrond Priest. Now, will Galapriest see play is a totally different question.
It would be an amazing invoker for any other class, but priest has the weakest galakrond. In galakrond priest you would have to take strange route in deckbuilding, since you can't go ressurect with those invokers. It can't go highlander either because you need invoker copies, so midrange? In the end you get immediate control effect and value hero power, which all sums up to be pretty weird and chaotic. I suppose it won't be played competitively.
Ha, didn't think about that but yeah, you vould easily get twice in a row at least
Good card in a Galakrond deck, we shall see if this will actually be competitive in priest.
If firefly saw play, this definitely will: we might see it even in non Galakrond decks as a cheap early game to contest aggro strategies.
Elders Scrolls : Legends / Runeterra
One of the best invoke cards being an early drop which also adds a card to hand.
Great 1 mana minion that invokes Galakrond. Priest decks are looking pretty fun to play.
Staple card in Galakrond decks. Unlike most of other Galakrond invokers this has solid stats. Usable even in endgame thanks to the genereating priest minions through invoking.
Fun and interactive game.
I don't think Galakrond Priest will be good enough for this to see any use.
Really good, not crazy but definitively good value and turn 1 drop