New Priest Spell - Whispers of EVIL
Submitted 5 years, 1 month ago by
A new Common Priest Spell, Whispers of EVIL, has been revealed!
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A new Common Priest Spell, Whispers of EVIL, has been revealed!
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Really liked the art that featured a resembled lackeys, other than that, I think its made for a non-existent midrange priest...
Value? It's good, but something priest don't need right now.
I'S a 0-mana spell for Nomi Priest
They never really bothered to make lackeys work for Priest and this certainly doesn't do them any favours.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
zero cost spells in priest is always a powerfull weapon
Huh, nevermind. Guess it's a good tool for priest then. Getting 1 lackey for free plus cycling card is pretty good as I can imagine, can also trigger Lyra the Sunshard as well.
Neat card.
I love the artwork so much. Hearthstone needs to put more recognizable, non-Legendary minions in other cards. The only other ones I can think of are Evolve featuring Abusive Sergeant and Hobart Grapplehammer working on a Cogmaster's Wrench.
A man is lying on the street, some punks chopped off his head
I'm the only one who stops to see if he's dead.
Hmm. Turns out he's dead.
Pretty good card, can work nice with Gadgetzan Auctioneer and Wild Pyromancer.
The only issue is whether this fits into any playable archetypes for Priest, it is hard to see where it would go as they don't really have any Lackey synergy.
Woahh... A Lackey generator for Priest? In the year of Dragon!? What a time to be alive!
ArtStation | Twitter
Any 0 mana spell is always worth considering. Especially since priest likes to run Wild Pyromancer.
Not too powerful, this is literally just a random lackey, but also being a 0 mana spell does have benefits. Lyra the Sunshard, Dragon Soul, Gadgetzan Auctioneer, plus a couple of others I cannot think of right now, these cards aren't all too good, but maybe you enjoy playing them anyways.
This card is just nice and flexible and will be in any priest deck that cares about either lackeys or casting spells, or maybe you just have an extra slot to fill.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
this is almost like adding a lackey right to your deck list. 0 cost also means nomi priest can play it
Getting a lackey is worth more than zero mana, and having this with any spell synergies (e.g. Gadgetzan Auctioneer) make it a card worth considering. Miracle Priest doesn't have the support it had back with Lyra in Un'Goro, but every 0 cost spell should be considered carefully.
0 mana spell for auctioneer so good if the right deck pops out
Priest doesn't have a good reason to use lackeys. This card can only see play because it's a 0 mana spell and not for the lackey generation.
More dragons? Yes please!
If there’s more cheap spells like this later it could be good for cycle. Doesn’t seem that great right now though
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Priest doesn't care much about lackeys and while any 0 cost spell is one to think about, I don't see this seeing non-niche play. In combo decks its probably fine, but just as a card, a random lackey isn't worth it to me.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
It's a random Lackey right? 0 mana spells are strong and Lackey's are decent enough overall. This might find its way into a deck.
0-mana Priest Spells always find a place in the meta. I'm sure this one will be no different, especially given the versatility of the lackeys.
Good since you can play the lackey on turn 1! But not great though!
Good since you can play the lackey on turn 1! But not great though!
Nice card since it cycles and is basically a playable lackey also Lyrafuel so thats neat and like many others I love the artwork
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
I mean this card is good, just that I feel like priest will never use this card because there's not much reason to. I can only imagine if this card was a rouge card, that would be fun as hell.
0 mana spells are always something to look out for. This card is pretty good for Tempo Priest. Lackeys are really good tempo/value cards. Even if they haven't been prominent in Priest, that doesn't mean the class can't benefit from them or at least try to use them. I'm certainly going to try a Tempo Deathrattle Priest with this and see how it goes.
"True mastery takes dedication."
Lackeys in priest were never a thing but that's okay. It's still a good value generator for free, going nicely with pyromancer and auctioneer.
Lackeys can be ridiculously good if it can be generated more in priest.
I had experiments with EVIL Conscripter but that was not enough. Maybe this might help.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Lackeys on priest! who have tought....not god enough, Miracle archetypes are decent in power level as expansions go by so....phehaphs in april....
Oh for God's sake.
I bet Combo Priest is a thing now.
Spells for 0 mana are always broken in some way, just sayiiiiin
get a lakey for free at a cost of 1 card slot in the deck..don't see a big issue with the card being op but neither is it underwhelming.
I’m skeptical.
I think the same, I think control galakron or full dragon decks will be at the top of lists and this does not fit there.
Not enough to make the Priest + Lackey combination matter. It's just too little too late.
0 mana spells always seem to be useful but this is quite weak i think
priest is the worst lackey class, there are no "lackey lovers" or enough token generators in the class.. well yet.. it got the second element of being a 0 cost spell for cards that care about spells but.. nomi priest is a weak deck cause it was a tier 2 in the FIRST expansion of the year now with all the powercreep.. ye.. not seeing nomi priest on the radar.
It's random, but a "free" lackey cannot be wrong right. 0 mana cards are broken in Hearthstone, and this is no exception. It can be used to activate cards like Wild Pyromancer, Gadgetzan Auctioneer etc. This might even find a spot in Combo Priest with the Divine Spirit combo's (although get a Lackey from Psychopomp would suck). Perhaps even a revival of Chef Nomi Priest is in the making.
Who is the right kobold? The left one is the rush +1 attack lass, and the one howering above like an embarassing mom is Lazul, but I do not know the last one.
0 mana spells are always something you have to look for, this card seems to already go in the nomi priest decks.
I don't know about that. Yeah 0 mana spell is good for Nomi or Auctioneer but do we really need lackeys on priest? I suppose this card isn't worth to include in a deck. It's nice to discover it but not to have in your deck IMO. We might need this card in april after the next rotation but not now for sure.
What priest deck would use this? Or am I missing out on some crazy lackey synergy? Would be awesome in rouge or Thekan decks though.
I'm not a super fan of this card. 0 mana spells are allways good and can work well in Nomi Priest...but in other deck i don't want waste 2 slot in deckbuild for this card
Gagetzan might be spooky actually. Can Nomi Priest finally be good?
Kobold Lackey.
A man is lying on the street, some punks chopped off his head
I'm the only one who stops to see if he's dead.
Hmm. Turns out he's dead.
I really like the art. Poor hypnotized lackeys.
Of course we have to keep an eye on aa 0-mana priest spell, but... Do you really want to waste a cardslot for a random lackey? I dont think so.
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
This card is not worth a slot in your deck. You can't even discover the lackey!
This card fits into Nomi Priest. Because priest has rather bad lackey synergies, I doubt that this card will see much play for besides it deck cycling effect in combination with Gadgetzan Auctioneer.
0 mana get yourself a broken 1 drop that has synergy with the last expansion. sure. it'll take three!
Super boring .. what is this? What type of deck will run this? Maybe Nomi ..
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
It's okay. But i dont think priest will play it. It's too random.
Meh, doesn't do enough for me to be worth a slot in a deck.
Its weird I can already hear this card
I got the best deals anywhere.
If Kevin - who averages a winrate of 45% playing Pirate Warrior on sunny days - gets a lackey for free after investing a deck slot for it in his priest build, on average, how many games will Kevin have to play to reach rank 25 if it rains?
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Yea 0 mana spells are always scary to see, and Priest has a few ways to take advantage of them already.
0-cost cards should always be viewed with interest. Priest doesn’t have much in the way of cheap spell synergy at the moment though, at least in Standard. In Wild there’s Lyra the Sunshard and Dragon’s Soul to work with Whispers.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
Dont forget about devolve were all the tri-class legendaries are being turned into murlocs.
One of the best easter eggs of the game
The art is so cool, but the card i dont like it, priest dont need lackeys it will not see play
Nomi Priest is making a comeback. Hint: Sathrovarr is great with Grave Horrors.
Awful card. Lackey priest is not a competitive deck. This might be good in wild to refresh Shadowreaper Anduin but not much more.
0 cost cards have a tendency to be too good, but this card? Where does it fit? It looks midrangey to me, but is there any viable midrangey deck for priest? It might see play but is going to be very niche.
Elders Scrolls : Legends / Runeterra
Lackeys are good, but priest has not been able to utilize them almost at all. I don't think this card can change it.
I don't see a reason to run this card in any Priest deck. Why would Priest have a lackey?
How many priest did you saw on ladder playing lackeys? Right, zero. How many you'll see after release this card? Right again, zero. Hopeless card and waste of card slot in deck.
Fun and interactive game.
I can see the Pryo + Lightwarden shenanigans now!
5 stars for the flavor text xD
priest doesn't really use lackeys, but the card can help in cycling deck with auctioneer