New Druid Spell - Aeroponics
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A new Rare Druid Spell, Aeroponics, has been revealed!
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A new Rare Druid Spell, Aeroponics, has been revealed!
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Pretty good with Landscaping and Force of Nature.
The fact that it's a 5-mana spell makes it relevant for Gardening Gnome
Just in general, having Draw in a treant deck is huge and was one of the main reason why they archetype hasn't worked out so far.
The faster you get to your MUlchmunchers and the big tree guy the better.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Free card draw with the forest's aid.
Very good card.
if the archetype finally works this will be a super strong card
This is pretty much just 1 or 0 cost draw some cards which is great if you run some weird Ysera treant deck. And of course it fits wonderfully into treedruid
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
Very easy to make this "fair" at 3 mana, or cheat it out for even less. Super strong card.
This is great as a refill for treant druid. There is probably enough support in this expansion to at least consider the archetype, this card is very easy to make at least a 1 mana draw 2, which is amazing. This card will probably help treant druid a lot, I wouldn't be surprised if we get some kind of token/treant/embiggen druid at at least tier 2.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
With this and the other treant card it might finally become playable but i dont think so
I feel like most of the time you will have 2 treants on board which is still pretty good at 1 mana. Even crazier with The Forest's Aid.
Should be quite easy to get this to 1 or even 0 mana in a treant deck.
They really seem to want to push treant druid and this is an excellent way to do it, if the deck proves to be powerful then this will be a staple in that particular deck.
Great card draw for a treant deck and that deck has recieved some good support with Goru the Mightree, Shrubadier and Treenforcements.
More dragons? Yes please!
They are pushing real hard for Treant Druid to be a thing.
the question is if treant will be something, but this is very interesting way to force you to play it
Great Combo with Garden Gnome.
Turn 5 summon 3 Minions and draw 2 Cards sound sweet!
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blizzard's crazy, treant druid won't happen
Really strong card. Very easy to get this down to 1 or 0 mana. If Treant Druid is going to be a thing is another story but we can all agree that this card is very good.
"True mastery takes dedication."
Excellent card that I expect will see play even if Treant Druid doesn't take off (again).
This is the card that makes Treants worth playing. Before now it was just a gimmick, but when you finally create a value/card draw mechanic for anything it becomes good. It only takes 1 treant for this to be completely fine, and 2 makes this cost 1, and once its free its just awesome. There are enough cards that make this 1 or 0 that this is going to be playable in some form of deck. Will it define the meta? We don't know yet, but we will soon.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
Still not convinced about Treant Druid, but the archetype looks fun, and this does activate some of their synergy cards (Garden Gnome). Interesting to see how this evolves.
Really good card for token druid
Nice if it reduces by 2, great if it’s more than that. Not sure if it’s enough though
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
OMG!!! Each new treant related card makes me think this deck will be tier 1!
Fills the worst part of token druid card draw with pretty good tempo dont think treant druid will be that great but it will definitely include this
Nice, with all the treant related cards revealed, a treant deck is starting to make sense.
Amazing card for treant druid, enables garden gnome and allows you to draw 2 cards for just 1 mana right after. Also makes any slower treant-generating card like Landscaping better Treant druid could be a thing. Also free draw with Forest's aid.
This archetype is taking shape and cards like this is what makes aggro decks true meta, card advantage is as important as board presence and this ensures constant board flood
I don't like swarming decks like Treant druid but i can't say this card is bad.
If treants work, this will be an auto include.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Wow, they're really pushing Treant again in the Dragon theme deck. Good thing mass AOE exists.
I meeeean... It does not make treant druid good... But card is cool and strong
Maybe Treant Druid works now.
I don't think that a pure Treant Druid will work, but this card fits grear into Token Druid. Cards like Garden Gnome, The Forest's Aid and Soul of the Forest might be enough to draw 2 cards for 0 mana.
Really strong, gives you more fuel in the weakest part of token druid.
best drawing tool for vegan druida deck
It only takes one to make this an Arcane Intellect, and it's not like that card is useless. If Treant Druid works, this will be in it for sure.
insane card for treant druid you can basically get free draws with many different methods..easily included in the treant deck.
Good for token druid that already uses treant as current token druid severely lacks card draw. However, it is too restricted to treant which can thus limit its use. Since you empty your hands very fast, a 5 cost card that only draws 2 is not what you want to see when you draw it in the mid game with any treant on board. Overall, I like treant druid, but I don't see this expansion making a strong meta contender.
I'm not sure this would actually work with Garden Gnome, at least not if you have a Treant out. I would assume the Gnome cares about the current cost, not the printed cost.
That said, after you play gardening gnome Aeroponics cost 1 mana (or less), so that's a neat trick.
Insane in token druid, hyper synergy with Garden Gnome in stream we saw kripp crush chakki with pirates but he highrolled and chakkis' deck probably could've run some answers to actually battle pirates..
it's very easy to reduce this card's cost to 1 or 0, this is the steam token druid needs.
The art is really cool, and it makes it easy for druid to draw cards.
If treant decks will be viable, this is a good addition. But hat archetype never seems to break through.
How is this tied to a aerial battle between Dragons, E.V.I.L and the Explorers? I really hope to see in the adventure, where this treants come from. Maybe awakened airships?
This feels like an absolute auto-include in almost any token Druid deck that has any care for Treants.
You can develop a few Treants and then get a few cards for free. Insane.
this is the kind of cards token/treant druid is looking for. Those decks run out of gas pretty soon and they need to draw buffs and savage roar to close the game; i remember that i played the druid spirit with claw and the 0 mana spell that gives you +2 attack just to draw more cards in my token druid deck because drawing cards is what i really needed, this would make all of that a lot easier.
Maybe this card is not enough to make treant druid viable
A bit too expensive out of Treants deck, but might see play in a hybrid/token Druid. 2 Treants make this a very good card, and even 1 Treant means this is an Arcane Intellect. Card reminds me a bit of Lunar Visions, which didn't see a whole lot of play, but was a staple for me personally in C'Thun Druid.
The team is obviously pushing to get a treat deck for druid. I really like the idea that not everything is dragons in this expansion and Druid might be a good option for it. The card is just fine, pretty good value if you control several treants.
I´m not sold on the ZOOant deck yet, but I may be wrong.
This card can be the core and one of the most important tool for treant druid to raise. If the deck is able to draw 2 for 0/1 mana consistently, this card make the deck more solid
Would be really good in treant druid, but I don't expect treat druid to be good
Very good synergy with garden gnome. Even with only 2 treants on the board its pretty nice.
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
stop printing treant cards already :(((((
Ok maybe treant meta is a thing. I'm sorry i said it won't be. Insane card. 5/5
Basically it's a 1/0 mana draw 2 most of the time, so of course its a great card for treant decks.
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
Great card for treants, I feel that archetype is pushed enough now. Running out of steam was maybe a biggest stumbling stone for the deck to work.
With all of the new treant support it will def be playable. Whether its actually 'good' is a whole nother story though lol.
It isn't the first time they add extra support for that archetype, but it sure feels like it may be the last : just one final push
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
If some trent based druid will exist this card is great for him! There are enough tools to make this card cheap or even free. After the final release i'm starting to believe this archetype might really work!
it's a good card for treant druid. i don't have high hopes for the deck to actually be good on the other hand. love experimenting with treants though.
Very good assuming that a Treant Token Druid actually materializes. A friend pointed out a cute combo in Wild of Poison Seeds into Aeroponics even in a non-Treant Druid deck, since having even 2 minions of your own replaced with Treants will be a huge discount. Branching Paths and Ultimate Infestation probably handle card draw more reliably in the end.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
Jebus that's a really strong effect for a deck that can generate more than 3 treants in almost every topdeck!
And treant deck, is basicly an aggro token deck. you dont give those decks card draw, much less for 0 mana!
This is just meta defining.
Even at 1 treant this is an arcane intellect, and with two or three it's amazing value.
0-1 Mana draw for Treant Druid - that's great! Maybe it will be a tier 2 Deck with all the other support cards it got?
Put your faith in the Light!
I love the play of this card and I think its gonna be very powerful! I could even imagine this seeing play in other decks that "zooant". I think people underestimate how easy two treants is to come by and if not that then just one which makes this a fairly strong card aswell
The make or break treant card. The amount of suboptimal cards the deck runs right now make it really inconsistent, like Nourish and Overflow. In my opinion, if treant druid works, it will be because of this card.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
Great draw for Treant Decks. It seems they are pushing for the archetype. Let's hope it's playable.
Simple, powerful, but limited to Treants. Like the design of this one, Treant Druid should probably be at least playable.
This is actually really decent. With one treant it's an Arcane Intellect, which is a good card, and with two treants it's insane. If Treant Truid ends up being good, this card will definitely be in that deck.
Crazy draw, synergy with Gardening Gnome, which may find redemption now.
Treants see some love this expansion. Draw two (potentially) for 0 is huge, but I feel that simple swarm decks don't have a chance in upcoming meta.
Fun and interactive game.
This absolutely enable a treant druid, and (mostly) negates the worries about playing many lower cost cards when you have this as a draw engine.
Love it! I can see treants being a thing thanks to this card. Easy for it to cost 0 mana