New Druid Minion - Shrubadier
Submitted 5 years, 1 month ago by
A new Common Druid Minion, Shrubadier, has been revealed!
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A new Common Druid Minion, Shrubadier, has been revealed!
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not only decent, but also helps fill the curve in Treant Druid if you don't get your Dendrologist.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
If Treant Druid still doesn't work, this is still a great token card. Two bodies and 3/3 for 2 baseline.
A man is lying on the street, some punks chopped off his head
I'm the only one who stops to see if he's dead.
Hmm. Turns out he's dead.
great add to token druid
Above vanilla stats across two bodies - perfect for Token Druid
First off that face is going to haunt my nightmares for a while. Second, this is a good card it's a 1/1 and a tree which could be buffed and the treant helps the drawing card too.
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
Now we have a 1 drop that makes a treant, and a 2 drop that makes a treant, and a 3 drop that makes treants.
Treant druid will be powerful, and this minion will be a very nice 2 drop. Putting multiple bodies on the field is not a bad thing in druid.
I just wish blizzard would make treant a tribe so we can have some collectible treant minions and we don't have to have cards that are basically 0/0 minions that say "summon a treant", or a spell that just says "summon a treant".
Carrion, my wayward grub.
2 mana 3/3 without a downside both having stats and 2 bodies for buffs
2 mana for 3/3 worth of stats AND treant synergy activation.
As with Aeroponics, if treant Druid is ever going to be a thing then these two cards are going to be staples in that deck.
This card is also just good on it's own without needing the treant package, very good card.
solid stats, i'm in whit treants
Decent card for a treant/token deck.
More dragons? Yes please!
Almost a auto-include in any token or Treant deck for sure.
Simple and and can be used in more than 1 Archetype!
ArtStation | Twitter
only thing scary about treant druid is that new hero skin for druid :/
Cute card, scary effect.
This card is awesome in Token druid and good in general. 2 mana for 3/3 worth of stats split in a meaningful way with multiple points of synergy.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
Solid 2-drop with obvious synergy options. Should be very playable in regular Token Druid as well as Treant variant
Really cool balanced
Probably gonna see a lot more play in token decks than treant decks
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Token treant druid will be a thing!!! 5 stars!!!
Waay better card than Microtech Controller its replacing for token druid
edit: misread thought it summons 2 treants, its trash
Great glue card for treant token aggro druid to be viable.
Hope this is going to push the creation of treant oriented decks, and not to be just another weapon for aggro token druids.
Super on-curve keeping the treant flood, this card is extremely good, not as good as the Dryads but nice for the synergy.
boring but good enough, might see play.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Cute card. WIll be good if Treant Druid becomes a thing.
Aggro Treant's back on the menu, boys!
Whoa, 2 mana 3/3. pretty good!
Descent. Treat Druid might work this time.
nice addition to treant druid for some easy and fast treants.
3/3 combined stats for 2 mana is good. Great inclusion for Token decks, and maybe this card this card pushes the treant archetype enough to make it viable.
Pretty good with AoE buffs.
nice filler for vegan druid
Seems like a new staple for Token and/or Treant Druid; a card that fits more than one archetype well can't be that bad.
Another treant card. Solid status, but the value is not so high. It is basically a 0 cost 1/1 + 1 cost 2/2 in one card for 2 mana. The 2 mana cost kinda cancels the benefit that this is a single card. In other words, it is a more or less balanced card but not high tempo or high value to push treant druid to the top.
More treants! wonder if all the treant cards they have been printing the last 2 years will FINALLY come together.
Decent card, could see play in token decks. Good early play.
It seems good enough to be played in a token/treant druid. Don't know if that archetype is strong though.
I'd call this a 5 star card. Even if Treants don't work out (again), it is still a very viable card for Token Druid. Very flexible and effective card.
Very good card, even if you are not running a treant deck. For 2 mana you get 3/3 worth stats.
Decent card for token druid and treant druid. might see some play if this two deck are a thing in next meta
2 mana 3/3 with treant support, but treants probably aren't good
A fair token card. Maybe if there will be a treant-token druid deck, this will be a good choice.
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
No to treants 2020!
bland card with few utility, treant deck is mehhhhhhhh, idk...
Why I would play this instead of a better 2 drop? meh, boring.
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
Good one, better than vanilla stats, tokens and treant synergy. Will be played, now if treant druid becomes a thing, or later when token get more tools.
I think that probably won't be happening, this set does another annoying thing where all the 'Cant be targetted by spells or hero powers' cards are called Elusive in their name, but they refuse to give them the keyword instead..
I do want a Shrubbery-hug
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
A nice one! It's a great token card especially for a trent deck. Druids didn't have a good early game curve previously so it helps to solve this problem. Now druids have Treenforcements for a 1st turn and Dendrologist or Shrubadier for a 2nd. It might finally work on ladder!
this is a powerful 2 drop for token druid, nothing more, nothing less
Another obvious Treant Token card. Develops the board very early with 2 bodies to benefit from any buffs you play. Good enough to play but boring in effect.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
Of all the treant cards we have, this might be the worse one. At this point we have enough token generation, any more is unecessary, so maybe use this slot for other cards that might better complement the deck. Dendrologist comes to mind, as well as Stalardis
Helps with curve in treant druid and 3/3 for 2 mana isn't shabby.
Another Treant Druid card. 2 mana 3/3 in two small bodies. Buff fodder. Still stronger than Sewer Crawler.
Put your faith in the Light!
In a simple token deck, it is outclassed by Dreamway Guardians. In a pure treant deck, this card will at the very least contest that spot (maybe using both if there is enough space, but between this, Dendrologist, Power of the Wild, Keeper Stalladris and even Wrath, the 2 mana slot is loaded).
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
Basically a good card. All you haters can call me a treehugger but love that for treant druid.
Treant or not, this will see play in any token based druid
Elders Scrolls : Legends / Runeterra
Good for a Token Druid deck. Let's see if Treants decks are good this expansion
Treant support is always appreciated. Not special or anything, but it's probably good enough to see play.
Very solid card, and definitely a great option for Treant Druid. A possibility for token decks too. 3/3 in stats for two mana across two bodies is really decent.
Trees are friends! Druid now has tools to summon treants on curve from mana one to five. If treants don' t become a thing now, they never will (and I'm still pesimistic about that).
Fun and interactive game.
Nice card. As always with this low statted, summon a better card, it of course will further weaken the transform effect of minions from 1 mana to 2 - but it ain't no Doomsayer!
another treant? c'mon. 2 dragon, 1 ramp and rest is all about treant - token - aggro. I don't wanna whine so I'm gonna think what deck might be good against dat :)
Good value and you get a treant. In my opinion it's a nice and balanced card that I would gladly play