New Warrior Minion - Sky Raider
Submitted 5 years, 1 month ago by
A new Common Warrior Minion, Sky Raider, has been revealed!
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A new Common Warrior Minion, Sky Raider, has been revealed!
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Random Pirates aren't bad because most of them are low cost
Not super exciting but at the very least it's playable.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Warrior's version of Pharaoh Cat. If Tempo Warriors works, this'll see play.
A man is lying on the street, some punks chopped off his head
I'm the only one who stops to see if he's dead.
Hmm. Turns out he's dead.
good one drop for pirate warrior
Isn't that a good card for pirate warrior? I know he doesn't get the 1/3 weapon anymore, but he tends to run out of fuel way easily.
I say it's a good card, doubt it will not see a play.
Really nice aggressive card.
Pirate Warrior might not be super powerful in standard, but in Wild this could really propel the archetype back into the meta.
Very powerful card.
A nice cheap pirate that triggers Skybarge AND it gives even more fuel to work with.
random pirate doesnt sound too strong.
Most Pirates have Weapon/Tribal-Synergies anyway, so probably pretty good.
Maybe even good enough for Wild Pirate-Warrior?
ArtStation | Twitter
This seems pretty awesome. Even if Pirate Warrior isn't the way to go, if a non-control Warrior is good this will be in it. In wild this is definitely going to see a lot of play.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
Excellent T1 pirate for the archetype.
Wonder if this brings pirate warrior back in wild, too
Rage quitting: the best way to ensure your opponent knows they beat a giant baby.
Nice card generation, should help pirate decks a bit with more fuel
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Pirate warrior is back!!! Good card as it may give ANY pirate!
I really like all of the 1-drops in this set. They are all either very good value, very good tempo, or a bit of both.
Any 1 drop that adds something to your hand is worth playing. This is no exception.
Babbling Book, Fire Fly, Pharaoh Cat, Shimmerfly, all of these are good cards. This has decent stats for a 1 drop and it also gives you value later in the game.
This card might be the reason pirate decks work.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
can goinfinate with itself i can already see myself hate this card
and now warrior can reach all of the pirates in the game.
Rogue pirates might be more powerful in Warrior, same with vice-versa tho. They are not designed as considering their class cards after all.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Very flexible card. Doesn't even need to be run in an Aggro deck, it's also good value for Galakrond for example.
Turn 1, YAHARR and that other Pirate hand summon card.
This card seems like better than firefly wish it was a rogue card I'm jealous, 5 stars.
For Pharaoh Cat comparison average reborn minion is very expensive while this will give you playable minion on turn 2/3 consistently.
random pirate at low cost sounds nice..but there isn't really any game breaking pirate cards that you can get to turn the table..but for a pirate deck this is pretty good.
It does if you are playing a pirate deck.
Resource generation is nothing to scoff at, especially in an aggressive deck that needs to keep up the momentum. Pairs well with Skybarge, obviously, and could be amusing to pull some Rogue Pirates off this.
Playable, has some synergy with Skybarge, may get some excellent high rolls, but not a particularly exciting card.
Good one drop for Pirate Warrior, in the other decks it will be overshadowed by Eternium Rover and Town Crier until they rotate out. Then maybe...
Wow this expansion.. this card is just good, even if you don't run all pirates it's a decent card in aggro, and you can get a sick opening with it turn 1 3 2/2s and a 1/2 (if you draw 2 "hand patches" and generate 1) .
Strong card, and so Pirate Warrior might be back.
good add, specially when Town Crier rotates out
Even in an Aggro deck this will see play. It's a good 1 drop, not only for Pirates, but in general as well (think Pharaoh Cat). Synergizes well with Pirate support cards like Skybarge. This card is probably the best Pirate in the game right now, I'm calling it, 5 stars.
Very strong, 1 mana 1/2 that replace themselves are generally good; this card will give you another card that generally synergies with your deck already. 5/5
Nice cheap pirate that gives you more nice cheap pirates? Sure, I can see this being run assuming that deck actually takes off. I wonder how Pirate Warrior is doing in Wild? Would they use this?
1 mana 1/2 Draw a card (A Specific type card!) Sounds pretty strong to me
it's playable for me: can give some board presence and give some value. For wild i think it's too slow for Pirate Warior
Yet another spooky card in pirate warrior. Will be interested to see if this is tier 1
I love these cards. I just feel bad when i cant put something on the board in the early game, and these cards can help. An early body and a replace in hand.
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
I already know I'm going to hate this guy... I'm not prepared for the return of pirate warrior T_T
A good 1 drop for pirate warrior or even aggro decks that helps you not run out of cards too early on.
More dragons? Yes please!
Works with the gunship and adds more dudes to your hand for cheap would suck to be pulled with the weapon though but otherwise seems phenomenal
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
Rng is bad on pirates, not alot of good ones. Pretty bad card overall..3/5
One of the best 1 drop cards in pirate decks, very good.
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
Beautiful, cheap pirate generator! In wild though, pirate warrior would need to give up some burst/weapons tools to find space for those new pirate minions, making itself more susceptible to aoe. Maybe it will not see play there, but if pirate warrior can find its place in standard, this will be very important card.
A strong card for Pirate Warrior. Aggressive decks have always problems with card draw/generation, and this cards fills this gap.
Oh wow, very nice card! Similar to pharaorah cat. Will be played for sure
Kind of weird to see Pirate Warrior possibly making a come back for 2020 ...
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Another strong pirate will help us to summon Parachute Brigand! A solid 1 drop will definitely see play in Standard pirate warrior but might even become a part of this archetype in Wild. Didn't expect to see so many pirates this expansion actually)
Since they are pushing pirates so hard it will probably see play, but I dont know if itll be good enough in standard.
Good statline for a 1-cost Pirate and “draws” a card by adding another Pirate to your hand. Helps fill out the early game and make it more aggressive.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
Value card for pirates? Good 1-drop for pirate warrior in standard i assume. Of fodder for the new cannon.
Never has a 1 drop pirate not seen play, and one with these good stats and specific card generation is just insane. you dont even have to run it an all out pirate deck. Any mid range deck will love to have this card as an opener.
If pirate warrior is a competitive deck this card will be a staple in all of them. Could even work out pretty well in wild.
I feel we are going to see a lot of this card in the months to come. As far as I can remember, all "1/1 create something" have seen some kind of play. They were staples even.
Elders Scrolls : Legends / Runeterra
Solid early game minion for pirate warrior, let's see if that archetype takes off.
Excellent card for Pirate Warrior. Gives you a random pirate and it's only 1 mana. You can get Rogue Pirates too!
That's really good. Any deck that isn't control will want this. Also, Skybarge into Sky Raider into Bloodsail Flybooter.
Pirate generator for 1 mana, great. What have we done to deserve this?
Fun and interactive game.
I think cards like this will make warrior good in standard as well
A 1 drop with a useful battlecry is like, unheard of!
good cheap card generator. also can't be removed from the board immediately
A very strong addition to pirate warrior, will very likely see play.